Preparations involved disinformation and deception which kept Israel's media in the dark.
The systematic and ongoing efforts at spreading disinformation and propaganda seem to know no bounds.
And the same mix of disinformation, ridicule and smut would eventually be employed against the Japanese.
Mr Steele was acutely aware that his sources could be feeding him disinformation.
We've leaked a fake trail to the Ministry: They think you're not leaving until the thirtieth.
This time, after all, there is no question of false intelligence: the world's fears are based on capabilities that Iran itself boasts about openly.
The irony, though, is that this latest "campaign of disinformation", while growing more sophisticated, clings tightly to its facile notions.
克拉珀说,除了黑客入侵之外,俄罗斯采取的行动还包括搞“传统宣传、假情报、假消息”。 。
Thee hacking was only one part of the Russian endeavor, which also included the dissemination of "classical propaganda, disinformation, fake news, " Clapper said.
所以对于一个有效的bug模式检测器,它必须最小化假警报数量,最好使假情报不超过 50%。
So for a bug pattern detector to be effective, it must minimize false alarms, preferably no more than 50 percent.
These actions, along with disinformation from New Republic Intelligence, began to convince the horrified Yuuzhan Vong that Jaina actually was Yun-Harla, or at least the incarnation thereof.
Officials from the Afghan police and intelligence agency denied the militants' claim, saying the document was a fake.
Fake branches have been used to collect the Chinese embassy in Washington, the important information.
"You get that legitimate id, and this one goes away," said John Cutter, retired NYPD deputy chief of the Intelligence Division, as he tossed the fake Social Security card in the air.
"You get that legitimate id, and this one goes away," said John Cutter, retired NYPD deputy chief of the Intelligence Division, as he tossed the fake Social Security card in the air.