When a Korean woman who lives in the United States arrived at work one morning, her boss asked her, "Did you get a plate?"
You get what you need, head to the front, and choose the line that looks fastest.
The minute you have the cookie it starts to crumble or you start to worry about it crumbling or about someone trying to take it away from you.
We'll have them worked out by this evening and let you have them tomorrow morning.
Daniel: Did you get any pizza? When I got there, only small one was left. What a pity!
And thou shalt bring it to thy father, that he may eat, and that he may bless thee before his death.
You are given a map so that you can see where your villa is in relation to the swimming pool.
"So, have you got it?" Harry asked her, partly to remind her that he was there.
After your degree and your first job, your business education will be continuous and will never stop.
As a buyer, what did you do with that salesperson to convince yourself you were getting the best deal?
If you're laughing and you have a genuine smile, there's nobad photo you can take.
Either way, once you get the number and she leaves, you're going to have to phone game her the SAME way.
We'llhave them worked out by this evening and let you have them tomorrow morning. Would you be free to come by then?
What does this mean for you? If you're got a job or assignment, don't procrastinate.
When your color is strong enough to use it in your tagline, you know you've got it made in the shade.
When looking for venture investment, will have to risk investment risks, you get more likely.
Rubber lives a short life. Next time when you get a piece of new rubber, take good care of it, will you?
If you do get the pink slip, start your job search at once and spend some time every day looking for new work.
Look carefully at the ingredient list to make sure you're getting pure fruit juice — unhealthy drinks will contain 10% or less of pure juice.
As a famous saying goes, in business, you don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate.
Mickey: Hi, Kobe, Congratulations. This is your 4th NBAchamiponship title, what is the difference with the previous three?
When you get this letter, you will know, this is a dying woman, who is telling you all about her life.
Next time you are offered fake accessories, beware: wearing them can make you feel like a bad person, not a better one.
When visiting the doctor, picking up a prescription at the pharmacy, or going to the hospital for a procedure, be sure to bring along all the medicines that you take.
We recognize this is a finite resource, and it's simply crazy to do this, to put a liter and a half of petrol in the trash every time you get a package.
In reality, however, something else may have influenced your choice-the product you picked was centrally located on the store shelves.
But even if you received a small bonus check, you can set yourself up for a more substantial bonus when company financials are better.
But even if you received a small bonus check, you can set yourself up for a more substantial bonus when company financials are better.