• 生产过剩加上销售下降使这家公司遭受巨大损失

    Overproduction, coupled with falling sales, has led to huge losses for the company.


  • 现实中监管成本——以及因此而产生的遵从性——不均衡地下降使一些公司在经济上处于不利地位,另一些公司则受益。

    In reality, regulatory costsand therefore compliancefall unevenly, economically disadvantaging some companies and benefiting others.


  • 这样做目的延长产品寿命使销售额利润不会下降

    The goal is to extend product life so that sales and profits do not decline.


  • 随着时间的推移,这种方法已经使吸烟人数有所下降——20世纪70年代以来,吸烟人数几乎减少了一半

    This approach has led over time to a fall in smoking with numbers having roughly halved since the 1970s.


  • 不是散步慢跑使体重下降

    It isn't the walking and jogging that got his weight down.


  • 他们力求使失业人数下降50%。

    They are aiming to reduce unemployment by 50%.


  • 这个城市机场能见度下降到了使航空运输陷入停顿状态。

    Visibility at the city's airport came down to zero, bringing air traffic to a standstill.


  • 下降海平面使白令海底的大陆架露了出来。

    Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea.


  • 坚挺的美元使销售量下降

    The stronger U.S. dollar depressed sales.


  • 新西兰这种植物传播地很快,它将沼泽地边缘变成了广阔的盐土草地并且使利用片沼泽(生存)的鸟类动物数量种类下降

    In New Zealand the plant has spread rapidly, changing mudflats with marshy fringes to extensive salt meadows and reducing the number and kinds of birds and animals that use the marsh.


  • 最近模型贡献在于显示厄尔尼诺现象使海平面上升的同时,也西方发出了海平面下降信号

    The contribution of the recent model is to show that the winds of an El Nino, which raise sea level in the cast, simultaneously send a signal to the west lowering sea level.


  • 据世界自然基金会表示,全球的黑犀牛数量已下降至5500头,使犀牛处于“极度濒危”状态。

    According to the World Wildlife Fund, the global black rhino population has dropped as low as 5500, giving the rhinos a "critically endangered" status.


  • 种影响对其他地区更大,尤其是撒哈拉以南的非洲国家,包括苏丹、布基纳法索和尼日尔,气候变化使这些国家的平均收入下降了20%以上。

    The influence is greater elsewhere, especially in sub-Saharan African countries including Sudan, Burkina Faso and Niger, where climate change has driven the average income more than 20% lower.


  • 运行路径一点(10米处,人墙的位置)球速度下降使空气在球体表面形成较稳定的层流

    Some way into its path - perhaps around the 10 m mark (or at about the position of the wall of defenders) - the ball's velocity dropped such that it entered the laminar flow regime.


  • 但是如果只是小雨,那么就会大量蔬菜供应市场使价格明显下降

    But if it's a light rain, a significant supply of vegetables will flood the market, and the price drops significantly.


  • 供应更加丰富可靠基础广泛健康竞争正在使价格下降有时幅度很大

    Supplies are more abundant and reliable, and healthy, broad-based competition is bringing prices down, sometimes substantially.


  • 与此同时美国英国西班牙爱尔兰房价下降使消费者雪上加霜

    At the same time, of course, falling house prices in America, Britain, Spain and Ireland threaten to make consumers feel the pinch.


  • 意大利证交所合并交易推涨了伦敦证交所的总收入,尽管由于上市公司减少使收入下降了6%。

    Incorporating the Italian exchange's business boosted the LSE's overall revenue; without it revenue fell by 6% as fewer companies listed.


  • 家庭稳定性下降使困难时期亲戚借款的行为减少商业信贷取代家庭信用

    The decline in family stability has reduced the access to credit from relatives during bad times. Commercial credit has substituted for the family credit that was formerly available.


  • 欧洲央行最初干预使意大利债券收益大幅下降后,鲁斯科尼就试图收回紧缩承诺

    As Italian bond yields fell sharply at the news of the ECB's first intervention, Mr Berlusconi tried to backtrack on his commitments to intensify austerity.


  • 指出2002拙劣a等级考纲导致考分飚升时,慌乱考试委员会调整了划分标准使考分下降

    He points to 2002, when the cack-handed introduction of a new A-level curriculum led to soaring grades. Exam boards panicked, and shunted grade boundaries to drag them back down.


  • 讽刺的是结婚率下降使再婚率上升了。

    The decline in marriage rates, ironically, makes it more possible to remarry after divorce.


  • 百货公司集团诺德斯特龙的报告指出,因为降价使利润下降,其第四季度的纯利润下降了百分之六十八。

    Nordstrom, a department-store group, reported a 68% fall in fourth-quarter net profit, thanks to a decline in margins prompted by price cuts.


  • 500年前构造作用造成地面抬升海平面下降使里海被陆地包围。

    Tectonic forces uplifting the land and a drop in sea level left the Caspian landlocked more than 5 million years ago.


  • Nabi说:“从整体上来说,年来增长已经使贫困下降6个7个8个百分点。”

    "Across the board, poverty has come down by six, seven, eight percentage points, as a result of this decade long growth rate," Nabi says.


  • 过去35年来结婚率下降使单亲家庭的数量增长了倍。

    A drop in the marriage rate has resulted in a doubling of single-parent households over the past three and a half decades.


  • 曾经是一个极端乐观主义者,但是生命足够的打击,使这种乐观情绪下降些许

    At one time I was an extreme optimist, but Life has battered me down enough times to temper this optimism down a bit.


  • 即便这些国家成功地使工资下降(这种事情正在所有欧元危机国家发生),他们还会遇到另一个问题收入下降债务没有下降

    Even when countries successfully drive down wages, which is now happening in all the euro-crisis countries, they run into another problem: incomes are falling, but debt is not.


  • 而且气温上升极端天气事件的影响,许多东亚国家粮食产量预计会出现下降使更多面临风险。

    And with crop yields in many East Asian countries projected to decline, due partly to rising temperatures and partly to extreme weather events, even more people are at risk.


  • 而且气温上升极端天气事件的影响,许多东亚国家粮食产量预计会出现下降使更多面临风险。

    And with crop yields in many East Asian countries projected to decline, due partly to rising temperatures and partly to extreme weather events, even more people are at risk.


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