• 下个,世卫组织遏制疟疾伙伴关系共同发布有关遏制青蒿素耐药全球计划

    Next month, WHO, together with the Roll Back Malaria Partnership, will be launching a global plan for the containment of artemisinin resistance.


  • 新的伙伴关系标志着全球日益增强妇女儿童健康重点方面的一个里程碑

    The new partnership marks a milestone in an intensive and growing global focus on the health of women and children.


  • 虽然全球结核负担可能下降,但是下降速度并未快足以实现控制结核伙伴关系确定的效果指标−到2015年将1990年患病率死亡率减半

    Although the TB burden may be falling globally, the decline is not fast enough to meet the impact targets set by the Stop TB Partnership - to halve the 1990 prevalence and death rates by 2015.


  • 这种伙伴关系应该在21世纪史无前例全球道德责任指导下

    That partnership should be guided by the moral imperatives of the 21st century's unprecedented global interdependence.


  • 表示相信,在双方共同努力下,中德具有全球责任伙伴关系不断结出新的硕果

    He expressed belief that with the joint efforts by both sides, China-Germany partnership of global responsibility will continuously bear new fruits.


  • 中德具有全球责任伙伴关系得到巩固深化

    The China-Germany partnership with global responsibility has been consolidated and deepened.


  • 巴萨说:“已经成为诊断工具我们寻求建立一个全球伙伴关系打击现代奴隶制时,我们提供讯息指导我们的工作。”

    "It has become a diagnostic tool that informs and guides our efforts as we seek to build a global partnership to combat modern slavery," said DE Baca.


  • 你们世卫组织如何已有大量全球卫生行动伙伴关系的情况下自我定位表示关注

    You expressed concern about how WHO positions itself in a landscape crowded with global health initiatives and partnerships.


  • 双方一致表示共同努力使中德具有全球责任伙伴关系新世纪不断取得新的成果更好地造福国人民

    Both sides indicated that they will make joint efforts to make bilateral partnership of global responsibility score new achievements in the new century and bring more benefits to both peoples.


  • 世行公民社会捐助国合作机构建立了全球合作伙伴关系同心协力治理产生影响

    The Bank has also formed global partnerships - with civil society and donor partners - to make a concerted impact on governance.


  • 对于全球公共卫生伙伴关系力量以及各国关于防治这可怕疾病承诺来说一项具有重大历史意义胜利,”世界卫生组织总干事冯富珍博士

    This is an historic victory for global public health, for the power of partnership and for commitment by countries to fight a terrible disease, "said Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General."


  • 全球卫生管理极为重要。国家接受国际准则,就必须建立真正的伙伴关系公平分担责任,实施旨在增进健康有效规划

    Global health governance is essential because states will not accept international norms without genuine partnerships, equitable burden sharing and efficient programmes that improve health outcomes.


  • 份共同文件发表凸显了当前国际形势下中欧战略伙伴关系所具有的全球战略意义

    The release of three joint documents highlighted the global and strategic implications of China-EU strategic partnership in the context of the current international situation.


  • 上周末克莱斯勒表示正在考虑若干潜在全球合作伙伴关系”,但拒绝提供更多详细信息

    Over the weekend, Chrysler, which is 80 per cent owned by Cerberus Capital Management, the New York hedge fund, said it was “looking at a number of potential global partnerships”.


  • 幸运我们美国乃至全球众多公司都有良好的合作伙伴关系

    We are fortunate to have strong relationships with a wide variety of corporate partners in the US and worldwide.


  • 这一伙伴关系全球药物基金GDF旨在改善一线二线药物获取诊断倡议

    The partnership’s Global Drug Facility (GDF) is an initiative that aims to improve access to first- and second-line drugs and diagnostics.


  • 全球消灭脊灰行动吸取最为重要经验教训之一就是伙伴关系带来力量

    One of the most important lessons offered by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative is the strength that comes from partnerships.


  • 我们世界各地国家结成新的伙伴关系应付任何国家无法独自面对全球挑战

    We've forged new partnerships with nations around the world to meet the global challenges that no nation can face alone.


  • 精益经济时代,2009年联合国经济社会理事会慈善特别活动传达信息聚焦合作伙伴关系在推进全球公共健康日程力量。

    In lean economic times, the message at the 2009 UN economic and Social Council's special event on philanthropy focused on the power of partnerships in advancing the global public health agenda.


  • 这些国家通过控制结核伙伴关系全球药物基金得到检测方法全球药物基金将提供药物诊断用品

    The countries will receive the tests through the Stop TB Partnership's Global Drug Facility, which provides countries with both drugs and diagnostic supplies.


  • 世卫组织控制结核伙伴关系合作正在领导全球运动扩大使用直接督导下短程化疗一国际建议结核战略

    WHO, in collaboration with the Stop TB partnership, is leading the global drive to expand the use of DOTS, the internationally recommended strategy to fight TB.


  • 麻疹行动致力于全球减少麻疹死亡伙伴关系

    The measles Initiative is a partnership committed to reducing measles deaths globally.


  • 控制结核伙伴关系制定了2006—2015年全球控制结核计划确定实现2015年目标实施控制结核战略所列各项干预措施规模

    The Stop TB Partnership's Global Plan to Stop TB, 2006-2015 sets out the scale at which the interventions included in the Stop TB Strategy need to be implemented to achieve the 2015 targets.


  • 本周五达沃斯启动控制结核伙伴关系的2006- 2015年全球控制结核计划

    This coming Friday, in Davos, the Stop TB Partnership's Global Plan to Stop TB for 2006-2015 will be launched.


  • 本周五达沃斯启动控制结核伙伴关系的2006- 2015年全球控制结核计划

    This coming Friday, in Davos, the Stop TB Partnership's Global Plan to Stop TB for 2006-2015 will be launched.


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