There’s never any guarantee that you’ll get to the top, but you always have the ability to stop, take in a deep breath, smile and enjoy the view-whether it’s miles of wilderness or two feet of fog.
All that stuff (above) is great, but that doesn't allow you to "stop" and put your feet up... (not with your ruling planet Venus retrograde)...
I believe - no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.
Life is way more enjoyable when you stop trying to be cool and simply focus on being yourself.
Even if you do not like book reviews, stick around and read Jason's interview because he has really great tips to share with all of us.
I believe you can do this only when you stop long enough to hear the whisper you might have drowned out, that small voice compelling you toward your calling.
Remember the street again, saw a very much like you guys, I stopped, looked back the number of times the only hope that one of his turn around and let me see her face, for he and you really like.
Miss an entire winter, is still afraid of downtown you will not bear the gentle, stop your footsteps that moment too soon, do not want to look back!
Lady, would you please stop your lovely steps? Do you know what mistake you have made?
You never stop learning. You are curious by nature, keep pushing yourself forward, and thrive on challenge.
Green has been busy the past week, but also a wonderful Sunday, stop your feet, let yourself relax, then relaxed.
Remember this period has three or more months still left to run, so you can't take your foot off the pedal just yet.
If you think that now Sarah has trekked across the entire world and thinks she is done, you'd be wrong.
Rushing from one activity to another leaves you with no time to slow down, observe and let things happen.
When something should not stop the pace of their advance, put aside his own dreams Even if you put down. then things will improve it?
Britain, slow down your pursuit for wealth! Await your people, await your soul, await your morality, and please, await your conscience!
Please stop your pace to carefully listen to a tiny nameless one's repentance, if you are really almighty.
Or are you up and about - but out; too busy responding to new emotional challenges to stop and read about how the cosmic climate is likely to make those challenges easier or harder.
You build a life of details, and you just stop and staysteady, so that your children can move.
Furthermore you will often be approaching women on the move during the day. It is very difficult to stop a moving group and keep their attention.
You build a life of details, and you just stop and stay steady, so that your children can move.
China, please stop your flying pace, wait for your people, wait for your soul, wait for your conscience!
Dream mis at the forefront of hidden in your heart, you only have struggled to sprint towards it, in the way of the sprint, you don't stop your footsteps, that will make you far away from the dream!
We are looking for your life, but is the person who willing to stop for you to accompany.
At the end of the walls of the castle the ghost stopped and began to talk to Hamlet, "I am the ghost of your father."
At the end of the walls of the castle the ghost stopped and began to talk to Hamlet, "I am the ghost of your father."