The methane concentration nearly doubled, for example, between the peak of the penultimate glacial period and the following interglacial period.
He says in that next to last line, "It is the sweetest dream of labor, and it is the earnest love that is doing this mowing."
Westminster University came bottom of the table, with the University of East London second to last.
Considering that only 12 nations participated, including Australia, Finland, and Japan, our next-to-last performance was pretty abysmal.
By the campaign's penultimate week, however, Ms Gillard had started to cut through.
But Djokovic never gave up, even after getting broken at love in the next-to-last game of the first set, then losing serve in the last game of the third.
OK. The next largest element has to end up in the second last spot. Et cetera. All right, so it's called bubble sort because it does this bubbling up until it gets there.
And a strange penultimate chapter on the Irish potato famine in which the potato blight is the villain, responsible for many deaths and massive emigration (shades of McNeill?).
The second to the last line reveals how the web service processes operation invocations.
If it was down to him, rather than his doctors, Massa would make his return in this season's penultimate race – at his home grand prix in Brazil, at Interlagos, not far from where he lives.
Last year's Emmys, hosted on NBC by Conan o 'brien, drew about 16.1 million viewers, the second least-watched Emmy telecast since 1991.
右键单击部署组并从上下文菜单中选择Exportfor BatchDeploy(见图12,这是上下文菜单中的倒数第二项)。
Right-click on the Deployment group and select Export for Batch Deploy from the context menu (as shown in Figure 12, this selection is the second to last one in the context menu).
At the other end of the table, Somalia ranks bottom with a score of 1.1, ahead of Afghanistan and Myanmar.
Measures of Arctic sea ice this year show its area is the second lowest on record, and its volume is the lowest.
This is usually the second worst performing strategy due to its cache lock requirement and the heavy "push" update policy for clustered caches.
The penultimate field contains the timestamp of the last modification.
But in 2008, Arctic sea ice extent was the second-lowest on record, with losses particularly acute in the Beaufort sea.
The firm has the second-lowest environmental impact of all the food and drink producers in our sample, yet doesn't seem to be getting much credit for its actions - even after releasing the numbers.
Asia ranks first both in area and in population among the seven continents. Europe is second to Asia in population, but in area it is the last but one.
倒数第二排的同一年级的杰洛德瑞伊斯正在玩SAS一种在线射击游戏 游戏者要用机关枪瞄准前来袭击的僵尸。
Two seats to the rear, Jerod Reyes, another freshman, was playing SAS, an online shooting game in which players fire a machine gun at attacking zombies.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas reported that the per capita income in the two metropolitan statistical areas spanning the Valley ranked lowest and second lowest in the nation.
Additionally, the state ranks second worst, just behind Florida, for hazardous waste violations since 2000, as reported by the nonprofit group OMB Watch.
Restaurants know this well, and that's why the second-cheapest bottle on a wine list often has the biggest markup.
The real estate industry ranks lowest in the credibility index, followed by the food industry, according to the latest data released by a Beijing-based university.
In the collection's penultimate entry, Helene Hanff urges a tourist friend, "If you happen to pass by 84, Charing Cross Road, kiss it for me. I owe it so much."
In the autumns of 2009 and 2010 the coverage of Arctic sea ice was much lower than the long-term average: the second smallest, last month, of any recorded November.
For these reasons, Provo tied for second-to-last inisland rankings published in the November/December 2007 issue of themagazine.
For these reasons, Provo tied for second-to-last inisland rankings published in the November/December 2007 issue of themagazine.