Upward skip-level messaging always cascade from child bus to parent bus.
Downward skip-level messaging always cascade from parent bus to child bus.
It was handed from person to person along a line of scientists and support staff like an egg being passed between penguins.
At the time the drumbeat ends, the person with the flower in his hand shall drink for punishment.
Traditionally on Wigilia, a white wafer of oplatki was passed around the table, as we had earlier that evening, and each person broke off a piece and made a wish for the coming year.
In making the radio waves correspond to each sound in turn, messages are carried from a broadcasting station to a receiving set.
测试客户机使用作为命令行参数传递进来的服务端点参数创建了一个服务stub实例,然后依次执行5 个服务调用
The test client creates an instance of the service stub using service endpoint parameters passed in as command-line arguments, and then executes a sequence of five service calls
The main method then calls the following private static methods in turn, passing in either the UDDI4J proxy or the Publish instance, as appropriate.
The TCS can utilize this information during a transaction by locating the correct set of services, discovering their capabilities, and propagating context information to each service in turn.
The Olympic torch kicks off its 4-day relay in Henan today, with Zhengzhou as the first leg followed by Kaifeng, Luoyang and Anyang.
Abiding by the preconditions of a method usually means passing arguments as the method expects them; it may also mean calling a set of methods in the correct order.
If several arrays are passed for replacement, they will be processed in order, the later array overwriting the previous values.
The streaming mode is useful when the information that is passed is lengthy and can be processed serially.
On March 26, the Olympic torch relay entered into its third day. The Olympic torch will leave Ioannina, via Metsovo, Grevena, Kozani and arrive in Veria.
On March 26, the Olympic torch relay entered into its third day. The Olympic torch will leave Ioannina, via Metsovo, Grevena, Kozani and arrive in Veria.