• 世界希望现代能源使范围扩大十亿左右没有能源的同时减少使地球变暖燃料

    World looks to expand modern energy access to the billion or so people without it, while also cutting back on fuels that warm the planet.


  • 19世纪奴隶贩子使人口锐减,1877年,奴隶人口减少到111

    In the nineteenth century slave traders decimated the population, which shrivelled to 111 people by 1877.


  • 一现象产生是因为这些气体使地球及其大气层散入太空的红外线辐射减少了。

    And it does that because of the way that gases reduce the emissions of infrared radiation to space by the Earth and its atmosphere.


  • 使可以调试规则文件,将调试时间数小时减少几分钟

    It also allows you to debug your rules file, potentially reducing debugging time from hours to minutes.


  • 分布范围减少领地,孤立生存基因上使总数更为降低。

    Today, their range has been reduced to small patches, isolating many of the animals in genetically impoverished groups of dozens of cats or fewer.


  • 稳定经济增长使地区27个国家贫困人口比重1998年的20%减少2003年12%。

    Steady economic growth helped reduce the percentage of poor people living in the region's 27 countries from 20 percent in 1998 to 12 percent in 2003.


  • 最重要是,世行及其伙伴通过债务减免方案使加纳外债存量64亿美元减少15亿美元。

    On top of that the Bank and other partners have agreed to debt relief which has reduced Ghana’s external debt stock from $6.4 billion to $1.5 billion.


  • 减少项目时间增加应用程序复杂性使更多的项目团队成员投入测试工作,而他们中的很多成员缺乏测试经验。

    Decreases in project timelines and increases in application complexity have drawn more project team members into the testing effort, many of whom lack testing experience.


  • 目标减少编程工作使开发人员能够快速开发消息结构另一个消息结构的转换

    The goal is to reduce programming effort and enable developers to rapidly develop transformations from one message structure to another.


  • 遏制结核伙伴关系确定了项额外影响目标2015年使患病率死亡率与1990年水平相比减少一半。

    The Stop TB Partnership has set two additional impact targets, which are to halve prevalence and death rates by 2015 compared with their level in 1990.


  • 高度自动化转换使IT节省成本高效的方式移植EGL大大减少风险缩短移植过程

    Highly automated conversion utilities enable it to migrate to EGL in a cost-effective, efficient manner, which greatly reduces risk and shortens the migration process.


  • 经济合作与发展组织(OECD)引证发现空气污染使该国产出一年减少了3%7%,主要是因为呼吸性疾病使工人们家中

    The OECD cites a finding that air pollution alone reduces the country's output by between 3% and 7% a year, mainly because of respiratory ailments that keep workers at home.


  • 为了使损失减少最少,泰勒先生卖了磨坊他乳白色的家具

    To minimize the damage, Mr. Taylor sold his mill and his milky furniture.


  • 目的是2015年使结核患病率死亡人数与1990年的水平相比减少一半。

    It aims to halve TB prevalence and deaths compared with 1990 levels by 2015.


  • 可以减少青蒿素为基础联合疗法的过度开方防范使耐药性扩大这些药物。

    Using these tests cuts down the over-prescribing of ACTs and guards against resistance.


  • 中国主要依靠自己努力30年时间使绝对贫困人口2.5亿减少1500万。

    Relying mainly on our own efforts, China has reduced the population living in absolute poverty from 250 million to 15 million in less than 30 years.


  • 1990年1994年西太区作为根除脊髓灰质炎行动领导人使区域报告脊灰病例从5,963例减少700例。

    As head of polio eradication initiatives in the Western Pacific from 1990 to 1994, he oversaw a reduction in reported polio cases from 5963 to 700 in the Region.


  • 除非人类终于意识人口减少这样程度:使地球能为所有人提供足够的饮食,否则人们不得不接受更多的“人造食品”。

    Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population to the points where the planet can provide a comfortable support for all, people will have to accept more "unnatural food." (1991:74)


  • Xen使PV方法(小节介绍过)得以流行,PV方法通过使客户操作系统驱动程序意识正在虚拟化减少性能降低幅度。

    Xen popularized the PV approach (discussed in the previous section), which reduced the degradation of performance by making the guest operating system driver aware that it was being virtualized.


  • 没有使游戏减少重复所有方法,但是我希望我提的内容能开阔眼界使你认识作为行业门艺术我们面临问题严肃性

    I haven't talked about all of the issues on how to make games less repetitive, but hopefully I've opened your eyes up to the seriousness of the problem we're facing as an industry and an art.


  • 他们计算建筑其他结构由于自重压力可能引起沉降采取措施使减少到最小。

    They evaluate and work to minimize the potential settlement of buildings and other structures that stems from the pressure of their weight on the earth.


  • 使损失减少最低限度,我们货物包装足以承受长途海运

    To minimize any possible damage, we've packed our goods in the way to suit for long sea-voyage.


  • 为此回顾运动员营养免疫功能影响以便更好地通过饮食调节使免疫功能的下降减少最低程度

    This paper reviews the effect of nutrition of athletes on their immunological function, so as to reduce the descend of immunological function to the lowest degree through regulation of diet.


  • 根据山海区的实际情况航海人员通常做法,结合不同类型台风路径提出不同的避风方案使台风对洋山深水港区船舶的影响减少最小。

    According to the actual circumstance of Yangshang Deeper-water harbor area and usual action of navigator, the different plan of avoidance Typhoon are given to reduce the affection of the Typhoon.


  • 通过减少劳动相关税收能源效率资助使新的税收收入全部循环企业中

    All new revenues are recycled back to businesses through reductions in Labour related taxes and energy efficiency grants.


  • 如果决定编辑策略必须确保不要给予应用程序的权限减少使这些应用程序无法正常工作的程度

    If you decide to edit policy, you must make sure that you do not decrease permission to applications to the point that they will not function properly.


  • 减少废料充分利用宽度, 采用高精密伺服电机驱动系统控制, 使片间距和圆片边的距离减少到最小, 从而减小废料

    SCRAP REDUCTION :To use the whole width of the coil, reducing to the minimum the distances between disc to disc to the strip edges, with a consequment, reduction of the scrap quantity.


  • 减少废料充分利用宽度, 采用高精密伺服电机驱动系统控制, 使片间距和圆片边的距离减少到最小, 从而减小废料

    SCRAP REDUCTION :To use the whole width of the coil, reducing to the minimum the distances between disc to disc to the strip edges, with a consequment, reduction of the scrap quantity.


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