• 黄金和深圳国际信托投资公司

    In gold and Shenzhen International Trust and Investment Corporation?


  • 信托投资公司终止信托财产属于其清算财产

    When a TIC ceases operation, the entrusted property shall not be included in assets to be liquidated.


  • 论述了《信托投资公司管理办法主要内容特点

    The thesis discusses the main contents and characteristics of the "Management Regulation on Trust Investment Company".


  • 信托投资公司财务公司金融租赁公司信用社比照执行。

    The trust and investment companies, finance companies, finance leasing companies and credit cooperatives shall conduct by reference to these Measures.


  • 银行股票交易所信托投资公司保险公司重要金融机构

    The most important financial institutions are the Banks, the stock exchange, the trust and investment companies and the insurance corporations.


  • 第九信托投资公司不得办理存款业务不得发行债券不得举借外债

    Article 9 a tic shall not be allowed to take deposits, issue bonds or borrow from abroad.


  • 第五办法所称信托财产,是信托投资公司承诺信托而取得的财产。

    Article 5 "Entrusted property" in these rules refers to property accepted by a tic through entrustment commitments.


  • 先后任中国国际信托投资公司汕头公司专职法律顾问广东律师事务所律师

    He used to be the legal adviser of China International Trust and Investment Corporation Shantou Branch and a lawyer with Guangdong law Office.


  • 如果存在基本专利信托投资公司可以简单地尽量收购领域所有小型专利

    If no basic patent existed, the trust could simply buy up all the minor patents in the field.


  • 第十一设立信托投资公司应当采取有限责任公司或者股份有限公司形式

    Article 11 TICs shall be established in the form of limited liability companies or share-holding companies.


  • 适当债务面对外汇市场证券公司信托投资公司可以说竞争和合作方式得到。

    Face of the debt exchange market, securities houses and trust companies can be said to have been in the way of competition and cooperation.


  • 信托投资公司信托财产管理运用处分或者其他情形而取得财产,归入信托财产。

    Any property obtained from the management, utilization, disposal or other operations of the entrusted property by a TIC shall also be regarded as entrusted property.


  • 中国人民银行依照法律行政法规办法对信托投资公司及其业务实施监督和管理。

    Article 10 the People's Bank of China is to supervise TICs and their operations according to laws, administrative regulations and these rules.


  • 在此之前,信托投资公司已经中国人民银行批准办理符合办法》规定业务可以继续办理

    The trust and investment companies may continue to engage in the businesses that have been approved by the People's Bank of China and are in line with the Measures heretofore.


  • 最后,讨论数据分析结果,并以此为依据我国信托投资公司实施品牌营销策略提出相关建议。

    Finally, to aim at domestic trust industry's brand marketing execution, this paper will advance some Suggestions on the base of data analysis result.


  • 拟保留信托投资公司凡设有分支机构的,接到通知之日起,抓紧进行分支机构撤销的工作。

    The trust and investment companies to be preserved that have established branches shall take time to cancel their branches upon receipt of this Notice.


  • 例另外,据观察人士,广东国际信托投资公司倒闭案损害了包括日本在内外国金融机构中国信用

    Some observers say that the bankruptcy of GITIC has actually made the foreign financial institutions, including some Japanese financial institutions, lower their credit rating of China.


  • 至今只有广东省国际信托投资公司真正通过司法程序破产退市,仍然没有银行通过司法途径破产清算的。

    But up to now only Guangdong trust the investment company is the real case which have bankrupted through the judicial process, still have no bank pass the judicial path for bankruptcy.


  • 存在问题:对信托投资公司规定信用等级要求、信托定义未规定信托财产所有权转移信托监管制度不完备。

    It is pointed out that there are many problems in the regulation, such as: no credit provision on the trust company, no transfer of the trust property, no strict supervision system.


  • 个例子,不是一个公司,都象中国国际信托投资公司规模影响可以2010拥有10亿多个消费者

    Not every corporation, for instance, has the size and reach of Citicorp, which will have one billion customers by the year 2010.


  • 首先公司必须持有一项技术基本专利控制做到一点最佳方法组织一家信托投资公司发明人手中购买专利。

    First, one had to get control of a basic patent on a new technology, and the best way of doing that was to organize a trust and buy the patent from the inventor.


  • 第三信托投资公司办理资金信托业务取得资金属于信托投资公司负债信托投资公司管理运用处分信托资金而形成的资产不属于信托投资公司的资产。

    Entrusted funds a TIC obtains shall not be regarded as its liabilities, neither shall any assets arising from its management, utilization and disposal of entrusted funds be included in its own assets.


  • 希腊流感已经感染了意大利。”JamesMcDonald芝加哥北方信托投资公司首席策略分析师管理者6430亿美元的资产,通过电话采访时发表这番话语。

    The Greek flu is hitting Italy, ” James McDonald, chief investment strategist at Northern Trust Corp. in Chicago, which manages $643 billion, said in a telephone interview.


  • 希腊流感已经感染了意大利。”JamesMcDonald芝加哥北方信托投资公司首席策略分析师管理者6430亿美元的资产,通过电话采访时发表这番话语。

    The Greek flu is hitting Italy, ” James McDonald, chief investment strategist at Northern Trust Corp. in Chicago, which manages $643 billion, said in a telephone interview.


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