• 我们鼓励学生全面参与学院运作

    We encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college.


  • 但是全面成本核算马上采用。

    But full cost accounting will be introduced without delay.


  • 这场交战逐步扩大全面战争

    The fighting escalated into a full-scale war.


  • 这次冲突可能演变全面战争

    The fighting is threatening to turn into full-scale war.


  • 展示一个四分卫全面技能

    He demonstrated the all-round skills of a quarterback.


  • 他们以雄辩论据支持全面禁用手枪

    They argue persuasively in favour of a total ban on handguns.


  • 这份内容全面,且酒的价格适中

    The wine list is well-rounded and modestly priced.


  • 壁球一度被认为可以提供全面健康

    Squash was once thought to offer all-round fitness.


  • 发言人强调说,这些措施并不等于全面禁止

    The spokesman stressed that the measures did not amount to an overall ban.


  • 法官暂时取消此项禁令,等待一次全面调查

    A judge has suspended the ban pending a full inquiry.


  • 核工业需要证明每一个操作安全项目全面调查过

    The nuclear industry was required to prove that every operational and safety aspect had been fully researched.


  • 美国网球公开赛的决赛中,格拉芙保持着全面优势

    In the United States Open final, Graf retained overall supremacy.


  • 场对这位已故妇女全面人身攻击小报媒体上展开

    A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press.


  • 篇报告全面没有提供有关该项目资金来源的信息

    The report is incomprehensive; it does not provide information on how the project will be financed.


  • 困扰工业发展的弊端展开的一次全面讨论正在进行中。

    A full-scale debate is under way on what ails the industry.


  • 对钟摆附录全面理解显而易见的。

    His comprehensive apprehension about the appendix of the pendulum is obvious.


  • 全面调查给出关于如何收集数据陈述

    His comprehensive surveys have provided the statements of how data are collected.


  • 全面支出审查政府机会帮助纠正一问题。

    The comprehensive spending review offers an opportunity for the government to help rectify this.


  • 警方决定这起案件进行一次彻底全面审查

    The police officers decided to conduct a thorough and comprehensive review of the case.


  • 具体来说他们的问题展览中变得更加全面了。

    Specifically, their questions became more comprehensive at the new exhibit.


  • 作品生活中的荒谬苦难进行全面反讽

    His works on the absurdity and sufferings of life create the most comprehensive irony.


  • 真正全面医学实践并不一定包括水蛭蝾螈之眼

    A genuinely comprehensive medical practice does not have to include leeches, the eye of newt, or dragon dung.


  • 第四反对贸易保护主义促进多哈回合谈判早日取得全面平衡成果

    Fourthly, oppose trade protectionism and facilitate early, comprehensive and balanced outcomes of the Doha Round Negotiations.


  • 去年艘船完成了一次全面整修

    The ship finished an extensive refit last year.


  • 展览全面体现了这位画家艺术生涯

    The exhibition presents a summation of the artist's career.


  • 患者进行全面检查

    Extensive tests have been carried out on the patient.


  • 经济陷入全面危机

    The economy is locked in a systemic crisis.


  • 准备全面反驳共和党严重的指控

    He prepared a complete refutation of the Republicans' most serious charges.


  • 妇女偏见全面影响司法体系各个层面

    Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.


  • 妇女偏见全面影响司法体系各个层面

    Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.


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