• “大声叹息意味着认为一刻白痴而且不明白自己为什么浪费了这么多时间站在这里来争论无关紧要的事”。

    A "loud sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot at that moment, and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here arguing with you over "Nothing".


  • 这种类型理解测试意义能让找出人们那些内容明白

    The value of this type of comprehension testing is that it enables you to find out what people do not understand.


  • 明白怎么回事,特别关于真正喜欢的这个想法。”哈尔佛香说。

    "You have to know what it is specifically about the idea that you really like," says Hulvershorn.


  • 而且女人第六所以即使明白怎么,她也出一些端倪,然后用一些只有女人消极的,侵略性方式来惩罚

    And women have that sixth sense, so even if she doesn't figure out to what you are up, she will smell the dog on you and punish you in passive aggressive ways that only a woman can.


  • 真的明白那么巨大的身体如何那个罐子里的。怎么做的?

    I really don't understand how your nice and huge body was in that small pot.


  • 网站一个程序,明白为什么需要我们代码?

    Your web application is a different application, and I don't see why you want any of our code.


  • 明白他们怎么怎么这个告诉问题基因测试的。”结果证明值得做的。

    "I couldn't understand how they could do a genetic test that could tell you (that) you have a problem," but it ended up being worth it, he said.


  • 了一会又会这么做,所以前分钟以为明白后一分钟的时候,又觉得他明白

    'But then he'll point to his belly and say baby.So one minute you think he gets it and the other minute you're not sure that he gets it.


  • 过了一会又会这么所以分钟以为明白后一分钟的时候,又觉得明白

    'But then he'll point to his belly and say baby. So one minute you think he gets it and the other minute you're not sure that he gets it.


  • 其实大部分时候真的他们明白一点取得一点成就时,获得幸福感觉比方说变了。

    Which is mostly true, but what they don’t understand is that your brain is hardwired to adjust its feelings of happiness once you’ve reached certain goals, like getting rich.


  • 明白法官或者陪审团很难理解这点的?

    But do you see that this is going to be hard for a judge or a jury to understand?


  • 唯一明白居然到现在都没的存在。

    The only thing that I can't understand is that you haven't been able to "nose" him out yet.


  • 但当明白》(Ballantine图书出版社,1990)时,他发现:一起事情本身就慰藉另外一种关怀,并因此感到释怀。

    So he was relieved to read in my book "You Just Don't Understand" (Ballantine, 1990) that doing things together can be a comfort in itself, another way to show caring.


  • 但当明白》(Ballantine图书出版社, 1990)时,他发现:一起事情本身就慰藉另外一种关怀,并因此感到释怀。

    So he was relieved to read in my bookYou Just Don’t Understand” (Ballantine, 1990) that doing things together can be a comfort in itself, another way to show caring.


  • 其实,不明白男的怎么把这么漂亮的女孩泡到手——拜托,揽她入怀的人要么胖子要么秃子要么就丑八怪或者干脆三者合一

    You are asking how did he get together with that beautiful girl, he isoverweight, bald, ugly or all of the above.


  • 明白为什么再也没有过来,不明白为什么他没有听到说话只有,会很多事情明白的

    I didn't understand why he wasn't waking up or why he didn't hear me talking to him, but at 6 years old, there are lots of things you don't understand.


  • 明白我们什么点头的

    'I'm reluctant to agree without understanding what you are asking us to do.'


  • 另外值得一提的IntelliJScala插件现在几乎可以理解所有式转换了,所以如果明白到底发生什么control +左键单击能带发生调用的地方。

    In addition, the IntelliJ Scala plugin now understands implicits in nearly all cases, so if you're not sure what's happening control+click will take you to what's actually being called.


  • 明白如果当时自行车比赛的行进路线上我们为什么看到骑行在睡觉

    I did not understand how we could not see you if you were along the biking route, either biking or sleeping.


  • 必须在这里因为送给朋友礼物明白吗?

    You have to stay here because you were the gift for my friend. Don't you understand that?


  • 明白怒气从哪里的。

    I don't see where your wrath comes in.


  • 拉:离开为了求救而且我也找到了明白我们唯一的希望

    Nala: I left to find help and I found you. Don't you understand? You're our hope.


  • 如果侮辱语言或者你不明白词汇,结果会如何?

    What if this person is insulting you in a language you don't understand, or is using words you don't know the meaning of?


  • 大多数男人都明白的是如果白天搭理妻子,就别想着晚上搭理

    The big thing most men don't understand: if you hardly acknowledge your wife all day, she's not going to want to get intimate with you at night.


  • 大多数男人都明白的是如果白天搭理妻子,就别想着晚上搭理

    The big thing most men don't understand: if you hardly acknowledge your wife all day, she's not going to want to get intimate with you at night.


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