• 偷偷一眼手表还要多久

    You sneak a look at your watch to see how long you've got to wait.


  • 偷偷一眼手表

    She sneaked a surreptitious glance at her watch.


  • 偷偷天上的雪落照片上面。

    Secretly watched the sky floating above Xuela in your photos.


  • 上课时偷偷漫画书,常常课本空白处草图

    She read manga secretly in class and filled the margins of her textbooks with her own sketches.


  • 说:“杰米里坐在前排不时过头偷偷”。

    'Jeremy was sitting in the front row and he kept turning around to sneak looks at me,' she says.


  • 留下东西美,偷偷家人后便离开

    He finally finds it, leaves some things for Shanmei, and takes a look at his family before leaving the house.


  • 其他人偷偷看因为这种行为违规

    Other eyes regarded him furtively , for this was a violation of the rules.


  • 偷偷看下书后面找出那些问题的答案

    He took a peep at the back of the book to find out the answers to the questions.


  • 偷偷一眼,惊讶发现脸上闪过一丝恐慌

    He stole a quick look at her and was surprised to see a fleeting expression of fear in her face.


  • 偷偷一眼,惊讶发现脸上闪过一丝恐慌

    He stole a quick look at her and was surprised to see a fleeting expression_r of fear in her face.


  • 抓住(偷偷他们配合默契)进了他的

    He took her hand (she kept stealing glances at his hands; they were -beautiful) and led her to his car.


  • 可以偷偷朋友kindle但是一样吗?

    I suppose I could sneak a peek at a friend's Kindle, but is that the same?


  • 我们站在后台片刻偷偷一个简单非常有效地学习方法

    Let's slip backstage for a moment and steal a glimpse at a simple but very effective learning technique.


  • 以为知道箱子有啥东西,我越过肩膀偷偷进去啦。

    Examples: a don't think I don't know what is in the box, I peeked in over your shoulder.


  • 又是怎么铁匠的姑娘起来偷偷看他们马上认出他们来了。

    And how the blacksmith's lass had got up to spy who they were: she knew them both directly.


  • 每个人都偷偷周围大家是否都木圈然后赶紧按要求

    Everybody looked around furtively to check that everyone else was staring into their hoop, then hastily did as they were told.


  • 准备出发之时,偷偷厨房发现四个咖啡静静等待着我们归来

    After I was ready to go, I peeked into the kitchen and there were the four coffee cups on the kitchen table awaiting our return.


  • 如果我们在什么地方偷偷世界杯比赛感谢上帝了,”AsadMuse

    "Thanks to God if we can still get somewhere we can sneak into and watch the World Cup," said Asad Muse.


  • 早上一起出而今饭堂中午一起分享零食甚至一起午休PSP偷偷电影

    Appear together in the dining hall the morning, at noon to share snacks and even lunch together in the room secretly watching movies with the PSP.


  • 弄清试卷这些英语单词意思,没能成功所以我忍不住偷偷电子词典

    I tried to make sense of these English words in the test paper, but in vain, so I took a peep at my e-dictionary.


  • 所以一方面期待对上一方面由于我的腼腆,我又害怕发现我一直在偷偷你。

    So, on the one hand I was expecting to have a eye contacts with you, one the other hand I was afraid of being discovered by you that I was looking at you secretly.


  • 所以一方面期待能和上眼,一方面由于腼腆,我又害怕被你发现我一直偷偷你。

    So on one hand I was expecting our sight contacted. on the other hand for my shy I was afraid that my secretly seen you was detected.


  • 曾经一个朋友闯进斯坦福线性加速器中心在那儿他们偷偷计算机杂志杂志上做广告公司订购计算机手册

    He used to break into the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center with a friend, where they'd secretly read computer magazines and order manuals from companies who advertised in the Mags.


  • 天夜里,有人敲门大卫偷偷了一眼,原来来了一对骑着夫妇,但是旅店,已经没有地方他们夫妻俩住了,怎么办呢?

    Late one night there was a knock at the door. David peeked around his father at the young man and his wife, who was on a donkey. They had no room for these people! What could they do?


  • 那破旧小屋外泰勒夫人正在根绳上衣服她根本没觉察几个孩子隐藏附近一棵树树叶里,偷偷看她的一举一动。

    Outside her shabby cottage, old Mrs. Tailor was hanging out laundry on a wire line, unaware that some children lay hidden in the leaves of a nearby tree watching her every move.


  • 这时酒馆的服务生说话了,“老兄整个晚上倒马提尼都没有问题,告诉,你为什么点下一杯都要自己衬衣口袋里偷偷那么一眼呢。”

    The bartender says, "Look, buddy, I'II bring ya'martinis all night long " but you gotta tell me why you look inside your shirt pocket before you order a refill.


  • 这时酒馆的服务生说话了,“老兄整个晚上倒马提尼都没有问题,告诉,你为什么点下一杯都要自己衬衣口袋里偷偷那么一眼呢。”

    The bartender says, "Look, buddy, I'II bring ya'martinis all night long " but you gotta tell me why you look inside your shirt pocket before you order a refill.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定