• 1997年亚洲金融危机催生了东亚全面合作

    All-round East Asian cooperation came into being in the wake of the Asian financial crisis in 1997.


  • 加快图们江区域开发推进东北亚全面合作

    V. Accelerating development of the Tumen River area and promoting overall cooperation in Northeast Asia.


  • 中方鼓励继续机构全面合作增进国际社会对其和平活动信任

    The Chinese side encourages Iran to continue its full cooperation with the Agency so as to increase confidence of the international community in its peaceful nuclear activities.


  • 中国柬埔寨作为全面合作的伙伴体现中方两国关系重视

    He said that China deems Cambodia a comprehensive cooperative partner, which reflects the great importance China attaches to bilateral relations.


  • 拓展建立民航全面合作平台机制加快提升航空基础设施水平。

    We should expand and build platforms and mechanisms for comprehensive civil aviation cooperation, and quicken our pace in improving aviation infrastructure.


  • 这个季节加拿大枫叶漫山红遍,这象征着中加全面合作红火前景

    This is the season for the fiery maple in Canada, symbolizing the prosperity of China-Canada all-round cooperation.


  • 希望伊朗国际原子能机构全面合作澄清有关遗留问题恢复国际社会信任

    It is hoped that Iran and the IAEA cooperate comprehensively to clarify issues left over from history so as to restore trust of the international community.


  • 虽然记忆可能遗漏,我们和其中至少家公司洽谈全面合作关系

    We pitched the full partnership of six that I can recall, though it's possible I'm missing somebody.


  • 我们起手来,加强睦邻友好,深化全面合作共创美好未来迎接亚洲世纪的到来!

    Let us join hands to strengthen our good-neighborly relationship, deepen comprehensive cooperation, create a bright future, and usher in an Asian century.


  • 双方加强对话交流合作不断充实全面合作关系内涵陆克文对此表示赞同

    Both sides should enhance dialogue, exchange and cooperation and constantly enrich the connotation of China-Australia all-round cooperative relations, on which Rudd expressed agreement.


  • 建议加强全面合作使国产化水平实现根本性提升世界先进水平接轨。

    The suggestions are also put forward that strengthening the full cooperation, raising widely the level of domestic technology & equipment and achieving an advanced class in the world.


  • 中阿战略伙伴关系建立,把两国关系提升到了新的高度双方全面合作开辟广阔前景

    The establishment of China-Argentina strategic partnership has lifted bilateral ties to a new level, opening up broad prospects for their all-round cooperation.


  • 我们一致决定建立全面合作伙伴关系标志着中柬友谊友好合作进入一个阶段

    They decided to establish bilateral comprehensive cooperative partnership, which marks that bilateral friendship and friendly cooperation have entered a new stage.


  • ,哈签订了几十重要文件三个联合声明构成两国全面合作坚实基础

    He said that the already signed scores of important documents and three joint statements between the two countries constitute a solid base for the overall cooperation between the two countries.


  • 这里进一步深化中国-中东欧全面合作谈几点看法各位企业家交流探讨。

    Here, I wish to share with you some thoughts on further deepening China-CEEC comprehensive cooperation.


  • 本人以及中国悉尼总领馆愿在座各位一起努力推动全面合作关系不断迈上新的台阶

    I myself and the Chinese Consulate General in Sydney, are always ready to work with all of you to bring the comprehensive cooperation between China and Australia to a new level.


  • 去年4月我对贵国进行国事访问期间双方就共同构筑中阿21世纪全面合作伙伴关系达成共识。

    He noted that the two sides reached consensus on building across-the-board bilateral cooperative ties in the 21st century during his state visit to Argentina last April.


  • 托莱多表示,秘方致力于建设中两国全面合作伙伴关系支持拉美国家中国深化合作

    Toledo said Peru is committed to building the China-Peru comprehensive partnership and also supports Latin American countries to deepen cooperation with China.


  • 提议中斯关系定位真诚互助、世代友好全面合作伙伴关系,并提出充实一关系的四点建议

    He proposed to position China-Sri Lanka relations as comprehensive partnership of sincerity, mutual help and everlasting friendship. He also offered four Suggestions to enrich the partnership.


  • 是以发表《关于非传统安全领域合作联合宣言》为契机,启动了我东盟在非传统安全领域的全面合作

    Third, China takes the opportunity of the Joint Decalaration on Cooperation in Non-traditional Security Field and lauches China-ASEAN cooperation in non-traditional security field.


  • 产品出故障时客户立即通知abc,并允许ABC自由全面接触产品。ABC产品维修期间,客户应ABC全面合作

    Customer shall notify ABC immediately of Product failure, allow ABC full and free access to the Product, and cooperate fully with ABC in ABC's servicing of the Product.


  • 捷蓝航空之所以选择GDS展开全面合作的其中一个原因,是因为航空公司可以由此获得某些市场涉足高收入商务旅游业务的机会

    One reason JetBlue opted to go full-throttle in the GDSs is that it gives the airline the opportunity to tap into the high-yielding corporate-travel business in certain markets.


  • ABB四方的合作关系可追溯2000年,我们三峡高压直流输电项目一起合作灵宝项目一起中标,展开了全面合作的新篇章。

    ABB and Sifang relationship and cooperation dates back to year 2000 and we have successfully worked together in the Three Gorges HVDC projects, Lingbao HVDC project among others.


  • 此外可能远程客户端RationalClearQuest全面合作从而以往轻松地在Rational ClearQuest - enabled uCM环境中操作。

    Furthermore, it is now possible to work with Rational ClearQuest completely within the remote client, making it easier than ever to work in a Rational ClearQuest-enabled UCM environment.


  • 文化教育科技众多领域的合作全面展开地方交往十分活跃

    The two countries have conducted comprehensive cooperation in culture, education, science and technology as well as active exchanges between local governments.


  • 文化教育科技众多领域的合作全面展开地方交往十分活跃

    The two countries have conducted comprehensive cooperation in culture, education, science and technology as well as active exchanges between local governments.


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