• 今天属于明天远去,让伤心

    Today you are mine, but tomorrow you will leave me and my heart knows that it will be hurt.


  • 属于整个巴黎也都属于属于这本笔记枝铅笔

    You belong to me and all Paris belongs to me and I belong to this notebook and this pencil.


  • 可以属于过去。以前的什么都可以告诉但是以后一个字也不会了。

    No, you may not ask. You belong to the past. I'll tell you everything up to this moment-not a word beyond.


  • 趁热打铁2008年推出备受赞誉的专辑无惧的爱》,首热门单曲故事》,《属于白马奠定了作为娴熟创作型歌手的地位。

    She followed that up in 2008 with Fearless, a critically acclaimed album that established her as a skilled songwriter with several hits, including Love Story, You Belong with me and White Horse.


  • 令人兴奋如果认为什么知道需要学习了,那么不再属于

    It's very exciting, but if you think you know everything you don't need to learn, you don't belong to us. I always need to learn.


  • 母亲,依旧如此的睿智,让下来然后说道:“一下儿子应该还记得洗衣机开始就不是属于的。”

    His mother, wise as she was, sat him down and said, "Wait a minute, Son." You must remember, that machine never belonged to us in the first place.


  • 独一无二的个体适用不一定适合属于自己快乐生活

    We are all unique individuals. What may work for me may not work for you. We all have our path for living happily.


  • 亲爱的想到属于的,禁不住喜极而泣,但时常惶恐,不知自己是否配得上

    My dear one, then, I have wept for joy to think that you are mine, and often wonder if I deserve you.


  • 什么都没有意义了,因为已经不再属于了。

    Says is of no meaning, because you have no longer belongs to me.


  • 她们:“,长只眼睛也没有普通人好。”属于

    They said to her, "thou, with thy two eyes, art no better than the common people; thou dost not belong to us!"


  • 属于我爱人,”回答说,“莫再流连走吧。”

    My heart is my love's, 'he answered,' therefore tarry not, but get thee gone. '.


  • 独一无二的个体,适用于的不一定适合属于自己快乐生活的路。 。

    We are all unique individuals. What may work for me may not work for you. We all have our pathfor living happily.


  • 喜欢身上留下属于印记不曾记起从未属于情人就要到了,在身上属于印章好吗?

    Like to leave your mark on me, but never remember you never belong to me, Valentine's Day is coming, in my body under the cover of your seal?


  • 本来拥有属于浪漫时光永远的,可是无法理解永远也无法体会

    I want to and you have a romantic time belongs to us, I will always love you, but you don't understand how much I loved you! Never realize!


  • 想得太多了,都想不清了,”直截了当地,“伊芙丁小姐生活不再属于而是属于。”

    'I feel-almost too much to think,' he said simply. 'My life does not belong to me any more, Miss Everdene, but to you.


  • 喜欢身上留下属于印记不曾记起从未属于

    I love to leave my mark on you, but I don't remember you never belong to me.


  • 青春属于永远属于的永远,注定了它只是人生当中的一段记忆

    Youth, it does not belong to you forever, also don't belong to me forever, it is doomed to be just a memory in our life.


  • 成为生活一起塑造属于世界直至一切变得呼吸一样自然

    You have become my love, my life, and together we have shaped our world until ie seems now as natural as breathing.


  • 弗:早上邦德先生是艾里奥特卡弗。认为属于的东西。

    Elliot Carver:Good Morning, Mr. Bond. Elliot Carver. I believe you have two things that belong to me!


  • 也许需要一些时间勉强等到梦想成真那天内心还是非常坚定希望有那么一天幸福属于的那天。

    Maybe need some time, I don't want to force you wait until the day my dream come true, but heart still very firm wish someday, happiness belong to our day.


  • 什么都没有意义因为已经不再属于了。

    It doesn't make sense to say anything, because you don't belong to me anymore.


  • 其实一直身边守候靠在肩上诉说不会有那么一天,温柔属于我不会难过,让的泪再

    In fact, I have been waiting for you, waiting for you on my shoulder to tell, will not have a day, you are my gentle, I will not let you sad, let your tears flow again.


  • 其实一直身边守候靠在肩上诉说不会有那么一天,温柔属于我不会难过,让的泪再

    In fact, I have been waiting for you, waiting for you on my shoulder to tell, will not have a day, you are my gentle, I will not let you sad, let your tears flow again!


  • 知道上帝,却远立在一边——不知道属于我的,就走近

    I know thee as my God and stand apart — I do not know thee as my own and come closer.


  • 后来梦醒了,故事结束意识到了梦见将来属于,而属于

    There my dream ended, and my story as well, for it has been revealed to me that it is your future I dreamed of, not mine.


  • 如果能够逃离这儿去创造一个属于自己的世界将会最爱的女孩

    If I could escape and recreate a place that's my own world, and I could be your favorite girl forever.


  • 如果能够逃离这儿去创造一个属于自己的世界将会最爱的女孩

    If I could escape and recreate a place that's my own world, and I could be your favorite girl forever.


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