• 特德残疾公开使母亲感到痛苦

    This public acknowledgment of Ted's disability pained my mother.


  • 使彼得晕头转向不是痛苦而是不公平

    Not the pain of this but its unfairness was what dazed Peter.


  • 显然贫穷种族主义压迫腐蚀精神使变成一个痛苦愤怒满腔怒火的

    Obviously, poverty and racism and oppression can also corrupt one's spirit and turn the person into someone who is bitter and angry, filled with rage.


  • 炎热天气使汽车尾气变成烟雾加剧了空气污染可能使患有哮喘其他呼吸问题生活更加痛苦

    Hot weather worsens air pollution by turning car exhaust into smog, which can make life miserable for people with asthma and other breathing problems.


  • 某种程度上遗忘只是减轻这种使他们备受折磨、源于新的悲惨心理变化痛苦

    On some level, forgetfulness would just ease the grievousness of this miserable new psychological dynamic with which they are tormented.


  • 再吻次,投入你的琐事娱乐中吧使痛苦

    Kiss me once again, and go to thy trifles and amusements; for my malady distresseth me.


  • 这件使良心痛苦不安

    The matter weighed upon his conscience.


  • 利伯曼惊奇地说:“总是认为赤脚跑步非常痛苦使发疯的事。”

    "I always assumed it was painful and crazy to run barefoot," says a surprised Lieberman.


  • 利伯曼惊奇地说:“总是认为赤脚跑步非常痛苦使发疯的事。”

    "I always assumed it was painful and crazy to run barefoot" says a surprised Lieberman.


  • 不过对于丹尼斯·劳来说使痛苦莫过于那个他转会到曼城以后,对阵曼联脚后跟打入的那个进球,那个进球也直接让曼联1974年再次乙级联赛。

    Maybe the greatest pain he suffered personally was when he back-heeled the goal for Manchester City that sent United down to the Second Division in 1974.


  • 并且确保在你到达后以及其后时间都要与他们保持经常联系。 与他人分享你的经验会让你的痛苦减半使你的快乐倍增

    Sharing the experience always halves any burdens and doubles the excitement of any achievements.


  • 但是,希望这些建议能够使减轻忧郁的想法围绕的时候的痛苦

    But I hope that these Suggestions will lessen your pain when dark thoughts are all around you.


  • 他们游戏我们的游戏目的并非别的只是游戏者以快乐并且显然是想使我们暂时生活痛苦解脱出来

    Their play, and ours, appears no other purposes than to give pleasure to the players, and apparently, to remove us temporarily from the anguish of life in earnest.


  • 这个角度上为什么不用一个通用程序进入到我们睡眠改写使我们痛苦梦境将梦魇连根拔除

    From that point of view, why not extend our control even into our sleep and rewrite our painful dreams in a general program of nightmare eradication?


  • 怎样避免使欺骗手段或是使受试者感觉痛苦条件下在实验室环境中诱发失败感受

    How do you induce a feeling of loss or failure in the laboratory without resorting to deception or making a test subject feel miserable?


  • 科学(逻辑)以证明动物遭受感觉痛苦,到科学能证明西兰花中枢神经系统使它们感到痛苦的时刻,重新评估饮食

    Science (and logic) has proven that animals suffer and feel pain. At such a time that science proves broccoli has a central nervous system allowing them to feel pain I will re-evaluate my diet.


  • 不论什么吧,显然给予了极端强烈的欢乐痛苦至少脸上悲痛而又狂喜表情使有这样想法

    And whatever it was, it communicated, apparently, both pleasure and pain in exquisite extremes: at least the anguished, yet raptured, expression of his countenance suggested that idea.


  • 巴马说:“痛苦的经历使我们认识,我们再也不能20世纪法规维持21世纪的市场了。”

    "We now know from painful experience that we can no longer sustain 21st century markets with 20th century regulations," said President Obama.


  • 使了便痛苦正是一个母亲见了便快乐的东西。

    What he beheld with anguish, a mother would have gazed upon with joy.


  • 我们逃避自己本性是,我们使自己感受到寂寞痛苦……但是,我们承认接受我们的本性是,我们会发现孤独美丽

    When we run from our nature, we cause our own pangs of lonelinessbut when we acknowledge and embrace our nature, we find the beauty of aloneness.


  • 你们一切过路,这你们不介意吗。你们要观看,这临到痛苦没有就是耶和华发烈日子使所受的

    Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, which is done unto me, wherewith the LORD hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger.


  • 生活中的有些东西使遭受痛苦不是解决痛苦,你就选择药物

    Something in your life is causing you pain, and instead of dealing with the pain, you've opted for drugs.


  • 他们通过欧洲救援的强硬打造国内信誉使本国银行全体选民远离更多痛苦

    They build domestic credibility by talking tough about bailouts to Euro-strugglers while insulating their banks (and the electorate) from further pain.


  • 不要担心一些特别或者做一些其他活动会让觉得痛苦因为使你想起曾经的记忆

    Don't worry if listening to particular songs or doing other activities is painful because it brings back memories of the person that you lost; this is common.


  • 使痛苦不是孤独而是其他海鸥不肯相信飞行光荣在等待他们他们不肯好好地听一听,看一看。

    His one sorrow was not solitude, it was that other gulls refused to believe the glory of flight that awaited them; they refused to open their eyes and see.


  • 这种高度效应不仅使人们行动给予更多同时使人们产生更多减少他人痛苦想法

    The height effect doesn't only increase charity in the sense of giving - it also increases charitable thoughts in terms of sparing pain.


  • 忍饥挨饿孩子,惨遭压迫者摧残的受害者,被儿女们视为可憎负担无助老人,连同整个充满了孤独贫穷痛苦世界使人类应有的生活成为了笑柄

    Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people -a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be.


  • 因此那些曾经认为巴马使他们人权运动者便痛苦嚎叫。因此急切需要一直连贯拘留政策

    Hence the howls of anguish from human-rights activists who once thought Mr Obama was their man. Hence, also, the urgent need for a coherent detainee policy.


  • 显然这件痛苦难忘的事使丈夫弗雷德深感恐惧,也很生气,他心里愤愤不平,觉得人生作弄父亲

    Obviously, this traumatic event left my husband Fred deeply scared and angry, with feelings of resentment and feeling cheated of a life with his father.


  • 尽管存在着担忧,但此计划目标人们在伦敦提供一种绿色健康出行方式使人们免于挤地铁塞车带来的痛苦

    Despite the worries, the goal is to provide a green and healthy way of getting around london-an alternative to the all too frequent misery of the tube and traffic jams.


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