• 我们表示假装热情

    She showed simulated enthusiasm to us.


  • 如果他们假装时候半途而废了会敲他们指关节

    If they broke down in their make-believe he rapped them on the knuckles.


  • 就像苹果假装咄咄逼人必须退出这种战斗发布做打算

    So as aggressive as apple pretends to be, it has to walk away from this battle with its tail between its legs and plan for the next release.


  • 过后容光焕发,快乐充满生气成就感后跟你是否假装动机没有关系了。

    Afterward, when you're glowing, happy, and filled with a sense of vitality and accomplishment, it doesn't matter whether you faked the motivation that got you there or not.


  • 企业主从此有了新的苦恼,因为诸如屏幕冒充出现类似症状电话热线使用短时假装的声音的小把戏,都可以让员工轻易工作中溜号。

    Employers fret that skivers can easily get time off work by faking symptoms to a computer screen, or to a hastily trained voice on the other end of a phone line.


  • 没有自信假装你很自信(也许通过一些好象已经很有自信的动作).一直这样做下去,发现你的这种假装自信很快变成真正的自信。

    If you can pretend that you feel confident when you don't (perhaps by acting like you've already got what you want) and keep on doing so, your fake confidence will soon turn into real confidence.


  • 假装此事没有发生没用的。

    There's no sense in pretending this doesn't happen.


  • 休伊特假装供暖技师得到进入那个大厅的许可。

    Hewitt had gained entrance to the Hall by pretending to be a heating engineer.


  • 一个只输无赢的情形。如果假装讨厌内德,她会觉得痛苦;而如果她承认喜欢,她会感觉难受!

    It was a no-win situation. Either she pretended she hated Ned and felt awful or admitted she loved him and felt even worse!


  • 报纸一个到处假装自己电力局的。

    In the paper, says there's a man going round pretending he is from the electricity board.


  • 有时市场商人一只放在里,假装只猪愚弄顾客所以如果有人包里出来,秘密就会我们所知。

    Sometimes a market trader would put a cat in his bag and pretend it was a pig to fool the customer! So if someone lets the cat out of the bag, the secret would be open to us.


  • 假装各种具备能力

    She pretends to various abilities she doesn't possess.


  • 可以假装喜欢实际上满意东西

    You can pretend that you don't like things which you are actually quite pleased about.


  • 突然间威尔逊然后威尔逊退缩转身离开。然后暴露出可憎喋喋不休假装规矩

    She suddenly comes on to Wilson, whereupon he recoils and backs away. Then he exposed his obscene chatter, pretending to behave properly.


  • 坐在旁边假装一页页作业

    She sits next to me and pretends to write pages of homework.


  • 大多数时候鸟类试图转移对方注意力时候,它们假装自己受伤生病了,或者疲惫

    Most of the time, when birds are engaging in distraction displays, they are going to be pretending either that they have an injury or that they're ill or that they're exhausted.


  • 伪装怎么不能因为它就假装不认识父亲

    My disguise is none so good that thou canst pretend thou knowest not thy father through it.


  • 假装来自英国口音举止暴露了的真面目。

    He was pretending to be from England, but his accent and manners gave him away.


  • 他们假装不理不睬,认为她社会地位不如他们瞧不起他们的轻薄言语。

    They affected to ignore her as of an inferior social status to themselves, and she despised their light talk.


  • 他们季度结束假装停止他们期权交易策略转向财政部门。

    They pretended to exit their options-trading strategy and shift into Treasuries before the end of each quarter.


  • 名男子假装苹果桌面新的iPadpro怀里

    This man pretends his Apple desktop is the new iPad pro and cradles it in his arms.


  • 图书馆假装书。

    He goes to the library and makes a pretence of reading some Thoreau.


  • 听了笑话假装了。

    She smiled falsely at his joke.


  • 不是一个假装同情只说不做的自由主义者。

    I'm not a bleeding heart liberal.


  • 为了吸引游客他们假装传统生活方式穿着传统的衣服传统的房子里

    They pretend to live a traditional lifestyle, wear traditional clothes and live in traditional houses in order to attract tourists.


  • 无论是粗暴体力游戏户外游戏、社交游戏还是假装游戏,孩子们都能边玩边编故事机会中学重要东西

    Whether it's rough physical play, outdoor play or social or pretend play, kids derive important lessons from the chance to make things up as they go, he said.


  • 每当拿走时候,总有一些过路眼睛看出了意图于是我当然就起了腰,摆出一无所谓的样子假装根本没有想过梨的

    Every time I made a move to get it some passing eye detected my purpose, and of course I straightened up then, and looked indifferent and pretended that I hadn't been thinking about the pear at all.


  • 确实,碰到这样场合礼数会告诉模仿行为——同样掏出手机假装查看上面发生所有事情

    Indeed, the etiquette in this situation calls for you to ape his behavior — take out your smartphone and pretend to check all the things going on in your life.


  • 彼得认为是个主意,就马上假装自己的主意。

    Peter, seeing this to be a good idea, at once pretended that it was his own.


  • 可怜的皮诺乔假装平静愉快远非如此

    Poor Pinocchio pretended to be peaceful and contented, but he was far from that.


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