• 整个夏天在勤奋作画

    Peggy paints industriously all through the summer.


  • 以前极其富有,一个错误的看法。

    It is a misconception that Peggy was fabulously wealthy.


  • 蒂特击球伤了

    Pettitte hurt an elbow tendon while batting.


  • 未指名地谴责美国官员掩盖事实

    Perot accused unnamed U.S. officials of covering up the facts.


  • 华沙布拉格布达旅馆已经爆满

    The hotels of Warsaw, Prague and Budapest were bursting at the seams.


  • 60年代歌星图拉·克拉克复出了。

    Sixties singing star Petula Clark is making a comeback.


  • 查克允许尔曼开始公开谈论经受伤害

    Chuck gave Pellman the go-ahead to speak publicly about the injury he sustained.


  • 互相道了别。

    Perry and I exchanged goodbyes.


  • 那种情况下,斯利计划看起来非常合适

    In the circumstances, Paisley's plans looked highly appropriate.


  • 先生一个角落里,笔记本放在膝盖上。

    Mr. Pell huddled in a corner with his notebook on his knees.


  • 轻松进入那次锦标赛四分之一决赛

    Lopez breezed into the quarter-finals of the tournament.


  • 弓箭长矛武士入侵了他们村庄

    Warriors armed with bows and arrows and spears have invaded their villages.


  • 头号对手朱·德·丽塔没有

    Neither he nor his archrival, Giuseppe De Rita, won.


  • 克拉伦斯·芝加哥论坛报》专栏记者

    Clarence Page is a columnist for the Chicago Tribune.


  • ·格·沃德豪斯书信选集卖了2000美元

    A selection of correspondence from P.G. Wodehouse realized 2,000 dollars.


  • 民主党共和党在讨好以前罗斯·支持者

    Both Democratic and Republican parties are courting former supporters of Ross Perot.


  • 布达办事处计划聘用自由职业记者报道最近发生的事件。

    The Budapest office plans to hire freelance reporters to cover the latest happenings.


  • 如果49先生公司被收购以后即被解雇的话,有望获得1百万美元的丰厚离职金。

    And if Mr. Pell, 49, is axed following a takeover, he would be in line to collect a golden handshake of $1 million.


  • 帕在德国的一家超市工作。

    Pepper works in a supermarkert in Germany.


  • 发现大卫独自罗内。

    One day, I found David alone with Perronet in his arms.


  • 妮在学校里走来走去:学校后面有门。

    Penny walks around the school: there were doors at the back.


  • 珀是一个人形的机器人。

    Pepper is a robot that looks like a human.


  • 玻是个像人类一样的机器人。

    Pepper is a human-like robot.


  • 帕可以当保姆、护士,也可以当急救医疗工作者。

    Pepper can be a babysitter (保姆), nurse and emergency (急救) medical worker.


  • 珀自言自语着,把餐巾纸放在了该放的地方。

    Pepper said to itself, laying the napkin where it was required to be.


  • 拉太太以为她肯定知道顿会选谁。

    Mrs. Tara thought for sure that she knew who Peyton would pick.


  • 据文章内容,游客不能在奇主题公园骑马。

    According to the passage, visitors cannot have a horse ride in the Peppa theme parks.


  • 小猪奇》告诉孩子们爱、友谊和家庭的价值。

    Peppa Pig tells kids about love, friendship and the value of family.


  • 篇文章主要讲述《小猪奇》受欢迎的程度。

    The passage is mainly about how popular Peppa Pig is.


  • 京和上海的小猪奇主题公园将赶在猪年开放。

    The Peppa Pig theme parks in Beijing and Shanghai will be open just in time for the Year of the Pig.


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