• 如果放弃一切回答一定为什么因为就是我的一切不会放弃

    If you will asked me to give up everything my answer is no. Why? Because you're my everything and I can't give you up.


  • 知道意思就是那种少有一切正常毫无波澜的日子

    You know what I mean, one of those rare days when everything is right and nothing is wrong.


  • 总在指出如果业务依赖网络那么网站就是一切

    I'm forever pointing out that if your business relies on an online presence, then your website is everything.


  • 他们之间一切商谈好了,达西先生下一个步骤就是这件事告诉舅父,于是回家的前一天晚上,到天恩寺街来进行第一次访问。

    Every thing being settled between them, Mr. Darcy's next step was to make your uncle acquainted with it, and he first called in Gracechurch-street the evening before I came home.


  • 就是自己说,知道吗,自己感到骄傲:,可以摒弃一切形式主观真的可以做到客观

    That is to say, you're asking yourself, "Well, sure." You know what? I pride myself on this: I can factor out all forms of subjectivity. I really can be objective.


  • 归回,听从耶和华的话,遵行一切命,就是今日所吩咐的。

    You will again obey the LORD and follow all his commands I am giving you today.


  • 就是这样突然之间明白了:一切是因为上帝一直基督里,不是因为自己什么,是因为祂已经成就了什么。——这将彻底地、不由分说改变态度

    Then suddenly you realize because God has been in Christ, not because of anything I do, but because what he's done; that radically has to change your attitude.


  • 感觉一切了,或许没有变,或许一开始就是这样不是

    Feel everything has changed, perhaps not changed, perhaps the beginning is the case, I am not your who.


  • 听从耶和华神的话,不谨守遵行一切诫命律例就是今日所吩咐的,以下咒诅都必追随临到身上

    However, if you do not obey the LORD your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come upon you and overtake you.


  • 子子孙孙一生敬畏耶和华,谨一切律例诫命就是吩咐的,使的日子得以长久

    So that you, your children and their children after them may fear the LORD your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life.


  • 给予最好方式就是一起充分享受的一切

    One of the best ways for me to give you love is by fully enjoying myself with you.


  • 时间就是这样的,即使自己当初那么信誓旦旦不会忘记之间曾经发生过一切最后还是违背誓言

    Time is like this, even if you own the original is so categorically say that I will never forget have occurred between us all, finally you still violated the oath.


  • 幸福时刻就是纵容习惯爱着一切

    I am the most happy moment, is to look for the right person, You indulge my habits, and love everything to me!


  • 一直没有珍惜过直到一切无可挽回,才突然发现需要最适合就是当初错过的一个

    I have not cherish you, until everything is irreversible, I suddenly found that I most needed and most for me is when I missed that one.


  • 爱情简单就是就行了,其他一切努力

    I want love is very simple, was you good has been good to me, other all came by me diligently.


  • 驱除思想中的一切虚伪,因为知道就是真理心中燃起理智之火。

    I shall ever try to keep all untruths out from my thoughts, knowing that thou art that truth which has kindled the light of reason in my mind.


  • 在施乐最常说的话就是保证每件事都客户关联如果忘记客户,那么其他一切都不重要了。

    My mantra around Xerox is to ensure that the connected to everything we do. If you forget the customer, nothing else matters.


  • 但是今天,当这儿知道拥有一直以来需要所有一切就是家人

    But now I'm standing here today, knowing that I have everything I'm ever gonna need... You are my family.


  • 以前经常会问到这个课程什么用”,是个好问题但是希望理解:“教育的真谛就是忘记一切所学到的东西之后剩下的东西。”

    You often question "what good is this course". I encourage you to be inquisitive, but I also want to tell you :"education is what you have left after all that is taught is forgotten".


  • 其实最大梦想终究没有不会梦想追寻就是追逐梦想!胜过一切

    In fact, my biggest dream, after all, you, without you I would not have dreams, pursue you, is chasing a dream! I love you more than anything else!


  • 教会意义。爱就是心中的重量量——就是一切

    You have taught me the true meaning of love. Love is, what you mean to me - and you mean everything.


  • 就是太阳,太阳不会因为乌云遮挡而失去光芒相信冲破一切困难走出困境,走出疾病困扰永远支持

    You are the sun, the sun don't lose shine by clouds obscured, and I believe you will overcome all difficulties, out of the woods, out of diseases troubles, and we will always support you.


  • 其实最大梦想终究没有不会梦想追寻就是追逐梦想!胜过一切

    In fact, my biggest dream, after all, you, without you I would not have dreams, pursue you, is chasing a dream! I love more than all in the world!


  • 就是每一见面之后,印象使余下日子里愚笨头脑里可能想到一切称呼呼唤

    That's it; each time we met, the following days has found that I was recalling your name in my stupid mind. Like what I'm thinking at this moment ― Love.


  • 明白需要发泄一下总得个人来向他诉说一切这个就是永远的。

    I also understand that you need to vent things out a little bit and there should always be someone there that you can tell everything to... THIS IS me forever yours.


  • 明白需要发泄一下总得个人来向他诉说一切这个就是永远的。

    I also understand that you need to vent things out a little bit and there should always be someone there that you can tell everything to... THIS IS me forever yours.


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