好的问题容易解答。- - -保罗·萨缪尔森。
Sorry about the radio silence; I'm just coming back from the memorial service for Paul Samuelson, which was yesterday at MIT.
Paul A. Samuelson, whose analytical work laid the foundation for modern economics, died Sunday. He was 94.
Alvin Hansen and Paul Samuelson constructed equations to predict how a rise or fall in spending in one part of the economy would propagate across the whole of it.
Paul Samuelson created modern economics, in that he brought rigorous thinking to a field that had relied on mostly verbal and graphical analysis up to his time.
In years to come, there will be fewer economists trained directly by Paul Samuelson or his work, but all will find themselves running on tracks he built.
Of the 30 winners (Paul Samuelson was the first in 1947; there was no award in 1953), 11 have gone on to be feted in Stockholm.
“I WAS reborn, born as an economist, at 8.00am on January 2nd 1932, in the University of Chicago classroom,” wrote Paul Samuelson in a memoir published earlier this month.
Paul Anthony Samuelson is one of the great masters in the present world economics, and also is an infrequent generalist in the world who studied various fields of economics.
Paul Anthony Samuelson is one of the great masters in the present world economics, and also is an infrequent generalist in the world who studied various fields of economics.