Provides several verbosity levels for a better user experience.
There are good reasons to believe that usability and Agile development methods can work together and improve user experience quality.
To construct a quality user experience, development teams need interaction design and usability methods.
For user experience practitioners who support Agile teams, the main change is in mindset.
Also, the unexpected user experience results from manipulating users' visual perceptions, expectations and imagination inspires re-perception and new understanding.
This, of course, contradicts all experience of the last 30 years, in which user experience's importance in system development has steadily increased as we moved from mainframes to PCs to the Web.
Having good, general user experience knowledge will help you understand how to change traditional design and evaluation methods to meet your Agile team's different focus.
You might want to disable client scripting for security purposes, or to ensure that all users of a page will have a similar user experience, even if they use different browsers.
We're eager to discover the aesthetics and every little details around us. By sharing this particular warm-hearted feeling we expect to bring the customers a different experience of quality life.
Finally, we know from our research that many companies have made things work swimmingly — once they adapted the Agile methodology to suit quality-focused system development.
Setting this property on individual control styles and not as part of a theme is not the intended usage of this property, because it may lead to a confusing user experience regarding keyboard focus.
But emotion is part of normal speech, and experience has shown that most users are deeply uncomfortable with speech interfaces that ignore it - too uncomfortable to use them very much.
This study used quantitative and qualitative research techniques to collect data from health-care providers and users to evaluate the experience of operating an RDF in Khartoum state.
Another indicator of an inexperienced Powerpoint user is when too many of the fancy functions from the program are used in the presentation.
What some of us DSLR users don't realize until we've grown enough is just how wondrous and useful a good 50mm lens with a wide aperture is.
Perhaps Twitter's experience will encourage Web start-ups to take a more realistic view of who USES the Web and go after a broader audience, Ms. Forte said.
Where appropriate, the instructions must draw the user's attention to ways —which experience has shown might occur —in which the machinery should not be used.
Fine households are completed by the user's lessons of the past and dreams of the future, as well as life philosophies.
Have the user an experience of game over or they don't understand the critical rules of the game.
Although the Idstein design center had considerable experience with this type of mechanism, the resulting design could never exceed user expectations.
You can extend their functionality to provide a better programming experience for users of your components.
The parameter setting for Random Early Detection(RED) queue management algorithm depends on the user's experience and its related theoretical guidance exists some defects at present.
As user of its own technologies, Novasep understands its customers' challenges and shares its experience and know-how to provide the best solution with guaranteed performance.
Integration of a high functionality third-party photo service - we are VERY excited about this as we believe that it will bring an extremely rich photo sharing experience to our users.
With professional knowledge and gradually accumulated experience, for the user to create a reasonable, comfortable and pleasant landscape environment!
Education and experience in anticipating psychological, physiological and sociological factors that influence and are perceived by the user are essential industrial design resources.
Education and experience in anticipating psychological, physiological and sociological factors that influence and are perceived by the user are essential industrial design resources.