• 毕竟不会指望一个服务员晚餐酒吧服务员为啤酒

    After all, you wouldn't expect a waiter to eat your dinner for you, or a barman to drink your beer for you.


  • 如果我们找到逼迫晚餐证据可能斥责,甚至被解雇

    You could be reprimanded, or even fired if we find evidence that you were pressuring her to go to dinner with you.


  • 自制的什锦杂果100卡路里零食不会让下午觉得饿,也不会妨碍你吃晚餐

    Homemade trail mix or 100-calorie snacks will curb afternoon hunger without dooming your diet.


  • 难以约会对象解释清楚晚餐不想喝酒因为刚刚起床还有天的工作

    It's hard to explain to a date that you don't want to drink at dinner because you've just woken up and have a full workday ahead.


  • 如果任何影响力,或者能够帮助实现竞选承诺,恭维吃晚餐,给很多特殊待遇

    If you're influential and can help her deliver on her campaign promises, she'll compliment you, invite you out to dinner and treat you specially.


  • 烤肉晚餐土豆蔬菜一类的食物

    You'd have a sort of roast dinner with beef and potatoes and vegetables and things like that.


  • 计算器发现40多年来每月两次外出晚餐每次花费40美元,总计50万美元。

    Grab a calculator and you'll discover that, over 40 years going out to dinner twice a month at $40 each time amounts to half a million.


  • 很多喜欢午餐晚餐清淡寿司注意有些寿司影响饮食

    Many people watching their weight prefer light sushi lunches and dinners, but be careful there are some rolls that will influence your diet.


  • 如果受邀别人晚餐带上一些葡萄酒鲜花国家特产礼物。

    If you're invited to someone's home for dinner, bring wine or flowers or a small item from your country.


  • 如果省钱看中的套装,一个月的廉价晚餐也许会买得起。

    If you're saving up for a new outfit you've had your eye on, cheap dinners for a month might let you buy it.


  • 告诉他们晚餐不能蛋黄酱时,他们抱怨说:“总是。”

    "You're always saying No," they complain as I tell them they can't have yet more mayonnaise on their dinner.


  • 希望这个荣幸一起吃晚餐虽然款待可能值得接受

    I beg you would do me the honour to sup with me, though my entertainment may not be worthy your acceptance.


  • 至少邀请晚餐时候不用做饭而发愁了。

    At least when you invite Nicole over for dinner, you don't have to worry about cooking.


  • 即使任何零食还是经常午餐晚餐一点点

    Even when you don't give him any snacks, he often only eats a few bites of his lunch and dinner.


  • 希望这个荣幸一起吃晚餐虽然款待可能值得接受算是这样,也是我精心准备的。

    I beg you would do me the honour to sup with me, though my entertainment may not be worthy your acceptance; such as it is, I heartily offer it.


  • 计划晚餐劲儿地问她所定的时间地点是否合适,于是给她留下这样一个印象:知道如何处理好段关系

    When you plan to take her out to dinner, but keep asking her whether the time and place is okay for her, then you're giving her the impression that you don't know how to handle a relationship.


  • 烛光晚餐她发短信、家务外出时给她留些独处看孩子的时间、表达情感、给她些小惊喜。

    Take her to dinner, give her a massage, do chores around the house for her, give her some time alone and babysit while she goes out, show affection to her, give her little surprises.


  • 如果觉得第二计划忙碌,最好午餐然后晚上尽可能提早量少的晚餐

    If you know that you have a busy day planned the following day, have your big meal at lunchtime and a lighter meal as early as possible in the evening.


  • 两个小时之后看见在外吃晚餐

    Two hours later he is seen dining out.


  • 有份晚餐敬拜神因为需要自己省察,然后饼、喝这杯。 ” 《哥林多前书》 11:28

    When you participate in the Lord's Supper, you worship God because it requires you to “examine your motives, test your heart, come to this meal in holy awe” (1 Corinthians 11:28 MSG).


  • 可以参加慢跑朋友一起吃晚餐喜欢的电视节目,不过忘了早饭

    Whether it's going for a jog, meeting up with friends for dinner, or just watching your favorite TV show, don't forget to take a break.


  • 会发现一个简单替换就可以减少多少卡路里,比如以脱脂牛奶替换全脂牛奶,低碳饮料苏打水替代速溶咖啡,晚餐蔬菜替代零食新鲜水果不是

    Have an extra serving of vegetables at dinner instead of an extra serving of meat. Or snack on sliced fresh fruit instead of chips.


  • 感恩节晚餐后,产生的昏昏欲睡的感觉由于火鸡氨基酸色氨酸

    That sleepy feeling you get after eating Thanksgiving dinner is due to the amino acid tryptophan found in Turkey.


  • 感恩节晚餐后,产生昏昏欲睡感觉由于火鸡氨基酸色氨酸

    That sleepy feeling you get after eating Thanksgiving dinner is due to the amino acid tryptophan found in Turkey.


  • 多么希望再次坐在对面一面吃晚餐,一面聆听讲述分享利润辛计划呀。

    How I look forward to sitting across from you at supper again, listening to you describe your new profit-sharing plan.


  • 很多是从吃晚餐开始,但是接着无法控制了。另外没有办公室女人出去吗?

    Most starts with dinner, but then it gets out of hand. Besides, haven't you asked out every woman in the entire office?


  • 汤姆亲爱的今晚晚餐不会迟到的,是吗?务必不要迟到!

    Tom, darling. You'll try not to be late for dinner tonight, won't you? Please!


  • 晚餐少一点,身体就能消化任务中解脱出来,专注于细胞修复激活

    This nightly fast allows your body to take it's focus away from digestion and put it towards repair and rejuvenation of the body's cells.


  • 如果户外午餐晚餐要记住一个影子位置因为直射的阳光会食物其它物品上打下黑影

    If you are having your lunch or dinner outside, remember to find a place with shadow since direct sunlight casts shadows on food and other items.


  • 如果户外午餐晚餐要记住一个影子位置因为直射的阳光会食物其它物品上打下黑影

    If you are having your lunch or dinner outside, remember to find a place with shadow since direct sunlight casts shadows on food and other items.


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