• 用来阻挡太阳直射光线

    This was intended to exclude the direct rays of the sun.


  • 秒钟我们看到水面奇异光线

    For a few seconds we watched the unearthly lights on the water.


  • 在头顶上光线照射出支撑屋顶木头

    Overhead, the lights showed the old timbers, used to brace the roof.


  • 太阳光线照射地球大量反射太空

    When the sun's rays hit the earth, a lot of the heat is reflected back into space.


  • 城堡遗迹黑暗轮廓暗淡光线显得格外突出

    The dark silhouette of the castle ruins stood out boldly against the fading light.


  • 这种光线清楚,其实外衣棕色

    You can't see in this light, but my new coat is a sort of brownish colour.


  • 我们希望破坏整体空间效果同时使光线柔和些。

    We wanted to soften the light without destroying the overall effect of space.


  • 模糊意识光线奇怪地变得明亮起来轻轻摇曳着

    She became distantly aware that the light had grown strangely brighter and was flickering gently.


  • 不论光线多么柔和仍然会使每个房间地毯窗帘褪色

    No matter how soft the light is, it still fades carpets and curtains in every room.


  • 着耀眼电视光线眨眼时,竭力自己恼怒表现出来

    He tried not to let his irritation show as he blinked in the glare of the television lights.


  • 化妆伪造褐色皮肤让皮肤暴露于强烈太阳光线安全。

    It's safer to fake a tan with make-up rather than subject your complexion to the harsh rays of the sun.


  • 随着我们年龄增长,眼睛晶状体变厚因此光线折射也会发生变化。

    As we age, the lenses of the eyes thicken, and thus refract light differently.


  • 如果邮票时间放在光线下,颜色慢慢消失

    The colour will slowly disappear if the stamps are put in the light for a long time.


  • 那些光线之外宁静世界远远退去不再存在了

    The quiet world outside their rays receded far away and ceased to be.


  • 镜片系统可以光线聚焦相机后部胶片上。

    It has a lens system to focus light onto the film at the back of the camera.


  • 光线不足会让费劲,双眼感到疲劳紧张

    Too little light makes the eyes work harder, so they do get tired and strained.


  • 光线一如既往无与伦比空气还有潮湿的寒意。

    The light, as always, was beyond compare and there was a watery chill in the air.


  • 如果光线保持稳定海豚应该相反顺序按压杠杆

    If the light was kept steady, the dolphins were supposed to press the levers in reverse order.


  • 透明生物的体内没有色素因此细胞组织吸收光线

    A transparent animal doesn't have pigments, so its tissues won't absorb light.


  • 动物可以通过选择一个光线明显环境躲避捕食者。

    An animal can hide from predators by choosing the light environment in which its pattern is least visible.


  • 它们视网膜细胞对中等亮度光线中的红色成分敏感

    Their retinal cells are also not excessively sensitive to red components of moderately bright light.


  • 它们夜间捕食不能利用光线帮忙找到猎物躲避障碍物

    They hunt at night, and cannot use light to help them find prey and avoid obstacles.


  • 社会学家欧文·高夫曼将描述光线变暗一种类型”。

    Sociologist Erving Goffman describes this as "a kind of dimming of lights".


  • 木卫二地下海洋缺乏光线但这没有排除生命形成可能性。

    The lack of light in Europa's subsurface ocean doesn't automatically rule out life forming.


  • Strano团队发现他们可以三个小时内产生微弱光线

    Strano's team found that they could create a faint light for three and a half hours.


  • 这些光圈表明了了晶体结构而且只能通过光线中波的特征来解释

    These rings are indicative of the crystal structure of nickel and can be explained only by invoking wavelike properties of light.


  • 天窗大型金属镀俯瞰花园阳台这个现代空间充满光线

    Mirrored walls, skylights and large plated windows overlooking the garden and terrace fill this modern space with light.


  • 太阳光线使阴暗下午了起来

    A few gleams of sunshine lit up the gloomy afternoon.


  • 线太强了。

    The light was too strong.


  • 线太暗会影响视力。

    If the light is too dark, it will affect people's eyesight.


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