It won over Coke executives in Atlanta and would go on to receive its own trademark, spur collections and earn Coca-Cola an iconic image that made it part of American culture for a century.
When a module that you are testing calls another module, you should select both modules to be part of the test.
Create a blog as a part of a project or just to stay in touch with friends and family in an easy way.
It called for research policy to be made an integral part of the effort to strengthen national health systems.
The measures will be part of a programme to satisfy the European Central Bank that Italy is controlling its debts.
Reference qualifiers can specify asynchronous invocation reliability, and whether a target component's methods should be federated as part of any client transaction.
As part of a postwar drive to make Japan a 'leading cultural country', the film industry began to see itself as a cultural ambassador.
By shrinking the supply of shares in the market, the buy-back splurge played its own part in prolonging the bull market.
A good website will be reflective of the business so that it becomes an effective part of their overall marketing and corporate identity.
It made us as much a part of nature as hummingbirds and bumblebees (or humble-bees, as Darwin called them); we, too, acquired a family tree with a host of remarkable and distinguished ancestors.
This command starts the daemon process on n2 and becomes part of the ring.
As part of that project, the Cedar Rapids, Iowa-based transportation company trained some of its IT staffers to become Cisco Certified Voice Professionals, says Steve Hannah, vice president of IT.
This article discusses what you need to know to make your Web site part of the Semantic Web.
In other words, they make it part of our innate character; they are training us how to be.
This not only enhances their academic firepower but also makes their alumni part of a global network.
And, above all, make a sincere effort to expand your testing skills as part of your professional development.
One is the increase in overall liquidity as new countries and regions become integrated into the global financial system.
It is widely acknowledged that computer and other machines have become an indispensable part of our society, which make our life and work more comfortable and less laborious.
It is not in our best interest to not tolerate opposition, because this would make it impossible for us to be part of the modern world.
For example, try generating and viewing coverage reports nightly, as part of a continuous integration process.
If we prepare them correctly, they realize that they will form part of a larger team.
There have been some successes in building countermeasures into operating systems, though they're not widely deployed at this time.
To make working out a part of your lifestyle, you may need to occasionally come up with new and fun ways to exercise.
安装通过“默默地”使DB 2成为SAP安装过程的一部分——您可以在V8.2.2中隐藏DB 2安装的所有细节,在需要时,仅仅向终端用户呈现状态条。
Installation by "silently" making DB2 a part of the SAP installation process — you can hide all the details of a DB2 installation in V8.2.2 and just present a status bar for end users if you want.
We must make the on-demand, personalized tech applications that are part of students' daily lives a more strategic part of their academic lives.
Learn correct patterns for memory use, be sensitive to the errors likely to occur, and make the techniques described in this article part of your daily routine.
Data mining enables experts, analysts and users to gain insight into patterns in large data collections and to incorporate them in every day business processes.
To enable your patterns to appear as part of the Table of Contents in the online Help window, you must link to the anchor that the patterns Help provides.
To enable your patterns to appear as part of the Table of Contents in the online Help window, you must link to the anchor that the patterns Help provides.