Our wildlife trips offer a thrilling encounter with wildlife in its natural state.
Those sounds thrilled Heidi's heart and filled it with happiness and joy.
These alone provided us with enough of a thrill, and we wanted nothing more.
The new school year has started–maybe you’re thrilled; more likely, though, all those lazy days of summer vacation have left you feeling like you’re not in the mood for staying in a classroom all day.
It could be that you wanted to talk about a certain incident that happened in your life, you want to talk about an experience that left you feeling excited, shocked, mortified.
当被问及这些技术对跨国交流的作用时,Thambiratnam说:“跨语音交流是计算技术的宏伟愿景之一,我们的这些技术是实现它的第一步,最使我激动的是人们通过我们的技术能够明白对方在说什么(get it)”
“This is a first step at realizing one of those grand challenges of computing,” he says. “The thing that excites me about this is that people just ‘get it.’
Her feelings were so much excited on the occasion, that she found it indispensable to afford them this relief, even without having the comfort of any audience or sympathy whatever.
I knew none of this—if indeed I know any of it now and am not just making patterns in the air, but as I thought back then on what had excited me, the excitement came back.
So what actually turns up on the Fat Duck \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 's menu to make it such an exciting place to eat?
Everything that happened at the office contributed to her nervous frenzy.
He had a ready faculty, indeed, of escaping from any topic that agitated his too sensitive and nervous temperament.
That proposal, unexpectedly, roused Linton from his lethargy, and threw him into a strange state of agitation.
A few drivers suffer "Road Rage" and put themselves, loved ones and others in a threatening situation.
I find exciting the prospect of using exotic stars as dark matter detectors.
The deafening din of the huge, emotional throng made the march one of the most incredible events I had ever participated in.
Many of the small details that improve a program's interface are not exciting or satisfying to work on.
We're really thrilled to have received it, and we're very thankful to all of you out there for continuing to let us play in our corner of the sandbox, "he said."
We're really thrilled to have received it, and we're very thankful to all of you out there for continuing to let us play in our corner of the sandbox, '' he said.
Take it from someone who has backpacked the length and breadth of Africa: it's big, slow, exciting and infuriating in equal measure.
But even the free publicity couldn't turn that sensational project into an inspiring motion picture.
This memory is so thrilling to me that it reads to me like myth sometimes.
Altair 8800的消息使保罗·艾伦和比尔·盖茨激动不已,他们给第一台微机编写适用于8800的Basic语言,并在几个月内,俩人接着又在一起创办微软公司。
News of the Altair 8800 excited Paul Allen and Bill Gates, who wrote the first microcomputer Basic for the 8800 and, within months, went on to found Microsoft together.
Grandpa Hodge once again interrupted him, "So let's use the third sieve. Can you tell me if the news that is exciting you is very important?"
该dojox . mobile项目是令人激动的,它使您可以更好地调整用户体验,假如客户端连接到网站的话。
The dojox.mobile project is exciting because it enables you to better tailor the user experience, given the client connecting to the site.
该dojox . mobile项目是令人激动的,它使您可以更好地调整用户体验,假如客户端连接到网站的话。
The dojox.mobile project is exciting because it enables you to better tailor the user experience, given the client connecting to the site.