• 知道聪明朋友并且真的喜欢

    But I don't know, you're really smart about things, and you've been a good friend to me, and I really like you.


  • 乌鸦信誓旦旦:“放心了,朋友怎么会出卖呢?”

    "The Crow vowed, said:" rest assured, you are my good friend, how could I betray you?


  • 六一童心测试1呀找呀找朋友找到一个朋友,敬个礼呀握手,的好朋友

    The six one child big test: 1 looking for friends, find a good friend, salute to shake hands, you are my good friend;


  • 发现管用假想与别人的关系当成和一个朋友在一起,然后再抱着这样的心态和他接触,就不会紧张了。

    The best way to do this that I have found so far is to assume rapport. This means that you simply pretend that you are meeting one of your best friends.


  • 虽然朋友,可是我无法我的恩惠当成理所当然。

    Though I do treat you as my good friend, I can barely take your favor as granted.


  • 这样一个异样天开的人,有没有那种可能性——他童年好朋友

    I thought, You’re hearing things, you’re such a dreamer, what is the likelihoodyour boyhood friend?


  • 有一朋友今日很多的那种可爱活泼金发女郎

    One of my best friends is a petite peppy blonde you’ve seen lots of times on the Today show.


  • 朋友用的时候过钱给

    You’re a good friend and you’ve loaned me money when I needed it.


  • 愿意朋友不过觉得成熟丈夫

    I will not! You are a good friend, but I think you would be an immature husband.


  • 已经有过一次当做诱饵,因为你是朋友妹妹

    He's already used you as bait once, and that was just because you're my best friend's sister.


  • 尽管朋友不能祝贺婚姻

    But as I am apparently your best friend, I cannot congratulate you on your choice of companion.


  • 朋友用的时候钱给

    You're a good friend and you've loaned me money when I needed it.


  • 告诉这些因为咱俩朋友中杯真的那些懂得价值概念失败者准备的。

    And you know... I'm only telling you this because we're such good friends: Medium is really only for suckers who don't know the concept of value.


  • 找到完美女孩。她妈妈不错的,妈妈不但批准,而且成了朋友

    Yes, I found the perfect girl. Yes she was just like my mom. Yes, you were right, not only did my mom approve, but they became good friends.


  • 感谢很多保证,朋友人们羡慕们所需要真诚沟通作为朋友

    Thanks a lots I assure you that we will be best of friends that people will envy you and I, all we need to do is to be sincere in our communication as good friends... OK.


  • 个人认为朋友不会每天在泪水入眠的。

    Personally, when I'm picking friends, I like the ones who don't make me cry myself to sleep.


  • 真的带家人去滑雪吗?的,意思时间关心相处,可能朋友配偶伙伴孩子

    Do I mean that literally? Not quite. But here's what I do mean: you need to spend time with people you care about, which could be your close friends, spouse, partner, or kids.


  • 这个人对他的朋友说:“莉,多年来一直朋友最近感到非常高兴希望能够坦率告诉,到底哪些事儿这么不高兴。”

    Sally, we've been good friends for a long time. But lately I get the idea you are very much upset with me. I wish you'd let your hair down and tell me what's wrong to make you feel this way.


  • 希望一切烦恼抛后天天开开心永远支持永远朋友

    Hoping your trouble to get through of your mind. Just happy everyday. I will always be with you. I am your best friend forever.


  • 觉得帮助的好朋友不管你是父母或者老师

    I think you are my friends who help me. No matter you are my parents or teacher.


  • 不管以前现在以后永远朋友人可以替代好朋友不管他(她)还他(她)们。

    It doesn't matter whether it was in the old days or is in the future, you will always be the best friend of mine, a friend that no one else in the world can replace, no matter it's "he" or "she".


  • 游戏玩家朋友愉快的事,游戏玩家乐于助人,为他人着想。一句话,游戏玩家你是难得朋友

    Ialso want to say that it's happy to be a friend of you, you always ready to help others, and think first of someone else. in a word, you are a dear good friend.


  • 一声问候代表心意永远心灵深处的朋友

    Greet them on behalf of my mind, you will always be a good friend of my soul!


  • 把这个讯息传递给的、不想2008年失去还有如果能得到三个回复,说明你是朋友

    Send to all the people you love and don't want to lose in 2008, even me. If you get 3 back, you are a great friend.


  • 把这个讯息传递给的、不想2008年失去还有如果能得到三个回复,说明你是朋友

    Send to all the people you love and don't want to lose in 2008, even me. If you get 3 back, you are a great friend.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定