• 但是这种结合了不对称解剖学偶然性进化机制不能提供一个充分解释来说明为什么右利手应该成为优势

    But this evolutionary mechanism combining dissymmetry, anatomy, and chance does not provide an adequate explanation of why right-handedness should have become predominant.


  • 这种结合不对称解剖学偶然性进化论机制并未提供一种充分解释,以说明蜗牛的右旋何以成为主要的旋向。

    This evolutionary mechanism combining dissymmetry, anatomy, and chance does not provide an adequate explanation of why right-handedness should have become predominant.


  • 社会过程必然性偶然性统一

    The social process is the unity of necessity and contigency.


  • 偶然性学术剽窃有时候可能文化差异导致的。

    Accidental plagiarism can sometimes result from cultural differences.


  • 但是随之逐渐增长地面下压力可以引起偶然性大变动的爆发

    But the gradual build-up of underground pressure can lead to occasional bursts of cataclysmic activity.


  • 文艺继承中偶然性复杂状况表现三个方面文艺繁荣萧条

    The complexity of these accidentalities is presented in three aspects:(1)how literature and art flourish and decline;


  • 赌博财物输赢偶然性胜负财物或财产利益得失行为

    Gamble, be advantages and disadvantages behavior refer to the success or failure using property as notes winning, with contingency than losing compete for property or property benefit.


  • 方鸿一生面对种种偶然性因素束手无策,偶然性左右的世界丧失自身

    Fanghongjian was at a loss what to do tall sorts of factors of contingency, he has lost himself in the world of the contingency.


  • 路径目标模型提出权变变量环境变量下属个人变量可能偶然性的发生变化。

    The path-goal model proposes two classes of contingency variables- those in the environment and those that are part of the personal characteristics of the subordinate.


  • 作品中用墨来制造画面气氛,用偶然性视觉效果来强调精确描绘出的形象。

    As with Feige, there is concern for the way in which atmospheric washes of color and visual accidents undermine the solidity of precisely delineated forms.


  • 假定应用程序里面偶然性错误(例如发布数据库连接失败)要求应用程序服务器每个重启一次

    Assume the application will have an occasional bug in it (e.g. a failure to release database connections) that requires the application server to be restarted once a month.


  • 科学特别是哲学任务,一方面诚然可以正确地说,在于偶然性假象中人认识蕴藏着必然性

    The problem of science, and especially of philosophy, undoubtedly consists in eliciting the necessity concealed under the semblance of contingency.


  • 一个非常重要令人担忧的因素由于现在全球金融网络复杂性使得偶然性灾难性失败变得难以避免

    An overarching worry is that the complexity of today’s global financial network makes occasional catastrophic failure inevitable.


  • 偶然性选址设计建筑施工从Potomac中挖走了多少泥沙建筑本身的思考成为中争议较少一部分。

    The book's less controversial claims concern the building itself: from its accidental location and design, to the amount of sand dredged from the Potomac to build it.


  • 伊壁鸠鲁马克思,从达尔文恩格斯、莫诺,他们承认偶然性本体论地位上,现代科学精神相一致的。

    When recognizing the ontology of contingency, scholars of many fields ranging from Epikouros to Marx, from Darwin to Engels. Mono are consistent with the modern scientific spirit.


  • 注意稠密直方图 7-12附近出现了偶然性不平滑,有一些温度频率非常, 也有一些频率出人意料地

    Notice the odd roughness of the dense histogram in the region around 7-12 degrees, with both very high frequency of some measurements and unexpectedly low frequencies of others.


  • 因此提出“物极必反”必然性偶然性结合来解释“李约瑟难题”,算是一种新的说法,是否合理,有待于继续研究、讨论。

    The new view was put forward, which is that Joseph Needham's difficult problem is explained by the union of certainty and chance.


  • 偶然性进化中确实存在(例如偶然性突变可以产生新的特征),但是进化并不依赖偶然性产生新的器官蛋白质其他实体

    Chance plays a part in evolution (for example, in the randommutations that can give rise to new traits), but evolution does notdepend on chance to create organisms, proteins or other entities.


  • 因此提出以“物极必反”必然性偶然性结合来解释“李·约瑟难题”,算是一种新的说法,是否合理,有待于继续研究、讨论。

    The new view was put forward, which is that Joseph Needham s difficult problem is explained by the union of certainty and chance.


  • 伦敦作为全球金融中心地位某种程度上,一次偶然性历史事件:在20世纪70年代美国法规促使英国产生了境外放款(欧洲市场)。

    London's status as a global financial centre is, in part, an historical accident driven by American regulations in the 1960s that created an offshore lending business (the Euromarket) in Britain.


  • Fukuyama看起来比较正确把握这种偶然性理论但是错误认为这种偶然性可能被一种系统的,甚至数学的,的框架来描述。

    Fukuyama seems quite correct to grasp for this type of contingent theory, but I think he is wrong to believe that it cannot be formulated much more systematically, even mathematically.


  • 仅仅因为偶然性这个解释排除不能证明心灵感应一定存在还有很多其他方法可以得到正面结果

    Just because chance had been ruled out as an explanation did not prove telepathy must exist; there were many other ways of getting positive results.


  • 作为管理者必须保证所有测试计划带有处理这些问题偶然性计划。

    As a manager, you must ensure that all test plans have contingency plans for dealing with problems.


  • 意味着扑克和百家门游戏不同,信息博弈双方对称的,双方秘密可言不依赖偶然性

    This means that unlike poker or backgammon, all information specific to the game is known to both players, and there is neither secrecy nor chance.


  • 意味着扑克和百家门游戏不同,信息博弈双方对称的,双方秘密可言不依赖偶然性

    This means that unlike poker or backgammon, all information specific to the game is known to both players, and there is neither secrecy nor chance.


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