• 一些支行甚至陈列数百万美元,一捆捆钞票齐头高,以此使担忧客户放心。

    Some branches are even displaying millions of dollars-in bundles of notes piled head high-to reassure worried customers.


  • 经济低潮期调查的结果使分析家担忧会有一个再度衰退。

    Dismal economic findings have analysts fearing a double dip.


  • 到了1965年,干旱形势变得令人担忧时,政府带头使小麦革命向前推进。

    By 1965, when the drought situation turned alarming, the Government took the lead and allowed wheat revolution to move forward.


  • 这个愿望传达梅格,眉毛抬老高,令人担忧使她不敢轻举妄动

    She telegraphed the wish to Meg, but his eyebrows went up so alarmingly that she dared not stir.


  • 生活越来越平衡感觉也越来越坏因为你过多的抱怨担忧使问题恶化

    As your life gets further out of balance, you feel worse, causing you to exacerbate the problem by worrying and complaining more.


  • 来说,担忧恐慌应对机制需要尝试使一切保持控制范围内。

    For me, worrying and fear are both coping mechanisms that I use to try and stay in control of my own situation.


  • 尽管存在着担忧,但此计划目标人们在伦敦提供一种绿色健康出行方式使人们免于挤地铁塞车带来的痛苦

    Despite the worries, the goal is to provide a green and healthy way of getting around london-an alternative to the all too frequent misery of the tube and traffic jams.


  • 德国公司水平储蓄使德国经常项目出现可观盈余掩盖欧元区内暗流般蔓延的担忧

    The high level of saving by German firms contributes to this handsome surplus and masks a worrying fault line running through the euro area.


  • 一种常听到的说法隐隐使担忧——聪明人一生富士山只有傻瓜才会登次,但是我们对此好奇。

    There was also something faintly worrying in the oft-quoted saying - a wise man climbs Mount Fuji once in his life; only a fool climbs it twice. But we were curious.


  • 传染病使担忧尤其是具有大流行潜力疾病

    Infectious diseases worry me, especially new diseases with pandemic potential.


  • 件坏事,55%得糟糕,”回答到。他答案精准性使惊讶担忧

    "No it's not, it's 55% negative," he replies, surprising and worrying me with the precision of the answer.


  • 心脏病癌症糖尿病精神障碍慢性病使人们担忧长期医疗卫生系统预算造成负担

    Chronic diseases, like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and mental disorders, raise concerns about the burden of long-term care on health systems and budgets.


  • 可能感觉轻松点,使面部颈部肩部肌肉更加放松,缓解许多内在压力和紧张,并且担忧想法中解脱出来。

    The chances are you will feel a little lighter, have more relaxed face, neck and shoulder muscles, let go of some inner stress and tension and disconnected from any worrying thoughts.


  • 未来短缺担忧已经使稀土价格暴涨

    Fears of future shortages have sent prices soaring.


  • 计划阻止了通缩担忧同时,也使股市价格层楼。

    As well as heading off deflationary fears the programme has given a further lift to share prices.


  • 尽管人类法律上它们已被视为濒危物种并且那小小的海湾旁有一个发电站高耸500英尺长的巨大烟囱使海湾处在阴影,但它们未来还是毫不担忧

    They don't worry about their future, even though they're legally a threatened species and their little estuary is literally in the shadow of the massive 500-ft. stacks of a power plant.


  • 格内尔也是攻击催生的工业形式表示担忧专家之一,这种形式使美国面临受攻击的高度危险。

    Mr. Langner is among the experts who expressed fear that the attack had legitimized a new form of industrial warfare, one to which the United States is also highly vulnerable.


  • 不列颠正经历着道德危机自我认同危机,7月7日的伦敦爆炸案使人们多元文化的模式缺乏信心移民问题现在成为了担忧的一个来源

    Britain is in a crisis of morality, and of identity. It is unsure, in the wake of 7/7, of its multicultural model; immigration is now a source of concern.


  • 股市动荡使迪尔这些担忧西方可能出现的经济减缓印度带来多大冲击

    The stock market's volatility has triggered concerns among people like Dhir about how hard India will be hit by a potential slowdown in the West.


  • 研究者担忧这种逐渐兴起、将普通悲伤情绪当作疾病治疗的趋势,会加速我们生物有机体的运行使瓦解。他们认为,悲伤具有进化论意义的。

    They fear that the increasing tendency to treat normal sadness as if it were a disease is playing fast and loose with a crucial part of our biology.


  • 中国对力拓调查工作本周一之前一直秘密进行,此案使在华经营的外国企业感到担忧

    The case, conducted in secret until Monday, has worried foreign businesses operating in China.


  • 7月中旬起,关于风险性负债担忧已经影响到标准普尔指数下跌6%,使标准普尔自今年上涨成果损失消失2/3。

    Since mid-July, worries about risky debt have helped drive the S&P 500 down by 6%, wiping out about two-thirds of this year's gains.


  • 贩毒者maras日益亲近的关系使人甚为担忧

    The blossoming links between the drug traffickers and the maras are a big worry.


  • 曾经人们很担忧由于手机听筒接近耳朵使大脑长期暴露电磁辐射之下,可能引发癌症

    There have been fears that cancer could be triggered by the brain's exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted from mobile handsets held to the ear.


  • 这项保险措施旨在缓解公众银行损失程度担忧,并使债券市场复苏(银行贷款打包债券这类市场上出售)。

    The insurance would be aimed at easing worries about the extent of banks' losses and at reviving the market for securities into which banks repackage the loans.


  • 过去已经显示各种怪诞行为这些已经使家人我的医生感到担忧有时厌恶

    For the past two years, I have displayed a variety of bizarre new behaviors which have upset, and sometimes revolted, my family and my treatment providers.


  • 过去已经显示各种怪诞行为这些已经使家人我的医生感到担忧有时厌恶

    For the past two years, I have displayed a variety of bizarre new behaviors which have upset, and sometimes revolted, my family and my treatment providers.


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