• Bob保险理赔请求数据源上的相应授权进行处理。

    Bob's insurance claim requests are now processed using his correct authorization at the data source.


  • 再说一遍问题吗?前面如果死了,我要怎么保险理赔金?

    E. Could you repeat the question? I was just thinking about how I would spend the insurance money if you died.


  • 申请贷款保险理赔风险资本金融援助抵押贷款其他收入来源

    Apply for a loan, insurance payout, venture capital, financial aid, mortgage, or other source of income.


  • 典型案例管理解决方案中,案例贷款审批汽车保险理赔业务决策提供上下文

    In typical case management solutions, a case provides context for making a business decision such as funding a loan or paying an auto insurance claim.


  • 同时,死亡时间推断保险理赔财产继承民事案件具有一定现实意义

    At the same time, estimation of postmortem interval also has some practical significance in insurance indemnity and civil cases, such as property inheritance.


  • 保险理赔,按照何种规则计量保险损失,关乎保险双方当事人切身利益

    When it comes to insurance claims, the rule of measuring insured losses affects the vital interests of the insurance parties.


  • 如果保险其它承保范围提出索赔联系丘博保险理赔部,联络方式后面。

    If you receive the claims arising from other coverage provided by the policy, please contact Chubb claims, contacts are listed below.


  • 网站统计数据显示今年旅游保险理赔案例中航班延误取消造成旅行不便占到六成。

    According to the website statistics, this year's travel insurance claims cases, the flight delay or cancellation caused any inconvenience on account of travel Liu Cheng.


  • 对于任何突发疾病,费用低于1000美元的,可以先直接付款医院随后书面申请保险理赔

    For any medical emergency less than $1,000, youll have to pay the hospital directly and then file afterwards to get a refund.


  • 过去一年中英国家庭保险理赔常见物品32英寸的东芝电视机三星笔记本电脑索尼PS游戏机

    The most common items in home insurance claims over the past year were 32in Toshiba televisions, Samsung laptop computers and Sony PlayStation games consoles.


  • 我国董事责任追诉相关规定保险理赔完善情况下,照搬美国做法容易诱发董事道德风险

    But the relevant regulations of our directors 'liability and prosecution of insurance claims are still not perfect, copying the practice of American easily induced directors 'moral hazard.


  • 我们通过有用负责方法来加强保险理赔协调利益、第三方、电子支付的有效认证举证,防止欺诈事件的发生。

    We can help prevent this by using responsible approaches such as enhanced coordination of benefits, third-party liability verification, and electronic payment.


  • 我国保险相关立法对此做明文规定,实务理赔诉讼往往运用英美法上近因原则,成文法缺失导致实践中保险理赔的诉讼案件判决不一。

    That there is no stipulation in Chinese law leads to the difference judgment in litigation. In practice, the principle of proximate cause is applied in claiming damage and litigation.


  • 其中一可能范例是,如果建立保险理赔给付应用程式同时具有适合办公室使用浏览器架构面,以及在办公室以外的地方使用的多装置面。

    One example might be if you were creating an insurance-claim application that had a browser-based interface for office use and a rich-device interface for field use.


  • 购买其他保险办法奏效了——这些我们行为审计微薄理赔信用保证。

    This is the way all of the other insurance I buy works - there are audits of our behavior and credit for a lack of claims.


  • 例如保险项目上,可能围绕创建理赔系统一个功能性需求

    For example on an insurance project there may be a functional requirement around creating a claims system.


  • 这里可以映射功能性需求以便重用软件资产理赔系统保险uml模型

    Here the functional requirement can be mapped to reusable software assets such as an insurance UML model of a claim system.


  • 爱车遭受了严重损坏以致我们不得不保险公司提出理赔

    The damage turned out to be bad enough that we'd have to file a claim with our insurance company.


  • 选择直接结账还是保险公司理赔 是否隶()属于任何保健管理组织?

    Will you accept direct billing to or payment from my insurance company? Are you affiliated with any managed care organizations?


  • 人们同样不清楚为防止杰克逊无法演出而办理保险合约理赔情况

    The status of an insurance contract taken out in case Mr Jackson was unable to perform remains unclear.


  • 示例中两个不同JK Insurance员工路上移动理赔调解员个是在办公室保险代理商,在他们日常的工作中因为使用Everyplace Access 而受益匪浅。

    In the demo, two different JK Insurance employees, a mobile claims adjuster, who is on the road, and an insurance agent, who is in the office, benefit from using Everyplace Access in their daily jobs.


  • 我们还会阻止保险公司因为公民医疗史来否认理赔

    We'll prohibit insurance companies from denying coverage because of a person's medical history. They will not be able to drop your coverage if you get sick.


  • 例如一家保险公司要求理赔代表必须访问Web应用程序1获取客户信息然后必须访问Web应用程序2获取理赔信息。

    For example, say an insurance claims representative has to access Web App 1 for customer information. She also has to access Web App 2 for claims information.


  • 但是正如预期保险可不会这么简单,因为经济衰退往往降低某些类型理赔

    But as you might expect from the insurance industry, it is a lot more complicated than that, because recessions also tend to depress some types of claims.


  • 数据显示意大利汽车理赔有2%具有欺诈性,这一数字法国一半意大利保险公司协会承认这个数据有点难以相信。

    The Italian insurers’ association (ANIA) admits that its figures, which show fraudulence in about 2% of claims in Italyhalf as bad as in Franceare just not credible.


  • 承保人代理人经纪人客户保险人、银行理赔人员生态系统合作伙伴交互

    The insurance carriers interact with the ecosystem partners like agents, brokers, customers, reinsurers, banks, claim adjusters, and so on.


  • 记住尽可能及时给保险公司打电话,搞清楚申请理赔需要准备什么

    Be sure to call your insurance agent as soon as possible and verify what is required to file a claim.


  • 另觅公寓保险公司的,应该要替我的失去感到难过,可是我没有

    I should've been looking for a new condo. I should've been haggling with my insurance company.


  • 另觅公寓保险公司的,应该要替我的失去感到难过,可是我没有

    I should've been looking for a new condo. I should've been haggling with my insurance company.


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