Each rule, in turn, consists of a regular expression and some code to be run when that regular expression is matched.
Get sponsoring for top down identification of valuable business processes one after the other and translate them into, amongst others, reusable technical transformations and data services.
到达这一阶段的图元依次被光栅化,得到的结果就是若干片段(片元) 。
Primitives that reach this stage are then rasterized in the order in which they were given. The result of rasterizing a primitive is a sequence of Fragments.
Then we execute all test programs, record the output of IDSs and get the test results.
HOPE was given as the ultimate tool or method that enabled individuals to endure life while they wer waiting for their unmet needs to be fulfilled or fall into place.
The best substitution of Fat coal, Lean coal and Fat coal for tar slag, coke powder and active sludge were 2.0%, 2.0%, 2.0% on the premise of guaranteeing the quality of coke.
依次下去,即可在录制 完所有语音段的同时得到各段的起始地址。
Followed it, you can record voice above all at the same time be the starting address of the paragraphs.
刺五加的根采用乙醇、 沸水、冷碱、热碱、酸提方法依次进行了提取,对提取得到的多糖组分ASC-1、ASH-1、ASA-1分别进行了初步的性质研究。
The roots of Acanthopanax senticosus was extracted by ethanol, water, cool alkali, hot alkali and acid in turn, and the products of ASC-1, ASH-1, ASA-1 were studied.
If many isometry parallel sections of samples, the ct image of every parallel section by analysing and sampling can be taken and the accurate 3d model of histology by computer can be rebuild.
These data are fit with method of spline and resampled to divide crown into many small slices, whose volume and surface add up to the result.
These data are fit with method of spline and resampled to divide crown into many small slices, whose volume and surface add up to the result.