• 令人兴奋如果认为什么知道需要学习了,那么不再属于我们

    It's very exciting, but if you think you know everything you don't need to learn, you don't belong to us. I always need to learn.


  • 母亲,依旧如此的睿智,让下来然后说道:“一下,我的儿子应该还记得洗衣机开始就不是属于我们的。”

    His mother, wise as she was, sat him down and said, "Wait a minute, Son." You must remember, that machine never belonged to us in the first place.


  • 我们独一无二的个体适用不一定适合我们属于自己快乐生活

    We are all unique individuals. What may work for me may not work for you. We all have our path for living happily.


  • 也许需要一些时间勉强等到梦想成真那天内心还是非常坚定希望有那么一天幸福属于我们的那天。

    Maybe need some time, I don't want to force you wait until the day my dream come true, but heart still very firm wish someday, happiness belong to our day.


  • 她们:“,长只眼睛也没有普通人好。”属于我们

    They said to her, "thou, with thy two eyes, art no better than the common people; thou dost not belong to us!"


  • 我们独一无二的个体,适用于的不一定适合我们属于自己快乐生活的路。 。

    We are all unique individuals. What may work for me may not work for you. We all have our pathfor living happily.


  • 成为,我的生活一起塑造属于我们世界直至一切变得呼吸一样自然

    You have become my love, my life, and together we have shaped our world until ie seems now as natural as breathing.


  • 青春属于永远属于的永远,注定了它只是我们人生当中的一段记忆

    Youth, it does not belong to you forever, also don't belong to me forever, it is doomed to be just a memory in our life.


  • 本来拥有属于我们浪漫时光,我永远的,可是无法理解我我有永远也无法体会

    I want to and you have a romantic time belongs to us, I will always love you, but you don't understand how much I loved you! Never realize!


  • 如果能够逃离这儿去创造一个属于我们自己的世界,我将会最爱的女孩

    If I could escape and recreate a place that's my own world, and I could be your favorite girl forever.


  • 然而最美束花属于我们仍将回到春天去。

    However, the most beautiful flowers that do not belong to us, you will go back in the spring.


  • 知道我们幽会才是真正的属于的,仅仅只属于我一个的。

    I know that in our tryst when you are truly belongs to me, just only to me one.


  • 相信如果我们能够抓住机遇直面挑战、相互合作、相互竞争21世纪成功属于属于,也属于

    I believe, if we can seize the opportunities, face the challenges, cooperate and compete, success in the 21st century belongs to him, to you and to me.


  • 方1994年92来函收到我们高兴告诉商品属于公司的经营范围。

    Your letter of September 2, 1994 has been received. We are glad to inform you that the articles required by you fall within the scope of our business activities.


  • 如果有一世界消散了走遍我们去过角落曾经属于我们记忆吗?

    If one day I from your world, you will be gone through the corner, we went to pick up that once belonged to our memory?


  • 猜想可能写信属于我们两个的,我发送给其他人不想其他人分享可能是有时不得不承认是在吃醋

    I guess may be you think what I write to you belong us I have sent to other people, and you don't want to share with other people, but may be you need to admit you are jealousness.


  • 母亲,依旧如此的睿智,让下来然后说道:“一下,我的儿子应该还记得洗衣机开始就不是属于我们的。”

    His mother, wise as she was, sat him down and said, "Wait a minute, Son. You must remember, that machine never belonged to us in the first place."


  • 出来的”,困难下雨般不停地迎面而来也要撑着雨伞寻找属于阳光因为属于我们人生考题。

    "Road is walked by people." When difficulties pour over you like rain drops, you need to look for sunshine with your umbrella in hand, because it is a test in your life.


  • 属于我们两人一种神秘美丽的约束只想告诉,我十分珍惜这种牵连

    It is a mysterious but beautiful tie, As for us two, I only want to tell you, that's what I cherish.


  • 一起年了,我们假期应该属于我们两个的!

    John, I was talking to the travel agent about where we might be taking our vacation this year.


  • 还记得09年家里那段时光我们每天都会出去仿佛我们回到了那段属于我们日子

    Remember the 2009 you to my home that time every day, we go out to play, as if we all returned to that only belong to our day.


  • 人生长很长,一起走吧。搭建一个属于我们本身的天空。

    Let me accompany you for there is a long way to go in life. I am willing to create a space only belonging to both of us.


  • 如同次去Des实验室的问题一样:“喜欢我是密斯实验室,这个属于我们快乐大家庭么?”

    Just like what Des once asked me, "Tuo, do you like the Smith Lab, our Big Happy Family here?"


  • 如果仔细看看这场比赛,会发现我们创造了如此多的机会胜利本身就应该属于我们的。”补充道

    'If we want to analyse the game we see how many chances we created so I think we deserved to win,' he added.


  • 无论到哪里,无涯的,还是遥远地平线都会陪身边,直到到达那颗属于我们星球

    Wherever you go, I'll be at your side no ocean too wide no horizon too far. We'll conquer a star.


  • 成为,我的生活一起塑造属于我们世界直至一切变得呼吸一样自然

    You have become my love , my life , and together we have shaped our world until it seems now as natural as breathing .


  • 对于我们把握不住不必感慨失去了便失去了,保证本该就是属于的呢

    For we cannot grasp the person or thing also need not too regrets, lost lost, who can guarantee that should be yours.


  • 对于我们把握不住不必感慨失去了便失去了,保证本该就是属于的呢

    For we cannot grasp the person or thing also need not too regrets, lost lost, who can guarantee that should be yours.


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