• 总有一死必然不过哪些人,这是偶然的事

    That men would die was a matter of necessity; which men would die, though, was a matter of circumstance.


  • 因为上帝世界里没有一件偶然发生的,也没有巧合这

    For nothing happens by accident in God's world, and there is no such thing as coincidence.


  • 归结理解陌生人交谈好处明白怎样应付偶然出现拒绝或者使人生厌遭遇通过练习克服恐惧

    It comes down to three things: Understanding the benefits of talking to strangers. Knowing how to deal with the occasional rejection or unpleasant encounter. Breaking down your fear through practice.


  • 我们都经历过面对堆人类不可完成任务的情况如果只是偶然发生的倒也没什么大不了,只要记得下次不要再同样就行了。

    If this happens only occasionally it is not a serious problem, and the memory of it will hopefully prevent us from doing it again in the near future.


  • 差不多一年前偶然发现代码一些错误摇头说“怎么会发生这种?!”

    Over the preceding year or so, I had randomly found a few bugs in the code that made me shake my head and go “how did *this* happen?!”.


  • 妈妈命运东西是我们出来的,因为我们无法忍受充满偶然这样一个

    Mom, destiny is something we're invented because we can 't stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental.


  • 迷信根源,在于人们只注意到有些偶然发生,忽略了有些从未发生。

    The root of all superstition is that men observe when a thing hits but not when it misses.


  • 安妮妈妈命运东西是我们出来的,因为我们无法忍受充满偶然这样一个

    Annie Reed: Mom, destiny is something we've invented because we can't stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental.


  • 没有侥幸偶然意外似乎也都有必然的。

    There is no such thing as luck, the most fortuitous accident, it seems that things are inevitable.


  • 嘉莉高兴地放声大笑这位朋友态度丝毫显得尴尬以为这么长时间分别只不过是一偶然发生的而已。

    Carrie laughed merrily. There was no trace of embarrassment in her friend's manner. You would have thought that the long separation had come about accidentally.


  • 知道什么得罪我们偶然城里遇见很冷淡

    I don't know what I've done to offend Doreen but she gave me the cold shoulder when we met accidentally in town.


  • 隐喻性面具一回,因为意义超越艺术史家能力范围,后者只能在年代学偶然以及民族渊源方面做一些修修补补的工作。

    Masking of a non-metaphorical kind is a different matter, its significance transcending an art historian's tinkering with chance effects of chronology and national origin.


  • 女孩子一点知道哥哥们的父母倍加小心,可是有一偶然听到人们议论说:“女孩子,别看得漂亮,她七个哥哥就是因为才倒霉的。”

    For a long time the little girl didn't even know that she had had brothers, for her parents took care not to mention them, but one day by chance she heard some people talking about her.


  • 所知道让人愉快暗中行善而且偶然发现

    The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action by stealth, and to have it found out by accident.


  • 所知道让人愉快暗中行善而且偶然发现

    Thee greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action by stealth, and to have it found out by accident.


  • 许多发现偶然就是观察力敏锐注意到身边发生一些不平常并且着手探索它的原因

    For the "accidental" aspect of many great discoveries is that something unusual has happened when there is an observant person present who notices what has happened , and sets to work to find out why.


  • 马克·吐温:“一生经历过许多恐怖的,但有一些纯粹偶然。”

    Mark Twain said, "I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened" I don't think I can say it any better.


  • 知道何时起我开始变得封闭自己了,就这样开始静静的感受一切平静偶然泛起内心的波动开始感受着这世界,感受着每一件,每一个人。

    I don't know when I start to be close, so I begin to feel all the way, to feel the world, and to feel everything.


  • 对我们而言能够透过偶然发现,将有关收缩舒张休克细胞分子机制等不同脉络知识结合在一起非常令人兴奋的

    It has been very exciting for us to see the different threads of knowledge about the cellular and molecular mechanisms of constriction, dilation and shock come together through a chance observation.


  • 日夜盘据在心头对于母亲不过件过眼云烟的偶然件罢了

    That haunting episode of bygone days was to her mother but a passing accident.


  • 无一源于偶然幸运或者不幸。伤病爱情乃至无知所有存在不过是为了考验心灵极限

    Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck, illness, injury, love or even sheer stupidityall occur to test the limits of your soul.


  • 无一源于偶然幸运或者不幸。伤病爱情乃至无知所有存在不过是为了考验心灵极限

    Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck, illness, injury, love or even sheer stupidityall occur to test the limits of your soul.


- 来自原声例句

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