He stopped to try to adjust his vision to the faint starlight.
Halfway down the slope, Oduor stopped at a community project designed to help end the sewerage problem – a public toilet.
He made the interviewer laugh so much that she had to stop and regain her composure several times.
Recording the current time, location, and activity next to each note can help you recall its significance, allowing you to pick up right where you left off.
Although seemingly at odds with the tranquillity of the surroundings, snowmobiles make a visit deep into the valley's heart possible, with stop-offs at some of the cabins en route.
Building the common method takes some design time, and certainly doing so makes you pause and think instead of instinctively using the copy-and-paste shortcut key combinations.
However, many obstacles get in our way each day and slow us down or stop us from having what we want in our lives.
I've tried to stop and it's something that bothers me because when I'm signing auto graphs , the girls are like, 'You bite your nails!
A zebra crossing is a path across a road, marked with crossings so that drivers know that they have to stop their vehicles there to let people cross.
In order for a car to stop without killing the engine, the wheels need to be disconnected from the engine somehow.
He was about to crush the plant with his heel, when a new thought made him stop.
Method is to do gymnastics depresses the brake pedal, and then the clutch pedal, making the car a smooth stop.
The young swimmer got so tired that she wanted to stop but she was carried along by the cheers of her supporters.
The young swimmer got so tired that she wanted to stop; but she was carried along by the cheers of her supporters.
It had become such a part of the abductee's personality that not making the symbol took enormous work to stop.
He smiles at the thought and stops the car only when Sancho needs to urinate.
The busyness of life can drift you away and gives you no chance to think about what really matters to you.
Because thunderstorms were attributed to the work of demons, the bells would be rung in an attempt to stop the storm.
The resistance here is to try and stop something in motion and change it's direction or stop it's motion altogether.
Rushing from one activity to another leaves you with no time to slow down, observe and let things happen.
She just needs to get her protest on the record but does not want you to actually stop under this' technical rejection '.
Rational planning and pursue to perfection, let us constantly rest footstep to accurately weigh the important humanity task loaded by the architecture.
"Unfortunately, the Hems were the anchors that slowed us down, " Michael answered. "They were either too comfortable or too afraid to change.
Ulysses, before entering the courtyard of the palace, stood and surveyed the scene. Its splendor astonished him.
Meekness is past, that continuance romantic life ink will stop, more meditation, more thoughts repeatedly, and even more confusion, make oneself have to adjust life thoughts and direction.
I stopped, for, I tell you, I was out of breath, and to my wonder, not a man of them moved, but all sat staring at me like as many sheep.
He did look very green, and when the cart stopped at last beside a small door in the passage wall, Hagrid got out and had to lean against the wall to stop his knees from trembling.
Take care, and remember to stop and smell the roses and make good memories with your family.
Take care, and remember to stop and smell the roses and make good memories with your family.