• 海鲜饭原料包括米饭橄榄油兔肉鸡肉青椒洋葱大量大蒜

    Paella's ingredients include rice, olive oil, roasted rabbit, chicken, shrimp, red and green peppers, onions, and plenty of garlic.


  • 主人说,条毛毯搅和兔肉晚宴。

    The mere sight of snakes makes my flesh creep.


  • 食物搭配:宽面,兔肉砂锅鸭肉意面

    Food Suggestion: Baked lasagna, rabbit casserole, duck, tomato based pastas.


  • 早餐想吃,头捕捉或者别的途径

    He that will have a hare to breakfast must hunt overnight, or find out other way.


  • 项目獭兔饲养兔肉加工等技术成熟,市场前景十分广阔。

    The Project has mature technology for rex rabbit feeding and rabbit meat processing, enjoying a promising future.


  • 我们小镇吃了晚餐再次美味兔肉老公点的牛排。

    We took the dinner in this town. I ordered the delicious rabbit meat again, and my honey ordered a beef steak.


  • 兔肉脂肪高蛋白并且胆固醇含量又比鸡肉牛肉猪肉低。

    Rabbit meat is low in fat, high in protein and does not have the cholesterol level of chicken, beef or pork.


  • 兔肉中世纪的时候还是英国国王美洲殖民者经常知更鸟

    Rabbit was once a dish fit for medieval English kings, and American colonists often ate robins.


  • 兔肉主要原料添加天然香辛料开发研究新风味兔肉休闲食品。

    Using the rabbit meat as the main raw material, add natural spices, the new-flavour rabbit meat silk was developed.


  • 由于兔肉蛋白质较多营养价值较高,含脂肪较少,因此胖人比较理想的肉食

    As more rabbit meat containing protein, high nutritional value, containing less fat, fat people is the ideal meat.


  • 我们首都桑塔·克鲁斯晚餐,的是兔肉非常好吃老公点的是烤鱿鱼

    We took dinner in Santa Cruz. I ordered the rabbit meat, very delicious, and my honey ordered grilled squid.


  • 教练充当母亲的角色,为鸡肉兔肉她生病时为她煎药,冰袋给她冷敷

    Kim, the coach, stepped in as a surrogate mother, cooking her chicken, rabbit soup and medicine, and cooling her down with cold compresses, the story goes.


  • 试验表明兔肉生产中,煮时加入占原料肉重1%生姜有效掩蔽兔肉自身的腥味;

    Experiments show that in dried rabbit meat production, 1 % of fresh ginger added in early cooking can cover unusual smell effectively.


  • 网吧出来我们已经饿得不行了,便餐馆吃饭最后找到了这家专门兔肉的。

    Coming out from the internet caffee, we were very hungry already, and then looked for the restaurant. Finally we found this one, specially for cooking rabbits.


  • 西班牙什锦海鲜饭采用“一锅烩”的方式,主要成分有细粒兔肉鸡肉海鲜蜗牛等

    The traditional one-pan recipe pairs short-grained rice with ingredients like rabbit, chicken, seafood and snails.


  • 试验表明影响兔肉挤压火腿品质出品率主要因素盐水注射淀粉添加量温度

    The experiments show that the most important factors influencing the quality and the ratio of rabbit meat cooked ham are the quantities of saltwater . starch additives and the boiling temperature.


  • 此外兔肉美容减肥鱼肉食肉一样优于,堪称肉食中的佳品,值得推荐

    In addition, the beauty rabbit meat to lose weight, the fish brain heart care, and better than that of the same flesh-eating meat, the meat can be called in for the best, worthy of recommendation.


  • 7天内三餐只能高蛋白精瘦肉类比方鸡肉牛肉羊肉兔肉鱼肉各类海鲜

    In this 7 days, three meals a day can eat high protein, for example the lean meat, chicken, beef, lamb, rabbit meat, fish and all kinds of seafood, etc.


  • 著名厨师马克·比特曼就认为家养兔肉鸡肉味道非常相像,二者空白调色板一般,任何口味可以与之搭配。

    Well-known chef Mark Bittman says that domesticated rabbit tastes like chicken because both are blank palettes upon which any desired flavors can be layered.


  • 达到每年向市场提供品牌化、规模化,符合国际标准兔肉200014万,乳兔20万只,兔毛20吨的生产目标

    So that we can provide 2000 tons rabbit meat, 140,000 pieces of rabbit skin, 200,000 young rabbit and 200,000 tons of rabbit hair every year, all with the quality of international standards.


  • 它们长大为成年豹子后,就保护中心其他大型猫科动物一样,每周要食用18公斤40包括混合兔肉

    When they are fully grown the leopards will, like all the other big cats at the centre, eat up to 18kg (40lb) of meat a week, including a mixture of horse, calf and rabbit meat.


  • 应用改进NPT技术提得去势正常公兔兔肉腥味物质经气—质联谱比较分析,初步确定中级醛类兔肉腥味物质的主导成分

    Volatile components from castrated and intact male rabbit meat were trapped using the improved nitrogen purge and trap(NPT)technique and were analysed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry(GC?MS).


  • 放手用的食材:蔬菜水果,初橄榄油,菜籽油(特别是含油的),瘦肉(兔肉鸡肉),脱脂燕麦全麦面包糙米

    Ingredients to embrace: Veg, fruit, extra-virgin olive oil, rapeseed oil, fish (especially oily), lean meat such as rabbit and chicken (no skin), skimmed milk, oats, wholemeal bread, brown rice.


  • 时隔四十我们饭却再也没了当初的精彩:我们点了一篮子新鲜蔬菜接着蜗牛还有是兔做的兔肉没有点飞禽菜。

    Our own meal, some 40 years later, was somewhat less dramatic; we ate a basket of fresh vegetables, then snails and rabbit in blood sauce, but left the birds alone.


  • 项最新调查显示诸如腌猪肉和煨兔肉英国传统美食目前正面临着逐渐退出历史舞台危险,一些英国年轻人甚至听说这些传统食品。

    Traditional British delicacies such as bath chaps, jugged hare and brawn are under threat of extinction as youths in the kingdom haven't even heard of them, a survey showed.


  • 根据联合国粮农组织(UN ' sFoodand Agriculture Organisation)数据,正值中国同时世界上最大兔肉生产国出口国

    China, currently enjoying the year of the rabbit, is both the largest producer and the largest exporter of rabbit meat, according to figures from the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation.


  • 根据联合国粮农组织(UN ' sFoodand Agriculture Organisation)数据,正值中国同时世界上最大兔肉生产国出口国

    China, currently enjoying the year of the rabbit, is both the largest producer and the largest exporter of rabbit meat, according to figures from the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation.


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