To be or cause to become interested, pleasurably excited, or stimulated.
The flight in and out of relationships soon looses its thrill, and the love addict is left with pain and loss. Some love addicts may be hooked on fantasy lovers.
Each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, each absorbs New York with the fresh eyes of an adventurer, each generates heat and light to dwarf the Consolidated Edison Company.
While it is true that you may be among friends in a village, it is also true that you are cut off from the exciting and important events that take place in cities.
"I'm going to leave it to those who are in mathematics to work out the ways to make their subject interesting and exciting so students want to take it," Hacker says.
For a less exciting but less stressful shopping experience, online retailers are also getting in on the act with January sales of their own.
When I am sad and upset, they cheer me up; when I feel happy and excited, they share my feelings.
There's a reason bars always play this song: it gets people excited and dancing, and we all know the words about that girl from South Detroit.
Then there's the tendency among some to collapse into a temporary state of paralysis whenever they become excited.
The intrigue and excitement about watching a weekly sitcom or hour-long drama makes it seem as if the week passes more quickly.
Connie: I'm excited about this story. I'd like to do a series of reports on education and jobs.
There's no equivocation with red. It has energy and excitement, actually raising the blood pressure and making the heart beat faster.
当人们的工作使他们兴奋,他们就会生龙活虎起来。 他们的走路的方式,说话的方式,工作的方式都会大不一样。
When people's work excite them, they come alive; they walk differently, they talk differently, they work differently.
The thing that initially excited me was: "Ah-ha! A falsehood!"
Red and orange, with warm feeling, possess the actions of making people excited and joyful. The colors are applicable to depression, depressive psychosis, lethargy, dementia, etc.
This technique not only creates a clean document but it will thrill your translation team!
To keep your customers and clients, you’ll need to delight and thrill them with how great you are.
I knew none of this—if indeed I know any of it now and am not just making patterns in the air, but as I thought back then on what had excited me, the excitement came back.
Everything that makes man work and get excited utilizes hope. The sole thought that is not mendacious is therefore a sterile thought.
The yellow emits happiness and helps people feel excited and joyful while making their purchases.
The more I came to understand this, the further I felt I was drifting from the roots of what had excited me initially about game development.
To keep your customers and clients, you'll need to delight and thrill them with how great you are.
Researchers have engineered a benign virus that, when injected into the brain, makes the ion channels—the switches that turn cells on and off—responsive to light.
And from that point on I realized there's a brand of arty guys that like nerdy girls, and this still makes me happy some 15 years later.
Whenever we smile, nerves and muscles may transmit messages that turn on happiness centers in the brain, Laird speculates.
Noticing your inner thoughts and feelings, what pulls on your heart strings or gets your mind jazzed are good places to start.
Experts believe that alcohol stimulates the striatum, an area of the brain that plays an important role in attraction.