• 有资格教师需求远远超过了供应

    Demand has far outstripped supply of qualified teachers.


  • 供应受到日益增长过度使用污染威胁

    Supplies are under increasing threat from overuse and pollution.


  • 由于流感爆发大肆流行,疫苗供应开始消耗殆尽

    Vaccine supplies started to run dry as the flu outbreak reached epidemic proportions.


  • 救世军商店是获得容易卖物品经常性的供应

    The Salvation Army shops depend on regular supplies of saleable items.


  • 公司同意保持高产水平补偿损失掉供应

    The company agreed to keep up high levels of output in order to compensate for supplies lost.


  • 劳动力走俏市场上雇主需求超过工人供应

    In a tight labour market, demand by employers exceeds the available supply of workers.


  • 冷冻食品行业可以完全国外的种植者加工者供应

    The frozen-food industry could be supplied entirely by growers and processors outside the country.


  • 一家财团计划修建俄罗斯向德国东部供应天然气管道

    A consortium plans to build a natural-gas pipeline from Russia to supply eastern Germany.


  • 牙买加铝矿供应世界之首。

    Jamaica's aluminum ore supplies are the world's largest.


  • 意味着本身及其供应成本收费

    This means charging a fee for the water itself as well as for the supply costs.


  • 商品供应充足

    There is an abundance of commodity supplies on the markets.


  • 供应大脑心脏肌肉动脉阻塞,进而切断组织血液供应时,就会出现中风心脏病发作情况。

    Strokes and heart attacks occur when blockages in the arteries supplying the brain or heart muscles cut off the supply of blood to tissues.


  • 收受一家供应贿赂。

    He is charged with accepting bribes from a firm of suppliers.


  • 各种形状大小蜡烛供应

    Candles come in all shapes and sizes.


  • 我们所有蔬菜当地菜农供应

    All our vegetables are supplied by local growers.


  • 供应菜肴之丰盛心动

    I was impressed by the variety of dishes on offer.


  • 宾馆休息室供应酒类饮料

    Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge.


  • 大学餐厅是否供应有益健康的膳食

    Does the college cafeteria provide a healthful diet?


  • 我们大多数供应是实行赊购制。

    We have accounts with most of our suppliers.


  • 电线,中断了数千电力供应

    Winds have knocked down power lines, cutting electricity to thousands of people.


  • 有些商店消费者压力供应有机蔬菜

    Some stores are bowing to consumer pressure and stocking organically grown vegetables.


  • 暴风造成整个华盛顿地区电力供应中断。

    A windstorm in Washington is causing power cuts throughout the region.


  • 这些传统深色阿米希垫子两种尺寸现货供应

    These Amish cushions in traditional deep colours are available in two sizes.


  • 买主们想方设法他们那些供应那里获取无息赊购

    Buyers use different ruses to wring free credit out of their suppliers.


  • 他们收取75美元的费用重新供应中止服务顾客

    They charge a $75.00 fee for reconnecting cutoff customers.


  • 这儿惟一的问题他们供应啤酒——供应葡萄酒烈酒

    The only problem here is that they don't serve beer - only wine and spirits.


  • 儿子所有朋友做了早餐供应食物给五千人一样。

    I made breakfast for all my son's friendsit was like the Feeding of the Five Thousand.


  • 名药剂师可以供应任何处方药,如果认为药方有效的话。

    A pharmacist can fill any prescription if, in his or her judgment, the prescription is valid.


  • 肝脏一种最爱,但我们供应道菜,因为那么多人不爱吃。

    Liver is a great favourite of his and we don't serve it often because so many people dislike it.


  • 可能得到将近3个月时间–即直到下一张账单寄发为止——切断供应

    You are likely to be given almost three monthsuntil the time of your next billbefore you are disconnected.


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