At 11, he dazzled the Russian tsar, Alexander I, with his own piano music.
Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia, was born the third son of Tsar Paul I.
Three hundred years ago, the Russian Czar Peter the Great came here and built a new capital-St Petersburg.
The name of the wreck is still unknown, and so is its destination, but it has been speculated that the cargo was destined for the Russian Tsar's court in st Petersberg.
俄国沙皇尼古拉一世(1825- 1856年)也变得侵略成性,一边向南进逼土耳其帝国,一边对君士坦丁堡虎视眈眈。
The Tzar Nicholas I of Russia (1825-1856) was also becoming aggressive and pressing southward upon the Turkish Empire with his eyes on Constantinople.
But in Russia, where the notion of a tsar survived the Soviet Union, divided power is usually problematic.
But after one of Peter's victories, the Russian ambassador in Vienna reported that the news of Peter's victory, people began to fear the czar as they formerly feared Sweden.
The signature says: "In tsarist Russia there was no children's dispensary." Nowadays there are 1700.
The last copper copekcs of Tsarist Russia were minted in 1916.
Tamaz Imnaishvili, a local journalist, has a theory that the game appeared as a commemoration to a battle that occurred in Shukhuti between the Ottoman and Russian empires in 1855.
During the latter part of the 18th century, most Ukrainian ethnographic territory was absorbed by the Russian Empire.
As I said, in some context last time, how many Russian peasants died in the 1890s thinking, "Oh my god, if the Czar only knew that we're starving, how angry he would be with his officials."
在那几年,摄影师SergeiMikhailovichProkudin - Gorskii(1863- 1944)在沙皇尼古拉斯二世的支持下着手进行一个俄国的摄影测量项目。
In those years, photographer Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii (1863-1944) undertook a photographic survey of the Russian Empire with the support of Tsar Nicholas ii.
The brand was founded in the eighteenth century, whose products are welcomed by world's successful people and the respected celebrities including Nvsha Huang Catherine II of Russia.
Then I took up again the thread by asking what was the attitude of the Soviet Republic to the small nations who had split off the Russian Empire and had proclaimed their independence.
The Tajiks were successively ruled by Uzbeks and then Afghans until claimed by Russia in the 1860s.
Peter is the first Czar to go to sea. On this day, he has charted a new course for Russia.
Compared to Prussian junkers or the landed nobility in czarist Russia the Chinese landlord was a very backward man.
A town of southern Czechoslovakia. Nearby, on December 2, 805, Napoleon decisively defeated the Russian and Austrian armies of Czar Alexander I and Emperor Francis II.
The signature says: "In tsarist Russia there was no children's dispensary. Nowadays there are 1700."
He has also promised millions for a huge project to redevelop the town of Pitsunda, famous for its enormous old pine trees-beloved by the tsars, the Soviets, and the new Russian elites alike.
As Captain Ross steered the barge around the Ups, the Russian Imperial standard was run up at the fore, and when the boat had passed by the guns of the handsome little frigate fired a royal salute.
As Captain Ross steered the barge around the Ups, the Russian Imperial standard was run up at the fore, and when the boat had passed by the guns of the handsome little frigate fired a royal salute.