• 男士说他父亲叫他这儿关于一个假期工作的事。

    M:Good morning, I’m Jim Green.My father asked me to come over and see you about a vacation job


  • 渔船周一周五作业禁止周末假期工作

    Fishing trawlers operate in the region Mondays through Fridays but are prohibited from working on weekends and holidays.


  • 需要一些。我浏览报纸一份假期工作

    I need some money. I'm going to look through the newspaper for a holiday job.


  • 假期工作的人能力的得分则下降了71%。

    There was a 71 percent fall in stress resilience scores among workers.


  • 得到一份假期工作之后,可以决定你是否长期下去了。

    Once you get your holiday job, decide if it is something you would want to do for a longer period of time.


  • 申请人如获录用,或内地城市出差,又或不定时公众假期工作

    Successful candidates may be required to travel to the Mainland cities from time to time, and work irregular hours and on public holidays.


  • 受聘人每月工作时数多于70小时周六周日公众假期工作

    Appointee will be required to work not more than 70 hours per month and may be required to work on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.


  • 这样的话就可以工作之余去看看家人大家也不用担心在假期工作的问题了

    That way I can see my family while on assignment, and no one has to worry about working around holiday time.


  • 也许因为金融危机感到沮丧,也许你正假期工作得喘不过气来,也许你今天恰恰诸事不顺。

    Maybe you're feeling down because of the financial crisis. Maybe you're feeling overwhelmed by holiday tasks.


  • 终审法院首席法官官邸佣工穿著制服定时逾时工作包括在晚间周末公众假期工作

    A Domestic Servant in the Chief Justice's Residence is required to wear uniform, and to work irregular hours and overtime including evenings, weekends and public holidays.


  • 非常有信心蒂姆以及其他管理团队成员良好完成我们制定的2011年计划(假期工作安排和预期)。

    I have great confidence that Tim and the rest of the executive management team will do a terrific job executing the exciting plans we have in place for 2011.


  • 每晚睡不到6个小时这份工作没有假期,也没有多少我感到快乐满足已经足够值得了。

    I sleep less than six hours a night and the job provides no vacations and little money, but the happiness and satisfaction I feel is rewarding enough.


  • 如果员工觉得自己价值被低估了没有得到一个好的假期作为补偿他们就会感到不满不会工作他们最大的努力。

    If workers felt undervalued and were not compensated with a good vacation, they would feel dissatisfied and not do their best at work.


  • 假期家里工作一定无聊不久自言自语:“祖母放的记号移开什么害处呢?”

    How boring it must be to stay at home to work on a holiday! Soon she said to herself, "What harm can there be in moving the mark Grandmother put?"


  • 为了提高工作效率一些建议员工一个假期

    In order to improve productivity at work, some people suggest workers should be given a month break from their jobs.


  • 工作第一有两带薪假期可以享受医疗牙科保险不过这件需要我们人事部门商量一下

    Two weeks of paid vacation in your first-year employment, you are also been entitled to medical and dental insurance, but this is something you should discuss with our Personnel Department.


  • 工作第一有两带薪假期可以享受医疗牙科保险不过这件需要我们人事部门商量一下

    Two weeks of paid vacation in your first year employment, you are also been entitled to medical and dental insurance, but this is something you should discuss with our Personnel Department.


  • 如今美国平均每天工作8.8小时大多数职场人士晚上周末甚至假期都会额外的时间工作

    Today, the average American spends 8.8 hours at work daily, and the majority of working professionals spend additional hours checking in with work during evenings, weekends and even vacations.


  • 外部恢复发生工作之外行为,如工作空闲时间周末节假日假期

    External recovery refers to actions that take place outside of work—e.g. in the free time between the workdays, and during weekends, holidays or vacations.


  • 假期延长工作变短了

    Vacations have lengthened and the work week has shortened.


  • 简休顶替工作

    I'm covering for Jane while she's on leave.


  • 首先一个四周假期可以他们回到工作岗位的时候激励他们努力工作

    Firstly, a four-week holiday will motivate the workers when they are back at work.


  • 如果员工觉得自己价值被低估没有得到次愉快的假期作为补偿他们就会感到不满而且无法工作做到最好

    If wokers felt undervalued and were not compensated with a good vacation, they would feel dissatisfied and not do their best at work.


  • 就是辛勤工作男女自己奢侈假期昂贵的音响系统定期餐馆用餐的合理性所做的辩解。

    That's what hard-working men and women say to justify their lavish vacations, big stereo systems or regular restaurant meals.


  • 假期员工精神焕发回到工作岗位,准备面对平常单调的工作生活。

    This leave allows employees to return to work refreshed and ready to face what is often a monotonous work life.


  • 外部恢复工作之间周末节假日假期期间发生工作以外行为

    External recovery refers to actions that take place outside of work—e.g. in the free time between the work days, and during weekends, holidays or vacations.


  • 新加坡国立大学统计数字显示超过40%的学生在学期间被迫工作间,这一数字增加90%。

    NUS statistics show that over 40% of students are forced to work during term time and the figure increases to 90% during vacating periods.


  • 新加坡国立大学统计数字显示超过40%的学生在学期间被迫工作间,这一数字增加90%。

    NUS statistics show that over 40% of students are forced to work during term time and the figure increases to 90% during vacating periods.


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