• 可以让你的一个家庭成员看着,并在每次查看手机时提醒

    You can ask one of your family members to watch you and remind you every time you check your phone.


  • 遇到一些个人困难,把自己想象成一个聪明的家庭成员

    If you're facing a personal difficulty, imagine yourself as a wise family member.


  • 一个朋友同事家庭成员配偶有所期望时,他们没有达到期望的,很难过,失望

    When you expect something of a friend, co-worker, family member, spouse, and they don't live up to that expectation, then you are upset with them, or disappointed.


  • 花了多少时间寻找合适礼物然后因为一个家庭成员没有注意举动而感到很受伤

    How many hours have you spent looking for just the right gift and then had your feelings been hurt because a family member did not notice your gesture?


  • 还有没法创建限制接入的帐户,允许一名助手家庭成员只能使用MobileMe网上日程表

    Also, there's no way to create limited access to allow an assistant or family member to use just your MobileMe online calendar.


  • 如果觉得自己或者你的朋友或者家庭成员可能患有adhd,那么首先就是进行一个合适的诊断

    If you think that you may have A.D.H.D., or that a friend or family member may, the first thing to do is get a proper diagnosis.


  • 可以一些玻璃塑料球(每个家庭成员使用即可),再找记号笔把每个人的名字球的正面背面写上年份,然后再画一个简笔树或雪花就完成了。

    Find some glass or plastic balls (enough for everyone in your family). Using a metallic marker write your name across the front and the year on the back.


  • 相反地那些东西放在信得过朋友一位家庭成员那里,这样的话,他们可以这些文件传真给,给所在地方的国大使馆或是一家信用过和银行……到那时,才真正不用因为你的法式薄饼钱而在那家餐馆端盘子了。

    Instead, leave all of that with a trusted friend or family member at home so it can be faxed to you, an embassy or a reputable bank... then you really won't have to bus tables to pay for your crepes.


  • 开始,必须使用非常简单FLASH工具创建一个初始族谱——包括血亲姻亲堂表亲戚以及他们的家庭成员

    The initial product is a very easy to use Flash tool to create a profile and a family tree - including siblings, spouses, Cousins, aunts and uncles, and their families.


  • 如果父母生了一个小孩独生女核心家庭成员就是妈妈爸爸

    The core family members are mother, father, and you if your parents only have one child or you are the only child.


  • 积极倾听一个方面要求澄清如果理解对方家庭成员

    Another aspect of active listening is seeking clarification if you do not understand the other family member.


  • 又或者联系一下多年过话的家庭成员——因为这些司空见惯的家庭矛盾可是会让一个记仇的付出惨重代价的

    Reach out to that family member you haven't spoken to in years - because those all-too-common family feuds take a terrible toll on the people who hold the grudges.


  • 作为家庭成员或者朋友来说,当尽量满足自己需要满足病人的需要之间寻求一个平衡点的时候,很明显时间来说也是一点艰难时期。

    Obviously, this is also a difficult time for you, the family member or friend, as you try to maintain a balance between fulfilling your own needs and those of the person who is sick.


  • 选择同学家庭成员认识朋友甚至结交朋友,小学关键线人成为人类学家

    Choose a classmate, family member, someone you know, friend, or even make a new friend, to be your primary or "key" informant, and become an anthropologist!


  • 如果麻烦银行贷款可以接受的,成立贷款协议类型之间一个朋友家庭成员

    If you are having trouble with bank loans, it may be acceptable to set up a loan type agreement between a friend or family member.


  • 如果物理空间没有发生变化或者可能集中一个多个家庭成员可能父母可能需要帮助。

    If your physical space is not undergoing change, alternatively you may be focused on one or more family member, possibly a parent, who may need help.


  • 朋友家庭成员知道一个感恩因为总是时间表达感恩

    Your friends and family members know that you are a grateful person because you always take the time to express your thanks.


  • 同事配偶家庭成员其他了解管理一个繁忙时间表你的影响因此能够免受打搅

    Let your colleagues, spouse, family members, and others know about your effects to manage a busy schedule, and thus you can be free from interruption.


  • 如果家庭成员执意来看话,要通知留学基金会地区代表,确保交流期间最后一个来访

    If a member of your family insists on coming to see you, notify your SPONSOR are coordinator and make sure that the visit occurs at he end of the program year.


  • 如果家庭成员执意来看话,要通知usa3H合作的基金会地区代表,确保交流期间最后一个来访

    If a member of your family insists on coming to see you, notify your USA 3h-fund are coordinator and make sure that the visit occurs at he end of the program year.


  • 如果不是父母其他家庭成员引起你的注意也许关注一个非常复杂房屋问题

    If it is not your parents or other family member that have your attention, it may be that you are concerned about a housing situation that is quite complex.


  • 如果心爱的家庭成员姐妹一个十几岁孩子不用担心礼金无人情味-感激

    If you have a beloved family member, such as a sister or a teen child, you need not worry that a cash gift is too impersonal - it will be appreciated!


  • 如果看到一些警告信号一个朋友,家庭成员同事可以合理地怀疑家庭虐待

    If you witness a number of warning signs in a friend, family member, or co-worker, you can reasonably suspect domestic abuse.


  • 特,如果埃及只有信任应该一个一个所求的家庭成员

    Thut, if there is only one person you can trust in Egypt, it should be someone from your family who has nothing to ask from you.


  • 特,如果埃及只有信任应该一个一个所求的家庭成员

    Thut, if there is only one person you can trust in Egypt, it should be someone from your family who has nothing to ask from you.


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