Objective To evaluate efficacy of surgical time and method of congenital cataract.
The etiology of congenital cataract is heterogenous and its phenotype is various.
Purpose to explore the characteristics of eyes after congenital cataract surgery and to evaluate the methods of different retinal detachment surgery in those eyes.
Objective: To investigate the operative effect of phacoemulsification on infantile congenital cataract.
Congenital cataracts can also be caused by infections affecting the mother during pregnancy, such as rubella.
Conclusion the expressed proteins in the congenital nuclear cataract lens are different between male and female with the mached old.
Objective To study the effectiveness of amblyopic treatment in congenital cataract after the operation, and look for the best method to solve the low vision after the operation.
Methods cataract extraction combined with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in transparent corneal incision was performed in 62 cases (102 eyes) of congenital cataract.
AIM: to evaluate the choosing of intraocular lens power for children with congenital cataract and its postoperative influence on the children's refractive change and axial growth.
In the infection or during pregnancy because of inflammation caused by, we call it "congenital cataracts" - that is already there at birth.
Methods PCCC was performed on 30 eyes of 18 infants with congenital cataract Results The eyes achieved a clear visual axis.
Twenty patients including 13 eyes suffering from senile cataract, 4 eyes from traumatic cataract, 3 eyes from congenital cataract were performed with capsular capture, and were followed-up.
Conclusion Auto-irrigation and aspiration improve the operative effect of congenital cataract because of stable anterior chamber, minimal anterior reaction and removal of cortex completely.
The reason of congenital cataract is multiple, about one third is related to genetic factor and genic mutation, one third is environmental factor, the rest is unknown.
与遗传有关的先天性白内障有多种遗传方式,其致病基因、 基因突变的位点和引起先天性白内障的表现型相继被发现。
There are three kinds of inherited patterns including autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive and X-linked recessive in inherited congenital cataract.
Cataract is one of the most common eye diseases causing blind, lens epithelial cell apoptosis is the cellular bas is of all kinds of cataract except congenital cataract.
Methods phacoemulsification was performed in 68 eyes of 61 patients with congenital cataract, of 55 eyes performed PCCC, and 52 eyes performed PCCC combined with the implantation of intraocular lens.
方法对64例(104只眼)1.5 ~14岁儿童先天性白内障患儿行白内障囊外摘除联合局限性前段玻璃体切除和人工晶体囊袋内植入术。
Methods cataract extracapsular extraction with anterior vitrectomy and IOL implantation was performed on 104 eyes of 64 children with congenital cataract aged 1.5 ~ 14 years old.
Most of the congenital compact cataract and traumatic corneal scar patients had low vision.
方法对老年性、并发性、先天性和外伤性白内障780眼进行了超声乳化并人工晶状体植入术,术后随访3 ~15月。
Methods Phacoemulsification and IOL were performed in 780 eyes with senile, complicated, congenital and traumatic cataract. The patients were followed up for 3 ~ 15 months.
方法对老年性、并发性、先天性和外伤性白内障780眼进行了超声乳化并人工晶状体植入术,术后随访3 ~15月。
Methods Phacoemulsification and IOL were performed in 780 eyes with senile, complicated, congenital and traumatic cataract. The patients were followed up for 3 ~ 15 months.