Upon rereading your notes, you may discover about 90% of your ideas are daft. Don't worry, that's normal.
In other words, while NFC sounds like the future of mobile payments, and probably is the future of mobile payments, don't throw out your credit CARDS just yet.
You can't do anything right now. The doctor says you need to rest for 2 days.
Don't worry about it. It seems to me that you always do better than you say.
Don't worry. We will resolve the problem to your satisfaction.
And even if we finally reach their own ideal, don't worry, will eventually have a people, have you ever walked through the way, to the distance.
Original sound movies, TV shows are easy to find, a start you will feel too fast too don't understand, don't worry, let them ring.
Dad: Don't be upset. I am just afraid of missing the movie. It is your favorite.
Hold your horses. I'll get you there in time. -why, you old fossil! That trolley hasn't been on time in 10 years!
Just let me study a moment-just a moment. Oh, yes-you said you believed the door was open.
Don't worry if the window is electric: experts say power Windows usually keep working under water for some time.
别着急慢慢来,必要的时候可以再读一次,这样你就会很快习惯作者的写作风格的。 。
Take your time, re-read when necessary, and you'll soon grow accustomed to the author's style.
Postal clerk: now hold your horses. First, you have to fill out this customs form. Look it over, fill it in, and sign it on the bottom.
把皮特踢得就是一跟头,对皮特说:“洋鬼子, 春日的燕京城049,别着急,下一个就是你。”
"Kick skin especially is a , say especially to the skin:"The foreign devil don't become nervous, next is you.
Easy does it! You can't do anything right now. The doctor says you need to rest for 2 days.
John:Take it easy! buddy. learning English calls for time. you've already did a very good job.
Don't worry. I am your best friend and I'll lend you my watch. Hope that will bring you good luck.
Carol: Oh, it's that dog. Don't feed it, he'll just follow you around.
Dear, don't worry, Slowly looking, Cupid know you love me, will guide you found me.
If the person you are talking to doesn"t appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear."
If the person you are talking to doesn"t appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear."