You are everything to me and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me.
You are everything to me and I was so blessed when god send you here for me.
When I think of our love it reminds me of all the things you are to me.
You are everything to me , and i was so blessed when god sent you here for me .
You are everything to me, you are my sun moon stars you are my flower, quietly blooming in my eyes.
You mean everything to me, and I promise I am going to do whatever I have to make sure nothing like this happens again, you, me, and the baby will be safe.
You're always on my mind, all day just all the time You're everything to me, brightest star to let me see You touch me in my dreams;
You are the Brother amongst my brothers, but I heed them not. I divide not my earnings with them, thus sharing my all with you.
The love was so deep that I gave you my all from my body to my soul.
In this, you are a microcosm of me-the Divine All, the Holy Everything the Sum and the Substance.
如果真的要怪,只能怪SOE(索尼在线,一个游戏开发商)创造了一个如此好的藏匿之地。 说到底一切都是我自己的错,SOE只是做了一个游戏给大众娱乐,而决定你娱乐多久的,是你自己。
As far as I am concerned, the only thing Sony Online Entertainment is guilty of is creating a damn good hiding place.
What you get, at least from me, when you grow up singing in church, you learn how to get all the emotion you can out of what you're singing about.
Linton is all I have to love in the world, and though you have done what you could to make him hateful to me, and me to him, you cannot make us hate each other.
In your unfailing love, silence my enemies; destroy all my foes, for I am your servant.
I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself, and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.
Here in Emancipation hall, the great clean lines of these columns and the openness of the hall — to see the statues that have been chosen to be placed here, is really remarkable to me.
What I like is when the plane's coming down, you can actually get the messages coming in and you can answer them while you're taxiing in, and then you're done.
I can guarantee that a big smile and a simple "my name's blank, what's yours" will be all you'll need to get the ball rolling.
But I think what you learnt is after you start, you go well, there is certain kind of capital that makes it worth doing.
"What I learned was the orientation of doing all you can to help make your customers successful," McGovern says.
And of thy mercy cut off mine enemies, and destroy all them that afflict my soul: for I am thy servant.
Then say to the LORD your God: "I have removed from my house the sacred portion and have given it to the Levite, the alien, the fatherless and the widow, according to all you commanded.
I think you could see what it meant to us all, and the supporters, at the end there. It was a joy to be a part of that.
It is a dream place that isn’t quite real when you are there and becomes beckoningly real after you have gone, ” he remarked.
He says, ''Ma'am, I'm blind but if you drop it on the counter I can tell you everything you need to know about it from the sound that it makes.''
I want to know what sustains12 you from the inside when all else falls away13. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company14 you keep in the empty moments.
I want to know what sustains12 you from the inside when all else falls away13. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company14 you keep in the empty moments.