• 干净空气吸引人的公园以及没有任何工业使成为人们寻找安静生活理想场所

    Its clean air, attractive parks, and the absence of any industry, make this an ideal spot for people looking for a quiet life.


  • 试图使他们安静下来,遭到他们大呼小叫嘲弄

    He tried to calm them, but was greeted with shouts of derision.


  • 导演需要不受一些念头影响,比如想赶紧镜头一个细节转到另一个细节以免使观众觉得无聊,或者认为取景只是为了戏剧效果,抑或是因为担心安静而要添加音乐

    Filmmakers need to resist the impulse to move the camera quickly from detail to detail for fear of boring the viewer, to frame the image for the sake of drama alone, to add music for fear of silence.


  • 响应鸟儿叫声回响着响亮强烈的田的哀鸣,是一种使鸟儿安静下来的哀鸣。

    There is a cry in answer to the pewits, echoing louder and stronger the lamentation of the lapwings, a wail which hushes the birds.


  • 阅读一种安静活动特别是阅读工作文件或者阅读的内容很枯燥时,仰卧姿势容易使入睡

    Reading is a quiet activity and it will often induce sleep in the supine position. Especially if it's a dreary textbook or work paper.


  • 使感到不幸福的有:我的亲密家人朋友远离我、没有足够安静时间工作、没有足够的时间进行锻炼

    The factors that are pulling me away are: my close friends and family are far away, not enough quiet time for work, not enough time for exercise.


  • 基德处决了自己枪手,威廉·莫尔使这位桀骜不驯的手下永远地安静了。

    Kidd killed his own gunner, William Moore. The act held quiet what had been a mutinous crew.


  • 电脑使互惠赢利状态转变使交易大厅变得更安静(一切皆由电子化完成),却把竞争精神激发到了一个几年无法想象程度

    Computers and the switch from mutual to for-profit status have left the floors quieter (it is all done electronically), but stirred competitive spirits to an extent unimaginable only a few years ago.


  • 高压的生活,使眉头紧锁,我的思维飘忽不同地方最小的两个孩子(1个3,1个20个月)安静的坐在座位上。

    Stress levels high, my face wore a permanent frown, my mind was in a million different places, and my two youngest kids (3 year old, and 20 months) were quiet in their car seats.


  • 每当发出“”声使安静下来(“搜索目标时一定保持安静——避免发现他们被人找到”),都会马上一声,这是告诉自己留着神呢

    And when he shushed her (" Always be silent when searching out your target - lest they find you before you find them "), she would shush him right back, which told him she was paying attention.


  • 然后利用一些特殊颜色光线使特定细胞回路活跃起来或者保持安静,借此他们可以发现这些细胞和回路大范围的神经系统中所扮演角色

    They can then use specific colors of light to activate or silence particular cells and circuits, which in turns reveals the role that those cells and circuits play in the broader nervous system.


  • 孩子们拥挤留在车里试图使人们相信我什么都愿意干什么都愿意学时,他们努力保持安静

    The kids stayed, crammed into the car and tried to be quiet while I tried to convince whomever would listen that I was willing to learn or do anything.


  • 可以对付焦虑失眠降低血压使痴呆患者安静并且有助于早产婴儿和提前出院

    It can treat anxiety and insomnia, lower blood pressure, soothe patients with dementia, and help premature babies to gain weight and leave the hospital sooner.


  • 研究绑架后,士兵为了使传教士安静下来,掉了舌头随后又不无欢乐传教士扭曲肢体悬挂示众。

    When the team is kidnapped, the soldiers cut out the tongue of a local missionary as a way of silencing his prayers, and afterwards hold up the twitching bloody lump in glee.


  • 因此心灵安静一个首要的先决条件就是使空间整洁自己去除杂乱

    So a prerequisite for inner peace is to get your space clutter free and tidy. Do whatever you need to do to get rid of the clutter.


  • 调整瑜伽练习,增加更多使安静体式可以放松呼吸系统。

    Modifying your yoga practice with calming poses can help you breathe more easily.


  • 我们安静,神使我们根神经紧张起来叫我们那里去寻求安息

    We pray for quietness, and every nerve is strung to the utmost tension, so that looking to Him we may learn that when He giveth quietness, no one can make trouble.


  • 如果男孩安静睡觉看到忙碌蜜蜂使蜂蜜好在明亮阳光下跳舞

    If my boy sleep quietly, he will see the busy bee, when it has made its honey fine, dancing in the bright sunshine.


  • 耶和华使以色列人安静,不与四围的一切仇敌争战,已经多日。约书亚年纪老迈

    After a long time had passed and the LORD had given Israel rest from all their enemies around them, Joshua, by then old and well advanced in years.


  • 既然动物天性使动物恶劣气候中保持少动安静,那么动物也可能进入冬眠状态

    Since the nature of many animals is to be still and quiet during bad weather, the animals could have gone into something like a hibernating condition.


  • 想要安静坐着静默下来,不仅仅群山使寂静还有自己的急切带有的寂静

    What he wanted was to sit quiet, to be silent, made silent not only by the hills but also by the quietness of his own urgency.


  • 观景平台宽大安静栖息建筑怀抱中,使足不出户即可坐享八面来风陶醉画境

    Viewing platform, large, quiet, habitat in the embrace of the building, people can stay at home enjoying the Winds, revel in painting throughout.


  • 建筑边缘包括连续的嵌入式木质座位,它们有不同结构使来访者找到喜欢地方坐在群人当中或者单独安静的地方。

    Building edges include continuous built-in timber seats of various configurations, enabling visitors to find a place of preference, to sit in large groups or find a quiet place alone.


  • 药物使摩菲安静三十分钟

    The drug put murphy in a lull for thirty minutes .


  • 看来没什么大问题多半是因为消化不良一点镇静剂使安静

    It's nothing serious. The pain is probably due to indigestion. I'll give him a sedative to quiet him down.


  • 说得非常快语气非常威严,竟使所有人都安静了下来。

    He speaks quickly, the tone of his voice so commanding that it silences everyone.


  • 女儿住院在女儿服药后和她说话使安静下来

    He stayed with his daughter as she went into hospital and talked her down after she took medicine.


  • 安静能更新我们使我们放松,令我们思考我们生活

    Silence renews us, it relaxes us, and it allows us to reflect on how we are living.


  • 安静能更新我们使我们放松,令我们思考我们生活

    Silence renews us, it relaxes us, and it allows us to reflect on how we are living.


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