• 俄军不得不派出战斗机俯冲轰炸重新夺回城市控制

    The Russians had to dive-bomb the cities to regain control.


  • 德军俯冲轰炸已经连续空袭这个港口了。

    The port had been attacked by German dive bombers for the past five days.


  • 受到了蜻蜓俯冲轰炸还有黄蜂的飞扑。

    I was dive-bombed by dragonflies, and swooped on by wasps.


  • 装备(潜水轰炸?)相比其他俯冲轰炸再次横线蔓延用来显示相对距离

    When armament (on a dive bomber?) is compared with other dive bombers, again horizontal bars with a spread are used to show the relative distance.


  • 俯冲轰炸一位受人尊敬机型战争爆发之前,德国达到几乎传奇地位早期打击波兰其他国家

    Dive bombers were a respected aircraft type before the war, and the German Stuka attained almost legendary status in the early fighting against Poland and other countries.


  • 白额燕鸥是世界最小的燕鸥,它们一种名声不太好的习性:它们会俯冲轰炸入侵者,并向入侵者排放粪便作为防卫

    The smallish birds have an unsavory habit: they dive-bomb intruders and defecate on them as a defense.


  • 大家以为只是盟军飞机返回基地,不料却是二十六德国可怕俯冲轰炸,而且是以福伊尔·班克号为目标。

    These were at first thought to be Allied aircraft returning to base, but they turned out to be 26 of Germany's most feared dive bombers intent on "getting" the Foylebank.


  • 工兵螫了三百下,还有一名工兵本来因伤晕倒恢复知觉时发觉数以百计蜜蜂俯冲轰炸的飞机般向狂袭。

    One engineer was stung 300 times while another, unconscious from a wound, returned to consciousness to find himself dive-bombed by hundreds of bees.


  • 面对如此生死攸关的选择它们滑翔机一样一飞冲天,会像隐形飞机一样快速冲刺,而且它们飞过脏乱的猪圈窝时,会变成架非常牛逼的俯冲轰炸

    Redeemed by such a critical choice, they'll soar like a glider, race like a Stealth, and, when overflying a barnyard or kennel, turn into a wicked-awesome dive bomber.


  • 复制品爱知县山谷俯冲轰炸,这是一用于日本偷袭珍珠港,建造Vultee电信- 15教练机重新引擎版本BT - 13勇敢

    This is a replica Aichi Val dive bomber, a type used during Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, built from a Vultee BT-15 trainer, a re-engined version of the BT-13 Valiant.


  • 看起来飞机好像俯冲下来轰炸小镇所以我们赶紧趴下找掩护

    It seemed that the plane was going to swoop down and strafe the town, so we dived for cover.


  • 看起来飞机好像俯冲下来轰炸小镇所以我们赶紧趴下找掩护

    It seemed that the plane was going to swoop down and strafe the town, so we dived for cover.


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