Prepare for the worst by learning how to assemble an emergency kit for your family in the event of power outage or evacuation.
But it can be grim and relentless and one bad thing can happen after another and being always prepared for the worst seems to me the only wise course of action.
With memories of the 2003 SARS outbreak and persistent fears of avian flu, East Asian countries are preparing for the worst should swine flu spread to the region.
They told us to prepare ourselves for the worst and offered us counselling, but we were able to refuse it on the grounds that we had each other.
All things better prepare for the worst, in fact from one another way to help the pessimist nurturance unremitting patterns of behavior, let them life seems weak, but involving fortitude.
剑桥大学的进化生物学家,SimonConway Morris教授将要在英国皇家学会上谈到”地外生命会是怎样的预测,以及做好最坏的打算
Professor Simon Conway Morris, a Cambridge University evolutionary biologist, will be talking at the Royal Society on 'Predicting what extraterrestrial life will be like – and preparing for the worst.
But as has been the case since the beginning of this crisis, we are prepared for the worst, even as we hope that BP's efforts bring better news than we've received before.
Jacob Coxey was ready for the worst. He said: "If my men starve in the streets of Washington, the smell of their bodies will force Congress to act."
White House energy adviser Carol Browner also said the us was "prepared for the worst scenario" that the leak might not be stopped before August.
White House energy adviser Carol Browner also said the us was "prepared for the worst scenario" that the leak might not be stopped before August.