By investing in efficient plant it could generate lots of valuable carbon credits to sell to wealthier, more wasteful nations.
These are stand-by lines of credit that the IMF maintains with its richest member countries.
For example, a customer wants to purchase an item that is above his or her credit limit.
People who fly more than that would have to buy carbon credits on the equivalent of a credit card.
Liquidity was provided to maintain credit lines that might otherwise have evaporated.
Good records will prevent you from getting overdrawn at the bank or charging more than your credit limit.
A better example would be checking to see if the user had exceeded his or her credit limit.
Many of them have jobs that require them to dip into credit lines just to stay afloat.
Limit fees, like charges for exceeding your credit limit or paying your bills online or over the phone.
Jerry Gulley, the executive director, says his outfit's line of credit could be exhausted soon.
In its frantic final days, MF drew down its credit lines, leaving many Banks exposed.
The IMF has already offered to increase its precautionary credit lines for countries that could end up in trouble.
For people without bank accounts, the credit can be converted into pre-paid cards which can then be used to buy things.
The beefing up of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), which will allow it to provide IMF-style precautionary credit lines, will help.
Countries do have a much bigger credit limit than individuals but there is still a cap on their borrowing capacity.
Some computer program automatically increase rates or remove credit lines, but human interaction may get it back.
CreditRating: Contains credit rating information such as credit score and credit limit. The credit rating business object (CreditRating) consists of three attributes.
Interest rates on home-equity loans and lines of credit are far lower than those on credit cards, though most banks now make you jump through more hoops to get them.
Their dirty industries collapsed during the 1990s, so they are awash with carbon credits that can be bought for a small consideration.
A 1-percentage-point increase in their interest-rate margin, an increase in fees, an upfront payment and a 25% reduction in the amount that Ford can draw down on this line of credit.
His isolation has made him more dependent on Russia, which has been dangling (though not releasing) a large credit line.
Wachovia was able to line up a second bank to help on the deal, and the credit line has not been threatened, according to Mr. Derrick.
"You could increase the income, so I hope some day people that maintain this area are able to get carbon credits," Ahnert says.
"You could increase the income, so I hope some day people that maintain this area are able to get carbon credits," Ahnert says.