• 公认为是俄罗斯事务权威

    He's universally recognized as an authority on Russian affairs.


  • 不是俄罗斯就是波兰人

    Well, I think she's either Russian or Polish.


  • 俄罗斯报章大都支持总统

    Russian newspapers are largely sympathetic to the president.


  • 俄罗斯各银行急着尽可能买入美元

    Russian banks rushed to buy as many dollars as they could.


  • 学院正在接待来访俄罗斯科学家

    The college is playing host to a group of visiting Russian scientists.


  • 著名俄罗斯芭蕾舞女演员搭挡

    He had partnered the famous Russian ballerina.


  • 布什款待俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京

    Bush played host to Russian President Vladimir Putin.


  • 俄罗斯正在拆除其一最具杀伤力导弹

    Russia is deactivating some of its deadliest missiles.


  • 他们多年一直俄罗斯泄露国家机密

    For years they had been betraying state secrets to Russia.


  • 俄罗斯乌克兰一直在争夺舰队所有权

    Russia and Ukraine have been disputing the ownership of the fleet.


  • 俄罗斯农民濒临消亡

    The Russian peasantry stood on the brink of disappearance.


  • 讲授俄罗斯文学

    She lectures in Russian literature.


  • 俄罗斯进口乌克兰公司需要俄罗斯卢布

    To import from Russia, a Ukrainian firm needs Russian roubles.


  • 库班流域出产俄罗斯1/8谷物肉类牛奶

    The Kuban produces an eighth of Russia's grain, meat, and milk.


  • 辩称自由企业俄罗斯价值观传统相容的。

    Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.


  • 部剧大致上根据俄罗斯的童年生活写成的

    The play is loosely based on his childhood in Russia.


  • 俄罗斯联邦颁布了一取消政府官员特权法令

    The Russian Federation has issued a decree abolishing special privileges for government officials.


  • 每个俄罗斯都知道寓言小说大师玛格丽特》。

    Every Russian knows the allegorical novel The Master And Margarita.


  • 摆在俄罗斯欧洲商人面前巨大困难极其明显的。

    The immense difficulties facing European businessmen in Russia were only too evident.


  • 俄罗斯领导人哈萨克斯坦总统提供了大会席位

    He has offered seats at the conference table to the Russian leader and the president of Kazakhstan.


  • 俄罗斯工人已经举行了多次罢工抗议共和国宣布独立

    Russian workers have staged a number of strikes in protest at the republic's declaration of independence.


  • 亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机计划俄罗斯米尔号空间站对接

    The space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to dock with Russia's Mir space station.


  • 私有公司愿意进行大规模投资帮助解决俄罗斯经济困难

    Private firms are willing to make large scale investments to help cure Russia's economic troubles.


  • 这位俄罗斯网球奇才有望成为历史上最年轻世界冠军

    The Russian tennis prodigy is well on the way to becoming the youngest world champion of all time.


  • 美国俄罗斯希望达成各自核武器削减2/3的条约

    The United States and Russia hope to conclude a treaty to cut their nuclear arsenals by two-thirds.


  • 一个军乐团上周日游行中演奏了俄罗斯进行曲民乐

    A military band played Russian marches and folk tunes at the parade last Sunday.


  • 俄罗斯大约百分之八十幅度”削减武器的补给。

    Russia was cutting procurement of new weapons "by about 80 percent," he said.


  • 一家财团计划修建俄罗斯向德国东部供应天然气管道

    A consortium plans to build a natural-gas pipeline from Russia to supply eastern Germany.


  • 现在清楚俄罗斯议会实施计划方面极端何种程度

    It's still not clear how far the Russian parliament will go to implement its own plans.


  • 俄罗斯政府已经决定停止斯托地区一个工程修建

    The Russian government had called a halt to the construction of a new project in the Rostov region.


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