• 企业进行供应链管理有力保障实施供应链管理系统

    The implementation of SCM system is the guarantee for the enterprise to adopt SCM.


  • 信息技术应用现代物流企业完善供应链管理系统具有重要作用

    Application of information technology plays an important role in perfecting the supply chain management system for modern logistics businesses.


  • 一些国家目前尝试供应链管理系统通过无线射频识别复杂的技术追踪产品

    Radio frequency identification (RFID) and more sophisticated technologies for product tracking within supply chain management systems are being experimented in some countries.


  • 因此研究开发基于J2EE集成供应链管理系统具有非常重要的意义。

    Consequently it's important to research and develop the integrated supply chain management system based on J2EE.


  • 注重提供最佳客户体验精髓是从零件制造集成工厂客户供应链管理系统

    Dell has focused on providing the best customer experience. Its essence is supply chain management system ranging from parts manufacturing , integrated plant to customers.


  • 而现在通行的供应链管理系统大都建立先进信息系统上,例如SAP系统

    Generally, Supply Chain Management system should be supported by an advanced Information system, like SAP system.


  • 本文针对石化企业提出了企业供应链管理系统解决方案进行系统总体设计功能设计

    This text has proposed the solution of supply chain administrative system for petrochemical enterprises, has carried on overall and functional design for the system.


  • 其次针对日常业务流程分析数据来源数据处理流程设计并开发销售供应链管理系统

    Then specifying for business process, the data source and its processing flow are analyzed, and a set of selling supply chain management system is designed.


  • 根据供应链管理系统基本元素区域性流动性形成供应链管理系统矩阵分析模型2

    The regionalities and liquidities of the six basic elements can form into the SCM matrix analytical model, as is illustrated in Figure 2.


  • 随之而来的是,企业供应链管理系统存储了海量RFID数据并且很难有效利用这些数据。

    Followed, there are vast amounts of RFID data in Supply Chain Management System of the companies and it's difficult to effectively use this data.


  • 新的供应链管理系统(伽利略)2003年安装,以外地特派团的最新供应链管理系统基础。

    The new supply chain management system (Galileo) will be deployed in 2003 and is based on upgraded field mission supply chain management.


  • 本文深入研究J2EE技术以及XML技术的基础上,开发了基于J2EE集成供应链管理系统

    On thoroughly studying J2EE technique and XML technique, this paper develops a prototype system named the integrated supply chain management system based on J2EE.


  • 本文首先销售供应链管理背景需求进行了分析提出实现销售供应链管理系统必要性可行性

    In this paper, the necessity and feasibility of supply chain management of sales are proposed by analyzing the background and the requirement of supply chain management.


  • 许多公司已拥有自己电子商务供应链管理系统CiscoDellGMFord等公司;

    Many major companies, like Cisco, Dell, GM, Ford, have their own E-SCM system.


  • 给出基于JMS消息服务以及消息队列服务的具体实现方法企业动态供应链管理系统中得到了实际应用。

    Guided by the approach and supported by the commercially available JMS and Message Queue service, a dynamic supply chain management system for an electronics manufacturing corporation is implemented.


  • 我国没有专门面向包装企业供应链管理系统为此必要建立一个系统的、集成的,专门面向包装企业物流供应链系统

    There is no SCM system for packaging enterprise of China, so it is necessary to build a systematic, integrated and special logistics supply chain system for packaging enterprises.


  • ERP一个整体系统管理公司所有组成部分,特别是对于供应链管理而言。

    The ERP system is an entire system and controls all different parts of the enterprise, especially on the supply chain management.


  • 毕竟过去多年中,美国超市连锁店安装库存管理软件冷藏系统以及其它供应链配套设施

    After all, American supermarket chains have spent the past ten years or so installing inventory-management software, cold-storage systems and other supply-chain paraphernalia.


  • Workload一个应用程序它模拟汽车经销商制造商供应链管理以及库存系统之间消息

    The workload is an application that simulates message flow among an automobile dealership, manufacturing, supply chain management, and an inventory system.


  • ERP管理系统核心思想了解关于整个供应链的起监督

    The core of ERP system management thoughts is to realize its effective supervision of the entire supply chain. Three parts followed are contributed to this idea.


  • 这些软件应用程序可以采用客户关系管理 (CRM)、企业资源规划 (ERP)、供应链管理 (SCM)其他系统等形式。

    These software applications can be in the form of customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management (SCM), and other systems.


  • 供应链管理样本应用程序中的第三个(也是最后一个)系统演示系统,它描绘6中。

    The third and final system in the Supply Chain Management sample application is the Demo system, which is depicted in Figure 6.


  • 供应链管理样本应用程序中的第一系统零售商系统如图2所示。

    The first system in the Supply Chain Management sample application is the Retailer system, illustrated in Figure 2.


  • 下一步购买提供全面全球供应链解决方案整合平台软件包括后台管理系统,人力资源管理系统电子商务系统

    The next step is to buy software that provides a complete and integrated platform of global supply chain solutions, including back office processes, CRM and e-commerce.


  • 供应链管理样本应用程序中的第二系统称为制造系统,如图4所示。

    The second system in the Supply Chain Management sample application is called the Manufacturing system, and it is illustrated in Figure 4.


  • 供应链管理(SCM)一类各方全部物流系统其余经济系统利用完成本润最大化系统

    Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a system applied to maximize profits for all parties in the whole logistic system and other economic systems.


  • 我们调查告诉我们仓库管理系统正在大约53%的相关供应链物流管理人员使用,27%则报告说,他们打算今年升级购买系统

    Our survey told us that WMS is being utilized by 53 percent of responding supply chain and logistics managers, while 27 percent report that they plan to upgrade or buy new systems this year.


  • 本文提出基于企业内部供应链概念这些专用物资单独研究来建立企业的库存管理系统

    This text refers the supply concept of chain inside enterprise to set up stock managing system by individual studying the special-purpose goods and materials.


  • 这份报告中主要采用文献综述法分析如今企业界两个重要部分供应链环境管理体系(EMS)审计系统

    In this report, I will mainly concentrate on literature on two vital parts of today's corporate world: Environmental Management System (EMS) and auditing of supply chains.


  • 这份报告中主要采用文献综述法分析如今企业界两个重要部分供应链环境管理体系(EMS)审计系统

    In this report, I will mainly concentrate on literature on two vital parts of today's corporate world: Environmental Management System (EMS) and auditing of supply chains.


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