• 喜欢那种充满诗意赏心悦目的特性。

    I'm drawn to the poetic, sensuous qualities of her paintings.


  • 黑夜一样充满诗意桑树根下,同样祝福

    Under being full of poetry, mulberry tree root like dark night, same have I pray that.


  • 摄影师镜头中的大天鹅,娴静文雅,充满诗意

    A photographer captures the grace and poetry of the whooper swan.


  • 这部充满诗意黑白短片来自荷兰灵感源自h

    This poetic black and white short film from the Netherlands was inspired by a fragment from an incomplete h.


  • 作者弗·各特·菲茨杰拉德一位充满诗意作家

    Scott Fitzgerald. Just an absolutely poetic writer.


  • 作者弗·各特·菲茨杰拉德一位充满诗意作家

    By F. Scott Fitzgerald. Just an absolutely poetic writer.


  • 腼腆性格充满诗意歌词,则让拥有了“音乐诗人”雅号

    And his shy nature and poetic lyrics have also given him the nickname "poetic Musician".


  • 弗朗索瓦·戈芬利用虚实让我们关注生活简单事物充满诗意细节

    Francois Goffin utilizes both blur and focus to train our attention on the poetic details of the simple things in life.


  • 作者弗·各特·菲茨杰拉德一位充满诗意作家这部短篇小说里很多权欲的描写。

    By F. Scott Fitzgerald. Just an absolutely poetic writer. There's a lot of power and beauty in this short book.


  • 黎树林作品充满诗意绘画所具有梦幻特征提示了画家自我情感关注探索

    Li Shulin's paintings are filled with poetic, the dreamlike character of his paintings shows us that the artists pay attention to his own emotion and keep exploring it.


  • 的海洋,充满诗意幽默,乐观和新鲜并生,三宅一生设计工作室以纯花卉装饰设计了依云的新

    A flower field, full of poetry and humor. evian and Miyake Design Studio signed a pure flower-emblazoned bottle, glowing with both optimism and freshness.


  • 于是转身离去追寻一段美好。就那个充满诗意秋天没有浪漫,没有美丽的传说以及回忆

    As a result, turned around to leave and pursue a better alternative. The poetic in that autumn, there is no romance, no beautiful legends, and memories.


  • 这句诗篇63篇中心信息,虽然我们不一定常用这些充满诗意字句,但我们明白诗人想表达甚么。

    "Earnestly I seek you. " That's the heart of Psalm 63. Though we might not use such poetic language, we can understand what the psalmist is saying here.


  • 马克·吕布六十摄影生涯中,人文主义精神、精准的构图充满诗意节奏感摄影作品主要特征

    During nearly sixty years of his life as a photographer, humanism, powerful composition and poetic sense of rhythm have always been the main characteristics of his works.


  • 这次的联合展览里,阿拉里画廊呈现是一个充满诗意神秘感自然环境BANK的部分则展现建筑室内空间

    In this two-part exhibition, Arario gallery presents the poetic, mysterious nature; while BANK shows the architecture and the interior space.


  • 虽然乔布斯的言语充满诗意扎克伯格则言谈平淡无味,扎克伯格已经开始学着调动人们激情,而不仅仅是利用他们方便的想法。

    He's still prosaic where Jobs is poetic, but he's starting to learn to appeal to people's aspirations, not just their pedestrian desires for convenience.


  • 使用经年累积的影像充满诗意画外音,《围绕房间的旅行一种诗意方式来探询了每个这个世界上找到自己正确位置困难

    With a poetic voice-over and images collected in throughout years, "Journey Around My Room" questions in a poetic way the difficulty of each one to find his own right place within the world.


  • 可能某位你喜欢的踏上旅程,同时,尽量97,8日左右回家吧–这样的话,充满诗意双鱼满月让你可爱的体验

    You may be on a trip with someone you love and at the time be returning home by September 7 or 8 - if so, this would be a lovely way to experience this full moon in poetic Pisces.


  • 正是卡帕的这种手工工艺情结以及充满诗意建筑表达深深感染着我们,希望能新年挂历的创作中,通过平面设计方式,在纸本工艺的技术中传达出斯卡帕诗意的神韵。

    It is his handcraft complex and poetic express in architecture that influence us profoundly, therefore, we try to deliver Scarpa's poetic charisma onto paper craft in the new year Calendar design.


  • 平日随手堆满了书房的纸页图书迷离色里充满温暖诗意

    The papers and books gathered up every day were full of warmth and poetic flavor in the misted morning air.


  • 第一喜欢坐在前面、离她有两个枕头距离因为握手方式充满诗意

    On Day 1 she fell in love with a guy two pillows ahead of her because of the poetic way he draped his fingers.


  • 始终相信那些心中真正充满浪漫诗意立刻体会其中的精妙。

    I just know that those with true romance and poetry in their soul will see the subtlety immediately.


  • 消费者都在期许完美的未来这个梦想的未来世界充满了创意诗意

    Consumers are imagining and dreaming about a perfect future, which could be very innovative and poetic.


  • 就是说,正是儿童生命本身宏大、诗意活力和美投射天地万物,所以儿童世界的一切才那么宏大、诗意充满活力和美

    That is, the depth, romance, energy and beauty of children's life being projected on the world make children's world deeper, more romantic, more energetic and more beautiful.


  • 一仪式传达作家悲悯情怀生命关照神性照亮生活作品构建了奇异唯美充满温情诗意世界

    This ceremony conveys the author's compassion of feelings and caring of beings, and illuminating life with divinity as well as building a poetic world full of fantastic beauty and warmth.


  • 我们爱尔兰诗意以至不能做诗人我们国家充满才华横溢的失败者我们希腊人以来伟大的说空话之人。 。

    Wee Irish are too poetical to be poets; we are a nation of brilliant failures, but we are the greatest talkers since the Greeks.


  • 我们爱尔兰诗意以至不能做诗人我们国家充满才华横溢的失败者我们希腊人以来伟大的说空话之人。 。

    Wee Irish are too poetical to be poets; we are a nation of brilliant failures, but we are the greatest talkers since the Greeks.


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