• 这个强大的,大足以移动一个十吨巨还能够打翻设计具体障碍使离开转移到房子的。

    This was strong enough to move a ten-ton boulder and it knocked over concrete barriers designed to divert water away from houses.


  • 离开好莱坞之后家人朋友使自己保持平衡心态。

    Away from Hollywood, he relies on his family and friends to keep him grounded.


  • 许多健康计划雇主急于提供这种服务,称该服务能为加入计划成员提供便利使人们不用离开工作便享受医疗保健服务

    Many health plans and employers have rushed to offer the services and promote them as a convenient way for plan members to get medical care without leaving home or work.


  • :“儿童应对重大搬迁可能面临严重的困难特别是如果搬迁使他们离开目前学校支持系统。”

    "Children may face serious difficulties in coping with significant moves, especially if it removes them from their current school or support system," he said.


  • 耶和华你们必将他们你们面前赶出去,使他们离开你们,你们就必得他们为业,正如耶和华你们的神所应许的。

    The LORD your God himself will drive them out of your way. He will push them out before you, and you will take possession of their land, as the LORD your God promised you.


  • 据称夫人追逐男人们,将其逼湖中或是剧烈摇晃他们汽车使窘迫不已直到他们离开公园

    There have been reports of the White Lady chasing men into the lake, shaking their cars, and making their lives miserable until they leave the park.


  • 布朗称,在观众观看本周五9如何控制国家节目将通过"下意识讯息"手段"催眠"观众,使他们无法离开沙发关掉电视。

    The illusionist hopes to leave his audience unable to switch off or turn over when watching this Friday's episode of "How to Control the Nation" at 9pm thanks to "subliminal messaging" techniques.


  • 韩国签证提供了一个特殊外国技术工人使他们能够进入离开该国自由

    South Korea offers a special visa to foreign technology workers that allows them to enter and leave the country freely for three years.


  • 意味着渔船可以离开港口更远并且使每年捕捞量增加很多

    This means ships can stay longer away from port and multiply the size of their annual catch many times.


  • 安黛儿的物品护照不在房间使人猜测她是自己离开的。

    Her bags and passport were also gone from her room, a sign that she may have left on her own.


  • 不过邓肯先生激烈地争辩道孩子离开使他们快乐安全满足可以学习知识学校没有意义的。

    But Mr Duncan has vigorously argued that it does not make sense "to take kids out of a school where they're happy and safe and satisfied and learning".


  • 真情披露卢斯科尼可能离开使鼓励,甚至脆弱

    The disclosure of his true feelings about Mr Berlusconi may leave him isolated, even vulnerable.


  • 寇林格先生坦承该项技术不够完备,他们需要精确地计算实施策略使车辆安全地加入离开哪怕处于车队中间位置。

    The technology is not quite there yet, concedes Mr Coelingh. Strategies still need to be precisely worked out to enable vehicles to join or leave safely, even if they are in the middle of the platoon.


  • 邻居不在家时候你可以帮他看房子使能够安心离开,或者是当他们要去工作的时候,宠物寄放在你那里。

    Give your neighbors peace of mind by taking care of their houses when they're out of town, and their pets while they're at work.


  • 有人妈妈离开厨房后低劣饭菜使孩子们容易罹糖尿病癌症。

    Diabetes and cancer are laid at their door-the result, some say, of poor diets once mothers quit the kitchen.


  • 当然并不总是成功。 到目前为止,工作使不情愿地离开家庭,此时培养两个姑娘重任过于依赖米歇尔去完成。

    I haven't always succeeded, of course – in the past, my job haskept me away from home more often than I liked, and the burden of raising twoyoung girls would sometimes fall too heavily on Michelle.


  • 结果使很多希腊工匠离开君士坦丁堡来到意大利罗马教皇二世统治继续工作。

    Subsequently many Greek artisans left Constantinople for Italy, where they could continue their professions under Pope Gregory II.


  • 他们使穷人离开正道,世上贫民尽都隐藏

    They turn the needy out of the way: the poor of the earth hide themselves together.


  • 除此之外,我们目标就是尽快离开使会议尽可能有结果。

    Barring that, our goal is to get out as quickly as possible, and to make the meeting as productive as possible.


  • 然而他们离开耶罗波安家使以色列人罪,仍然去行,并且撒玛利亚留下舍拉。

    But they did not turn away from the SINS of the house of Jeroboam, which he had caused Israel to commit; they continued in them. Also, the Asherah pole remained standing in Samaria.


  • 有必要增加面粉使面团离开侧。

    Add flour as necessary so that the dough comes away from the sides of the bowl.


  • 只是耶户尽心遵守耶和华以色列律法,不离开耶罗波安使以色列人陷在里的那罪。

    Yet Jehu was not careful to keep the law of the Lord, the God of Israel, with all his heart. He did not turn away from the SINS of Jeroboam, which he had caused Israel to commit.


  • 但是离开屋子时,我爷爷洪亮的声音使停住了脚步。

    But before I could leave the room, I was stopped by my grandfather’s booming2 voice.


  • 果子使走兽离开飞鸟躲开树枝

    He cried aloud, and said thus, Hew down the tree, and cut off his branches, shake off his leaves, and scatter his fruit: let the beasts get away from under it, and the fowls from his branches


  • 因为赞美使注意力离开自己转向这样就能说话不是神以外。

    Because it gets my focus off myself and onto God so I can talk to Him and not at Him.


  • 平安正直同行使多人回头离开罪孽

    He walked with me in peace and uprightness, and turned many from sin.


  • 现在你们又要这个带去离开倘若,那便是你们使白发苍苍、悲惨惨地下阴间了。

    If you take this one from me too and harm comes to him, you will bring my gray head down to the grave in misery.


  • 现在你们又要这个带去离开倘若,那便是你们使白发苍苍悲惨惨地下阴间

    And if ye take this also from me, and mischief befall him, ye shall bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave.


  • 求你使离开奸诈的开恩将你的律法我。

    Keep me from deceitful ways; be gracious to me through your law.


  • 印尼官方震动之后发布了一个海啸预警使成千上万居民匆忙逃离开

    Indonesian authorities, issued a tsunami warning after the jolt, which sent thousands of residents fleeing their homes in panic.


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