• 要求她们各类活动获得愉悦感做个排名时,买倒数第二

    When asked to rank the pleasure they get from various activities, grocery shopping ranks next to last.


  • 考虑只有12个国家参加包括澳大利亚、芬兰日本我们倒数第二表现相当糟糕

    Considering that only 12 nations participated, including Australia, Finland, and Japan, our next-to-last performance was pretty abysmal.


  • 通常性能倒数第二策略因为要求缓存缓存集群中使用重量级的“更新策略

    This is usually the second worst performing strategy due to its cache lock requirement and the heavy "push" update policy for clustered caches.


  • 好的一个最大元素又,能跑倒数第二位置,等等如此好的称为冒泡排序因为这个泡泡一直冒到他自己位置。

    OK. The next largest element has to end up in the second last spot. Et cetera. All right, so it's called bubble sort because it does this bubbling up until it gets there.


  • 去年艾美奖NBC电视台播放,Conano'Brien主持,有1610万观众观看,成为了1991年以来收视率倒数第二艾美奖颁奖礼。

    Last year's Emmys, hosted on NBC by Conan o 'brien, drew about 16.1 million viewers, the second least-watched Emmy telecast since 1991.


  • 例如,在倒数第二冰期高峰接下来间冰期之间甲烷浓度几乎增加了一倍

    The methane concentration nearly doubled, for example, between the peak of the penultimate glacial period and the following interglacial period.


  • 倒数第二说:“劳动者最甜美而且这是在割草时最真挚。”

    He says in that next to last line, "It is the sweetest dream of labor, and it is the earnest love that is doing this mowing."


  • 有效数据库文件上运行类似清单4中的倒数第二命令则会提供文件中的记录

    Running it on a valid database file, like the penultimate command in Listing 4, gives a count of the records in the file.


  • 尽管如此,截至竞选活动倒数第二吉拉德已经开始抄近路

    By the campaign's penultimate week, however, Ms Gillard had started to cut through.


  • 发现号升空明年前半年航天飞机机队退役倒数第二发射

    The Discovery lift-off is planned to be the penultimate launch before the shuttle fleet retires early next year.


  • 我们得知,辛德勒写下倒数第二份名单,这是大事记难以置信的一部分。

    We know from the Stern family that this is the penultimate list that Schindler wrote and is an incredible piece of memorabilia.


  • 倒数第二字段包含最后一次修改时间戳

    The penultimate field contains the timestamp of the last modification.


  • 清单4倒数第二部分显示是RPC报头数据

    The penultimate section, Listing 4, shows the RPC header data.


  • 奇怪的倒数第二写道大规模移民应对爱尔兰马铃薯饥荒造成更多人饿死而负责

    And a strange penultimate chapter on the Irish potato famine in which the potato blight is the villain, responsible for many deaths and massive emigration (shades of McNeill?).


  • 在临近我们倒数第二版本时,我们决定团队平均划分为更小

    The decision was made to divide the team into smaller equally sized sub teams near the end of our penultimate release.


  • 联赛倒数第二场比赛弗格森球队只需可以断了第二位的切尔西的念想。

    Alex Ferguson's United team went into the penultimate match of the Premier League campaign needing just a point to end second-placed Chelsea's title reign.


  • 书信集倒数第二封信中,汉急切的告诉她前去旅行的朋友:“倘若碰巧经过查令十字84号,定代献上一吻,因我良多。”

    In the collection's penultimate entry, Helene Hanff urges a tourist friend, "If you happen to pass by 84, Charing Cross Road, kiss it for me. I owe it so much."


  • 如果自己,不是医生来决定,他会自己复出这个赛季倒数第二站的比赛他的家乡,英特拉各斯(Interlagos)举行的巴西大奖赛,就在的地方附近。

    If it was down to him, rather than his doctors, Massa would make his return in this season's penultimate raceat his home grand prix in Brazil, at Interlagos, not far from where he lives.


  • 12月哥本哈根气候变化峰会倒数第二谈话10月9日曼谷结束

    On October 9th the penultimate round of talks before December's climate-change summit in Copenhagen ended in Bangkok.


  • 几个维护检查之后倒数第二步骤调用模块exit函数(模块内部自带)。

    After a few more housekeeping checks, the penultimate step is to call the module's exit function (provided within the module itself).


  • 10月25日U2YouTube直播他们2009年巡演倒数第二场。

    U2 are to stream the penultimate show of their 2009 tour live on YouTube this Sunday (25 October).


  • 到达倒数第二步骤单击purchase时会进入Confirmation页面看上去正如Customize MeNow 1.2中的一样。

    When you get to the penultimate step and click purchase, you should be taken to the Confirmation page, which looks just as it did in Customize Me Now 1.2.


  • 倒数第二代码显示WebServices是如何处理操作调用的。

    The second to the last line reveals how the web service processes operation invocations.


  • 《哈利·波特》系列倒数第二部作品本周六(7月16日)午夜零点发行,届时将迎来孩子们欢呼以及“帐房先生”们的哀号。 这本书描写了小巫哈利在霍格沃茨魔法学校生活

    The penultimate chronicle of the boy wizard's life at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will be released at midnight on Saturday to cheers from children and howls from accountants.


  • 北极海冰的检测表明今年海冰面积下降到记录以来倒数第二体积则已经减少到有记录以来最小

    Measures of Arctic sea ice this year show its area is the second lowest on record, and its volume is the lowest.


  • 航天飞机组员们的倒数第二任务,也是计划中的最后一次太空行走。这次任务意味着空间站未来十年中保持在最佳状态

    This is the next-to-last shuttle mission and the final spacewalks of the program scheduled, meant to leave the space station in the best condition possible for the next decade.


  • 但是即使一局倒数第二被破发、还有第三局的最后一丢掉自己的发球情况下,德约科维奇也没有放弃

    But Djokovic never gave up, even after getting broken at love in the next-to-last game of the first set, then losing serve in the last game of the third.


  • 帕雷特曾生命的倒数第二拳赛吉恩·福尔莫击倒,而几个纽约州拳击当局就又颁发了比赛许可。纽约州拳击当局因此备受批评。

    New York State boxing authorities were criticized for giving Paret clearance to fight just several months after he was knocked out by Gene Fullmer in his second to last bout.


  • 我们模型中,可口可乐环境冲击分数排在所有食品饮料生产商中的倒数第二行动没有赢得多少声誉--即使数字发布

    The firm has the second-lowest environmental impact of all the food and drink producers in our sample, yet doesn't seem to be getting much credit for its actions - even after releasing the numbers.


  • 我们模型中,可口可乐环境冲击分数排在所有食品饮料生产商中的倒数第二行动没有赢得多少声誉--即使数字发布

    The firm has the second-lowest environmental impact of all the food and drink producers in our sample, yet doesn't seem to be getting much credit for its actions - even after releasing the numbers.


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